Election Day and Results

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I did not write this...
Well, I am glad you didn't write it.

Trump promised a wall.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

He promised to reject muslim refugees and create a deportation force to get illegal aliens out. He promised to open up libel laws so we can easier prosecute the press- and that was as a candidate. He's the president elect now.

"The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

He has promised to appoint a supreme court justice that shares his own personal views. Not one that's best for America, mind you, one that is in line with his personal ideology.

I am a working class American. I have family without jobs, living hand to mouth in Ohio. My family works hard. And their life is hard.

When Mr. Trump tables real, tangible policy that affects jobs, or vets, or any of the things you're saying he promised (except those that sort of contradict our constitution), I will start getting on board. I'll even reverse my position and say "you're right, things are better". I am ok with that.

Fucked up as a football bat, indeed. The stances he took, the points he held- those are all still in play. It's not as if the election is over and *poof* we must forget that this is the same guy that doesn't know if his mic is on for a TV show in a fucking production bus talking about grabbing chicks by the pussy.

Our shared mistake was the election. I own that. But "move on" isn't "free pass and never speak of it again."
Also, Joe Arpaio was finally unseated as Sheriff of Maricola County. Good riddance!
That sucks...a man that takes dudes to jail in pink hand cuffs and enforces immigration law...
Our shared mistake was the election. I own that. But "move on" isn't "free pass and never speak of it again."

Moving on is a part of it. You either work together for progress or you act like the rest of the petulant liberal white guilt people I'm reading on my timeline. Trump has a mandate, so we'll see how this whole thing shakes out.
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That sucks...a man that takes dudes to jail in pink hand cuffs and enforces immigration law...
He made what the criminal justice system has always attempted to do actually happen; making criminals not want to return to jail... Not up to date on whatever else he has done though.
I will take the skeletons in PE Trump's closet over the skeletons in Hillary's closet.
My Facebook is full of everything wrong in America today. The divisions continue, the alternating butthurt and righteous indignation from one side while another side gloats and calls them names. It is a goddamn shame we're acting like this and we should be embarrassed. Whatever you think of Trump, whatever you think of Clinton, nothing will change as long as we continue to split our world in such a manner. Tonight I'll have a steak and some wine, toasting my nation and those we've lost. I wish my country were better than the social nonsense I'm seeing, but we know that isn't the case. If won't change ourselves we can't expect the system to change. Do what y'all have to do, but I'm going to grab 'em by the America and get on with life.
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I have no fucking clue what you're on about. I am not placing blame on anyone, but certainly not the demographic that I am a part of.

I did lol at the elitism comment though. It's like they give you guys all the same pamphlet.

As for the "Elitism" comment, I stand by it....and it sure as fuck didn't come from any fucking pamphlet.

"When challenged, win or lose, be sure immediately revert to these stock expressions, regardless of the actual substance of the argument. Remember, if people disagree with you, they're liberals! And that's BAD! Be sure to compare them to a college student and ignore the subject, even if it makes you look stupid!"


You're right. I guess being my own man, having my own opinions and formulating them, based on my own experience, makes me a stupid, non college educated male, in your eyes, no problem.
However, watch out. Next time I comment, I may just actually use and reference a fucking "Pamphlet" :rolleyes:
Well, I am glad you didn't write it.

Trump promised a wall.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

He promised to reject muslim refugees and create a deportation force to get illegal aliens out.

Yes, and that door was located on Ellis Island, not the entire southern border. You can have a wall and still have a door.

In everything he's said, it's been about putting American citizens first. Not whites, not whites and blacks, citizens. That's not racist... That's Americanist. BTW, you do realize that we had a National Quota system from 1929 until it was repealed in 1980 that limited immigration by issuing a limit on the number of immigrants from a given country. That period was arguably America's period of greatest accomplishment. You know, back when you had to have a skill that America needed in order to immigrate here.

Early American Immigration Policies

He promised to open up libel laws so we can easier prosecute the press- and that was as a candidate. He's the president elect now.

"The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

I am torn on this issue. Libel means, by definition, telling hurtful, deliberate untruths about someone. I don't think any of us will argue that the media today still maintains the standard of truth and associated due diligence that existed in the past. In the knee-jerk publishing of the online era, most stories are patently wrong at first and then corrected over time. Freedom of the press means no restrictions on the stories they relate, NOT the right to deliberately publish factually incorrect materials. I'd be OK with being able to prosecute the press for the deliberate or negligent publication of falsehoods. Maybe the press would take a step back and start doing the research on what they publish before putting it out there.

He has promised to appoint a supreme court justice that shares his own personal views. Not one that's best for America, mind you, one that is in line with his personal ideology.

And Obama didn't put Sotomayer on the bench because she shared his personal views? Reagan didn't appoint Scalia, Kennedy and O'Connor because they shared his personal views? The argument that he would appoint someone that shares his personal views is specious. Congress would ensure that they are good for America, just like they have always done.
I understood the wall on the southern border to slow down illegal immigration AND the flow of drugs. Cheap Mexican heroin is destroying this country; both wealthy and poor.

I also understood that his plan to freeze immigration from conflict areas (e.g. Muslim ban) would be in place until only until the refugees could be properly vetted. How would anyone be able to confirm the identity of Abu Safiya and his family? Europe has not been able to do it yet.

I'm all for holding press accountable especially when they repeat outlandish crap.

All Presidents stack the court but Congress has a say too.

I fully expect this President will have disappointments, like others before him but I think setting the stage of accountability within the Executive branch will be a win for all of us. I do believe that in a Trump admin many agency heads (with trickle down effects) will act differently than previously where they openly had contempt of Congress and the People (e.g lavish GSA parties, DOS spending spree on silver, etc).
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

"I am for open immigration, but that sign we have on the front of the Statue of Liberty, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..." can't we just say, "Hey, the door's open, we'll take whoever you got"? Do we have to specify the wretched refuse? ..."

Jerry Seinfeld
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That's just a poem written by citizen.

That's not law, policy, or otherwise.
Well, I am glad you didn't write it.

Trump promised a wall.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

He promised to reject muslim refugees and create a deportation force to get illegal aliens out. He promised to open up libel laws so we can easier prosecute the press- and that was as a candidate. He's the president elect now.

"The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

He has promised to appoint a supreme court justice that shares his own personal views. Not one that's best for America, mind you, one that is in line with his personal ideology.

I am a working class American. I have family without jobs, living hand to mouth in Ohio. My family works hard. And their life is hard.

When Mr. Trump tables real, tangible policy that affects jobs, or vets, or any of the things you're saying he promised (except those that sort of contradict our constitution), I will start getting on board. I'll even reverse my position and say "you're right, things are better". I am ok with that.

Fucked up as a football bat, indeed. The stances he took, the points he held- those are all still in play. It's not as if the election is over and *poof* we must forget that this is the same guy that doesn't know if his mic is on for a TV show in a fucking production bus talking about grabbing chicks by the pussy.

Our shared mistake was the election. I own that. But "move on" isn't "free pass and never speak of it again."

"Free pass," totally agreed. He is, and should be, on a short leash.

RE: the wall; how is that possibly a bad thing? Border security should be an important part of a comprehensive homeland security policy. Right now, it's a joke.

RE: deportation/limited access, you can thank Carter for having a hand in that. He proposed banning Iranian immigrants during the crisis. I don't think he should, or could, ban all Muslims from every country (he as much has said so), but enforce an immigration structure with better vetting, and banning from Syria/Iraq until we get a handle on exactly who is coming in is a pretty good idea.

RE: SCOTUS appointments, perhaps what he considers a candidate who would be good for the country does share his personal beliefs vis-a-vis constitutional authority.

I think the life cycle of any politician is largely based on two parts: the campaign rhetoric, and the reality of the job. Unless he plans to execute a shit-load of unconstitutional EOs the way Obama did, he simply cannot wish into existence policies that underscore his campaign rhetoric.

The man has been president-elect for 36 hours; we have to give him a chance.
Dear Mr. Putin,

Yes, we all know you are former KGB and also know you believe that you will be able to play President Elect Trump like a Russian accordion. But please calm down the rhetoric just a titch? Mmmm-Kay?

The Kremlin says victory for Hillary Clinton would have sparked World War Three | Daily Mail Online
It is not a stretch to say that had HRC been elected, the probability of WW3 would have increased substantially. This is the same reason I did not want to see Firorina or Christie get the nomination. The hardline stance against Russia does nothing to help further our interests, or gain support for global influence without over extending ourselves. A nuclear exchange (even on a small scale) is more likely than it has been since the collapse of the USSR.

Currently, Russia is where the US was in the 50's. A little socially backwards, but proudly trying to grow itself economically.
A nuclear exchange (even on a small scale) is more likely than it has been since the collapse of the USSR.

There's a somewhat tongue-in-cheek joke at work about "I hope I'm not on shift when WWIII breaks out." One on hand it is black humor, on the other...we wonder about it sometimes.

I have maintained since my first days in Afghanistan back in 2004 and nothing's changed: if the American people knew what went on in the greater CENTCOM AOR they would riot in the streets.
It would appear the good folks at The New Yorker are not taking this well...

Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy

"At this point what difference does it make??"

Here's the problem: They were so utterly believing that HRC was going to win, and deserved to win. Anything less cannot be possible since any reasonable and sane person would have to vote for her. The election was to be pro forma, a mere formality of ascension. People like this cannot see past the end of their pointy little noses down which they cast glances at everyone other than the reasonable and sane people. People like this cannot fathom that the citizenry does not want another Clinton, and does not want a Republican politician who has "been there, done that." People like this can't get and never will.
In any event where there are two sides competing, there is a winner and a loser. No different for POTUS.

People need to grow up and move on. If there is one trait that I can't stand, it's sore, wimpy, whining, losers.

Grow up and move on!
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