Election Day and Results

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Where is the Democrat condemnation of such acts? If President Obama had a son, what would he be doing?

Wait, so whenever some idiots beat someone up, anywhere in a country of 330 million people I need to come out and condemn it, or just party leaders? I don't know where that happened, I don't know all the context, but it looks like some stupid ass shit. The police are saying it stemmed from a traffic incident, but what do they know?

If President Obama had a son, I'm sure he would be in a very good private school in Washington DC. He'd probably be in the middle of basketball season right now. Unless you meant to imply something else...
Youtube only deletes shit to protect copyrights.

I recently had a picture of me in uniform deleted almost immediately after posting for "violating community standards" because I was carrying a rifle. They delete whatever they want.

@TLDR20 "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" - Obama

I recently had a picture of me in uniform deleted almost immediately after posting for "violating community standards" because I was carrying a rifle. They delete whatever they want.

@TLDR20 "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" - Obama

I got the reference. President Obama was saying that if he had a son he would look like any other black teenager. The implication underneath Lindy's post is that because President Obama's son would be black, he would be out being a thug right now... or am I wrong @lindy maybe you can explain what you meant.
Obviously it's all speculation but Bernie didn't have enough mass appeal and his policies were problematic. He spoke to a certain base but not one that is overwhelmingly popular. While similar in presenting themselves as outsiders, etc. Trump and Bernie were quite different in their appeal and I don't know that there is much, if any crossover in that demographic. Trump was/is polarizing. Yet, he still won handily. Bernie was a different candidate than Clinton but not necessarily a better one.

Also consider the number of Republican victories in Congressional races. Again, that evidence doesn't align with Bernie's ideology.

Either way, fortunately for us all, we'll never know what a Sanders presidency would've looked like.

I don't know. I think Bernie represented a kind of populist appeal and if he was the party nominee he could have won. I disagree with just about every single policy of his, but he doesn't seem as corrupt as HRC.
Wait, so whenever some idiots beat someone up, anywhere in a country of 330 million people I need to come out and condemn it, or just party leaders? I don't know where that happened, I don't know all the context, but it looks like some stupid ass shit. The police are saying it stemmed from a traffic incident, but what do they know?

If President Obama had a son, I'm sure he would be in a very good private school in Washington DC. He'd probably be in the middle of basketball season right now. Unless you meant to imply something else...

I'm confident one day you will actually read our posts without trying to add your own spin on them in an odd attempt at a "Gotcha! I knew you were a "deplorable"!" You're not moderating the flow of conversation by reading way to deeply, chasing "facts" and asserting innuendo that is absent when a reasonable person reads the same post! @Rapid 's earlier post was spot on and, I suspect, his comments are widely shared by many members here.

Anyway, I was referring to the overall violence perpetuated by leftist and anti-Trump protesters (re: comments in the video about the victim voting for Trump) who are pissed off that they were led astray by infotainment, pollsters, etc who all said Clinton would win easily. The violence nationwide is being committed by nationalities across the spectrum.

How can that video be considered anything other than political violence?

I am unaware of ANY national level democrat leader to condemn the violent protests. I DO remember multiple lectures from President Obama how racist this country is when a professor was arrested, blacks killed by police, etc well before any evidence was made public...many times showing that escalation of force was justified in the incident thereby negating the comments by the President.

I think this country could use a real fucking leader that would walk out into the Rose Garden and make comments such as this:

The Martin killing was an explosive moment in the US and the leader of the Executive Branch vowed to use his power to look into the incident. The anti-Trump, anti-election, anti-transfer of power violence in the US currently is WORSE. I think Obama SHOULD state EXACTLY what you wrote above: if he had a son, he'd be in school learning civics and how to affect positive change upon this country instead of destroying property. THAT would be HUGE!!!!

The silence on the violence appears to be giving the anarchists a green light given Obama's previous history of quick condemnation of earlier incidents and issues that counter progressive ideals.
I'm confident one day you will actually read our posts without trying to add your own spin on them in an odd attempt at a "Gotcha! I knew you were a "deplorable"!" You're not moderating the flow of conversation by reading way to deeply, chasing "facts" and asserting innuendo that is absent when a reasonable person reads the same post! @Rapid 's earlier post was spot on and, I suspect, his comments are widely shared by many members here.

How can that video be considered anything other than political violence?

I am unaware of ANY national level democrat leader to condemn the violent protests. I DO remember multiple lectures from President Obama how racist this country is when a professor was arrested, blacks killed by police, etc well before any evidence was made public...many times showing that escalation of force was justified in the incident thereby negating the comments by the President.

I think this country could use a real fucking leader that would walk out into the Rose Garden and make comments such as this:

The Martin killing was an explosive moment in the US and the leader of the Executive Branch vowed to use his power to look into the incident. The anti-Trump, anti-election, anti-transfer of power violence in the US currently is WORSE. I think Obama SHOULD state EXACTLY what you wrote above: if he had a son, he'd be in school learning civics and how to affect positive change upon this country instead of destroying property. THAT would be HUGE!!!!

The silence on the violence appears to be giving the anarchists a green light given Obama's previous history of quick condemnation of earlier incidents and issues that counter progressive ideals.

You are right. I am totally biased in my moderation actions. You are persecuted here on SS, your opinions are totally right and not subject to any form of dispute. :rolleyes:

As to Rapid, as was pointed out, his media had already been posted. We discourage that despite the content. I'm glad you feel the need to question my moderation and administrative abilities. I don't remember you running during the last election.

Without people of opposing opinions around a site like this rapidly becomes a cesspool of groupthink. This site is not far from that happening. If you come here solely to have your opinions lauded and agreed with, that day isn't far off.
You are right. I am totally biased in my moderation actions.

If you were back with your green tag, I'm confident the other admins would warn you about your over antagonistic posts directed at others who don't share your utopian progressive dream. It's gotten to the point where you don't even articulate a viewpoint anymore like you used to but merely focus on a poster's minutiae.

EDIT: your #338 post articulates my point better than I ever could have.

God forbid someone express a extreme conservative viewpoint or an evangelical religious belief.

MODs: I'm not trying to get into your world and I've said my piece, all the while realizing this has nothing to do with the thread.
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Wait.... bought and paid for by Republicans?

I think you just said that Bernie "would have won more states but still would have lost because the Super Delegates were bought and paid for..."

Are you saying that the election was rigged for Pres-Elect Trump no matter who the Democratic nominee was?

@Ex3 said Bernie would have won in a landslide.
The statement has nothing to do with Trump. Everything to do with as Bernie won more states, not a single Super-Delegate budged.
There's a tendency for Presidents, once inaugurated, to back off the campaign rhetoric and shift more toward center from their ideological poles, whether right or left. Some shift more than others, obviously...but it does happen. I can see Trump backing off to some degree.

Besides everybody panics when their candidate doesn't win, fearing what he or she might do. Eventually they calm down when they realize that life as usual goes on. A lot of people panicked when Obama got elected, that's why gun and ammo prices skyrocketed. He never did take our guns.
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If you were back with your green tag, I'm confident the other admins would warn you about your over antagonistic posts directed at others who don't share your utopian progressive dream. It's gotten to the point where you don't even articulate a viewpoint anymore like you used to but merely focus on a poster's minutiae.

EDIT: your #338 post articulates my point better than I ever could have.

God forbid someone express a extreme conservative viewpoint or an evangelical religious belief.

MODs: I'm not trying to get into your world and I've said my piece, all the while realizing this has nothing to do with the thread.

You really do not know that would be the case if his tag is red or green. You are making a huge leap in deciding how staff would view someone else.

As for getting into the Mod's world, that is just what you did.

I disagree with your entire post, and you have strayed into the MOD/Admin lane, while denying you have done so.
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I'd bet they could get 60,467,245 signatures, give or take a few, if they really applied themselves.

Thing is, that's not how our system works. Everyone had their chance to "sign a petition", so to speak last Tuesday. They don't need to like but they need to accept it; their candidate lost - badly. The clowns signing this or supporting that mindset need to grow the fuck up. Their actions are child-like and meaninglessness.
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You really do not know that would be the case if if his tag is red or green. You are making a huge leap in deciding how staff would view someone else.

As for getting into the Mod's world, that is just what you did.

I disagree with your entire post, and you have strayed into the MOD/Admin lane, while denying you have done so.

Yes, I do agree with you.
Without people of opposing opinions around a site like this rapidly becomes a cesspool of groupthink. This site is not far from that happening. If you come here solely to have your opinions lauded and agreed with, that day isn't far off.

I actually enjoy most of the back and forth, some of your opinions and views, have caused me to rethink my position and I see that as a good thing. I will say however, there are more than a few times where you have made more of a "you are just an idiot" styled comment vs backing it through factual information or clear examples. To me that is fine, because I am more than guilty of this myself, but other may find that disparaging. I for one hope you continue to be a liberal and state your views on here. It gives me something to read, research, and argue when I am so inclined to do so vs just tossing out likes and agrees to everyone. Besides it's always mind boggling to me when you go way out into left field and I read something scratching my head thinking "this dude is a long tabber, been around the world, and thinks that, WTF"... LOL
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