Election Day and Results

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Hillary and POTUS seemed to spare no kindness towards people they disagreed with.

Bro what does Hillary have to do with this, or the President?

Slow...not stop. Never said it would stop.

You are ignorant to infer that my ignorant post implied my ignorance!

It won't slow down shit.

I do like that second part though.
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Mules do move drugs into and out of Mexico. But there is lots of fence there now, solution? Tunnels. Lots and lots and lots of tunnels. They are already there, and unless the wall,which I don't think will be built, plans to go down 50 or so feet, I really don't think shit is going to slow down.

The best way to reduce the influx of illegal weed is to legalize it. That is where the vast majority of drug demand stems from. Legalize and let American farmers grow it.

Decreasing demand for illegal weed cuts out the base from which the narcos feed. Heroin is also a problem but nowadays a lot of that is getting hopped up once in the states.
The hate fear rhetoric is ALL media driven. Until they are held accountable the shit spewing will continue. It's like the movie The Right Stuff. Every time the media was on the sound of cicada locusts was soundtracked. Bunch flies landing on shit and spreading it around.
The best way to reduce the influx of illegal weed is to legalize it. That is where the vast majority of drug demand stems from. Legalize and let American farmers grow it.

I could get behind that IF the states and USG would tax the shit out of its purchase to fund research into its medicinal quality and organic compounds.
I could get behind that IF the states and USG would tax the shit out of its purchase to fund research into its medicinal quality and organic compounds.
Well they are taxing the shit out of it, where legal.
Well they are taxing the shit out of it, where legal.

Just passed here. Typical Cali no plan if it does(did). Rec use immediately but actual licensing of shops will have to wait until 2018. The already established shops will get licensing first. Perceived tax of 15% and taxing buds and leaves individually. How that will work no idea. Regardless along with all the other tax increases there will only be rich and poor around to indulge.
I didn't know we couldn't post things more than once or reference them.

That normally is accompanied by a quote. Posting the same media over and over takes up space and is genererally not the norm on a board. Whenever something is posted more than once it is pointed out. You have been around long enough to know that.
Well they are taxing the shit out of it, where legal.

Which won't do Shit for the illegal market, which is priced lower than legal markets. We're going through the legalization process in Canada right now and it's not going to do anything for the black market. Even the medical side is priced out of reach of the those that actually need it. Government licensing, taxes and security needs make it near impossible for producers to lower prices to compete with the black market.

As for your tunnel argument, that's another area that resources can be redirected. Invest in LiDAR for aerial surveillance, vehicle mounted GPR and allocate more resources to help the Mexicans take on the cartels.

More money needs to be put into preventional education, addictions and mental health resources. Make your health care actually affordable, so people can afford proper care and medication.

I could go on but that would need its own thread.
The cost argument is funny, particularly when looked at in context with the legalization in the states. People are buying plenty of it legally in Washington Oregon and Colorado.
The cost argument is funny, particularly when looked at in context with the legalization in the states. People are buying plenty of it legally in Washington Oregon and Colorado.

Sure but they aren't the demographic that the black market targets. They are yuppies that can afford it.

@TLDR20 A little reading. I'm a MMJ patient, have friends within the legal market and know lots that still use the black market. I'm well versed on the subject.

Is It Cheaper to Buy Weed on the Street or at a Dispensary?

Colorado Lost $25,000,000 to The Black Market
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That normally is accompanied by a quote. Posting the same media over and over takes up space and is genererally not the norm on a board. Whenever something is posted more than once it is pointed out. You have been around long enough to know that.

I could argue about the context, but it's pointless. It just seems a little petty to play the admin card for something so trifling, and likely because of opposing views. The thread won't fall apart if I don't explicitly state, "By the way, this was previously posted x pages ago by y" when making a reference to something or making a point. But in future I'll make sure to reference any media previously posted, APA style.
White House staff look on as Obama greets Trump. Now I'm no expert on body language but...
View attachment 17133

Pretty much the same look Bush got from Clinton staffers. Same, same really. I understand that a lot of office keyboards were missing the letter "W" when Bush/Chaney moved in. Perhaps that is just rumor, but it fit the times.

ETA: How do we know for sure they were not eyeballing Obama?
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