Election Day and Results

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Trump got smoked in the demo's you'd expect- women and minorities- and did really well w young white uneducated males and old people.

If and when he does go over and it's official, I will say it now. Those who lined up against him, that blew him off, didn't take his run seriously and thought he had no chance today, and didn't show up at the polls, have no one to blame but themselves.

Like I said above earlier.

C'mon dude. That comment right there smacks of elitism and ghost guessing. Don't give me that garbage that Rasmussen or anyone else knows for sure who pulled the handle on the ballot machines and for whom. Yesterday already proved that polls are bull shit - exit or otherwise. So, I suppose if you have to blame the "Working Class" well then, I doubt any one of them will have a problem with that.

It also resembles the same rationale below......

What is funny is that Trump lost the popular vote and won the electoral college. But "it is rigged" so in that case using that logic, it must have been rigged for Trump.

You're right. Although, he had a lot of instances where one could perceive that. Between the teflon robe hillary is constantly cloaked in, the last second crap of all those women claiming what they did, and then, all of a sudden, disappeared along with the MSM and their selective coverage. ABC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, NYT, WaPo, etc (And Fox as well) cheerleading the content of their topics instead of just sticking to reporting the news, I get it.


That's all I got for now. This post wore me out. Us old, uneducated white guys, need to go grab a Boost and then, take a nap.
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Yeah these were exit polls, so much different.
Really? Personally I have never given the truth when polled. None of there business. When you take a poll in Harlem and you get 30 white women do you think they are educated? Do you think they told the truth? You find a poll that supports you and I will find one that supports me. Not different. America was/is a train wreck for at least a decade. I hope this is a reset, good or bad to get to that reset.

Trump Pence....say it fast

Thank gawd it was Taco Tuesday or I would have been sad
I am neither uneducated, nor white.
My office mate is also not white, and better educated than I.
This is true for many, many of the women where I work.
We do not like Trump but we hate Hillary for her dishonesty, incompetence, arrogance, and so many other things I simply cannot list all of them. We certainly do not reveal what we think in a public polling situation.
So I wouldn't be so sure that he didn't win certain segments of the population.
This here is your "Educational System" at work. Wanna know what's wrong with America? Well, here it is.

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Many colleges are offering their students the same general advice; unplug from social media, find a healthy escape, and “connect” by spending time with friends or volunteering. This general advice emphasizes the importance of self care for when the students are confronted by situations that can’t be moderated with a safe space.

The University of Washington, Wake Forest University, The University of Illinois, and the University of Rochester are some of many schools that are providing students with “election stress relief guides.”

Other universities are taking the program one step further. Institutions like East Carolina University and Allegheny College are offering “election viewing parties” and “post-election day decompression events” that are being held in safe spaces segregated by political affiliation.

Many colleges are also using the opportunity to remind students that, despite the election being over, the next four years will continue to be “troublesome and discomforting” as the election may have been for them.


Link To All Those Grief Stricken
Believe propaganda? No, not a big fan.

That Vlad is even better than Donnie at the playing people game? Without question, yes. He's smoothing over our alleged POTUS-elect, as we'd say here.

But again, if the obviousness of that is escaping the buffoon-voting majority, I'll go ahead and tentatively blame it on those rose tinted glasses and the damn crazy pills.
I'm going to assume, based on your profile, you have no background in the intelligence field. With that assumption, I will say this-

The obvious has escaped YOU. You've fallen victim to Hillary's pool of agents of influence. Her shills who parrot her claims blindly, with no concern for their veracity.

Quoting Abe Lincoln.
Emails about yoga and grandkids.
Russia did this and that.

You and your likenesses are the victims of the subterfuge. Russia is not working here. The Democrat and Clinton machine are, you were their target. It is text book for anyone who's been trained to do it.

Being from Illinois, I'd think you would know it when you see it.
President Obama once said, "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat."

So my DNC friends, enjoy the back seat. When you all scream for partisanship, remember this quote that 95% of you were eating up.
President Obama once said, "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat."

So my DNC friends, enjoy the back seat. When you all scream for partisanship, remember this quote that 95% of you were eating up.

You have no excuse now. Whatever happens going forward is on your choices. Good,bad, or otherwise. There is no obstacle to the Great America you have been promised.

I hope that everything goes well for all our sake. I will continue to respect the office of the presidency, and our elected officials.

If President-elect Trump turns out to be a con-man, you people who voted for him have only yourselves to blame.
I'm going to assume, based on your profile, you have no background in the intelligence field. With that assumption, I will say this-

The obvious has escaped YOU. You've fallen victim to Hillary's pool of agents of influence. Her shills who parrot her claims blindly, with no concern for their veracity.

Quoting Abe Lincoln.
Emails about yoga and grandkids.
Russia did this and that.

You and your likenesses are the victims of the subterfuge. Russia is not working here. The Democrat and Clinton machine are, you were their target. It is text book for anyone who's been trained to do it.

Being from Illinois, I'd think you would know it when you see it.


Intel folks have a lock on the facets of human nature. I learn something new every day.

The APA and it's members are going to be disconcerted, but nothing stays the same.

Intel folks have a lock on the facets of human nature. I learn something new every day.

The APA and it's members are going to be disconcerted, but nothing stays the same.

99% of psychologists don't know shit about the kinds of operations at play here (not in the full, big picture). The stuff involved has nothing to do with any of the mainstream fields of human nature that are studied at most institutes. I say that having successfully studied psych to postgrad level in a world class university...
And now we have protests in Seattle, Berkeley, Chicago, and NYC not organized by the Democrats but by Socialists groups according to CNN's folks on the ground.
99% of psychologists don't know shit about the kinds of operations at play here (not in the full, big picture). The stuff involved has nothing to do with any of the mainstream fields of human nature that are studied at most institutes. I say that having successfully studied psych to postgrad level in a world class university...

There is no sarcasm intended with my last post.
And now we have protests in Seattle, Berkeley, Chicago, and NYC not organized by the Democrats but by Socialists groups according to CNN's folks on the ground.

Anger over Trump explodes; protesters set fires, smash glass

Just 5 miles from my home....
Protests, tensions on the rise in Minnesota following Trump victory

And I called this back on October 31st -

October 31st
2016 Presidential Race thread

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Medias last dying gasp. Elections over so now comes the spin. Switching to off on the media. They are wrong all of the time.
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