Election Day and Results

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Trump's victory devastated the markets...wait...news...

DOW at record HIGH???


@compforce , SWHC is killing me!

And gold (NUGT) crushed me yesterday in a bad day trade... in @15.50 and out @13.93 Thank god I got out, it closed at 10.97 today. As for my bet against the S&P, it's not dead yet, but it is getting close to unrecoverable. I need 2120 or less by 18 NOV to make anything on it.
Apparently, YouTube has been deleting this video and issuing strikes against those uploading it. Protecting the narrative once again?

"A bunch of thugs attack a trump voter and steal his car and wallet"

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Apparently, YouTube has been deleting this video and issuing strikes against those uploading it. Protecting the narrative once again?

"A bunch of thugs attack a trump voter and steal his car and wallet"

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
That is seriously fucked up but nothing a little .40 or 9 mike-mike couldn't fix.
Anyone read this yet: How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

I tried to have civil discourse with a liberal today, got deleted.

Big thumbs up to that article. He hits the 10 ring...it would be an X, but he left out some pieces IMO. Easily the best Cracked article I've read and not a single piece of satire in it.

That is seriously fucked up but nothing a little .40 or 9 mike-mike couldn't fix.

Chicago... what's he going to do, throw it at them? :D
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One thing you don't see is the BP up in arms about it.

They have just about the most job security imaginable right now. I'd be happy too.

I could argue about the context, but it's pointless. It just seems a little petty to play the admin card for something so trifling, and likely because of opposing views. The thread won't fall apart if I don't explicitly state, "By the way, this was previously posted x pages ago by y" when making a reference to something or making a point. But in future I'll make sure to reference any media previously posted, APA style.

You can keep you shitty attitude. My admin card was played because that is a site norm. You can keep your attempt at saying it is because of opposing views, especially after the last day or two and people who are no longer members here.
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That normally is accompanied by a quote. Posting the same media over and over takes up space and is genererally not the norm on a board. Whenever something is posted more than once it is pointed out. You have been around long enough to know that.

You could have done it without the "Welcome to the thread" comment, particularly given your mutual polar opposition throughout the entire election.
Apparently, YouTube has been deleting this video and issuing strikes against those uploading it. Protecting the narrative once again?

"A bunch of thugs attack a trump voter and steal his car and wallet"

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Funny how liberals say 'Trump is LITERALLY Fascist." Then you see the same group of people using violence to enforce a political idea. All that's missing are matching shirts.
Are you saying that Sanders' primary loss was free and fair and the DNC had not conspired to ensure Clinton was nominated?

The kicker is, had Sanders won the primary, I think he would have EASILY defeated Trump long before Election Day.
Agreed. The Democratic Party is to blame for Trump. They gerryrigging the primaries to favor Clinton; if they'd let the Bernie train run, the people that wanted 'change' and an 'outsider' would've gone for him and I think he would've won in a landslide.
Agreed. The Democratic Party is to blame for Trump. They gerryrigging the primaries to favor Clinton; if they'd let the Bernie train run, the people that wanted 'change' and an 'outsider' would've gone for him and I think he would've won in a landslide.
I think Bernie would have won more states but still would have lost because the Super Delegates were bought and paid for. I remember previously that Super-Delegates were semi-free agents with still a tie to a state. I guess they're now all free agents and no pseudo tie to a state.

Also...when you try to create a wave of Islamophobia with a false flag report:

Louisiana student ‘fabricated’ story of hijab attack, police say
I think Bernie would have won more states but still would have lost because the Super Delegates were bought and paid for. I remember previously that Super-Delegates were semi-free agents with still a tie to a state. I guess they're now all free agents and no pseudo tie to a state.

Also...when you try to create a wave of Islamophobia with a false flag report:

Louisiana student ‘fabricated’ story of hijab attack, police say
Wait.... bought and paid for by Republicans?

I think you just said that Bernie "would have won more states but still would have lost because the Super Delegates were bought and paid for..."

Are you saying that the election was rigged for Pres-Elect Trump no matter who the Democratic nominee was?

@Ex3 said Bernie would have won in a landslide.
Agreed. The Democratic Party is to blame for Trump. They gerryrigging the primaries to favor Clinton; if they'd let the Bernie train run, the people that wanted 'change' and an 'outsider' would've gone for him and I think he would've won in a landslide.
Obviously it's all speculation but Bernie didn't have enough mass appeal and his policies were problematic. He spoke to a certain base but not one that is overwhelmingly popular. While similar in presenting themselves as outsiders, etc. Trump and Bernie were quite different in their appeal and I don't know that there is much, if any crossover in that demographic. Trump was/is polarizing. Yet, he still won handily. Bernie was a different candidate than Clinton but not necessarily a better one.

Also consider the number of Republican victories in Congressional races. Again, that evidence doesn't align with Bernie's ideology.

Either way, fortunately for us all, we'll never know what a Sanders presidency would've looked like.
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Obviously it's all speculation but Bernie didn't have enough mass appeal and his policies were problematic. He spoke to a certain base but not one that is overwhelmingly popular. While similar in presenting themselves as outsiders, etc. Trump and Bernie were quite different in their appeal and I don't know that there is much, if any crossover in that demographic. Trump was/is polarizing. Yet, he still won handily. Bernie was a different candidate than Clinton but not necessarily a better one.

Also consider the number of Republican victories in Congressional races. Again, that evidence doesn't align with Bernie's ideology.

Either way, fortunately for us all, we'll never know what a Sanders presidency would've looked like.

Point taken in the congressional races, but that's not set in stone. There have been several times where a republican won the White House and the democrats controlled congress - Eisenhower, Nixon, HW Bush.

Not fortunate for "us all". I'm not looking forward to the next four years. I wasn't a Clinton fan, but given the shitty choices, I thought she would've made a better leader. Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.:sneaky:
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