Election Day and Results

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This is going to make Brexit's effects on the market look small potatos, IF he holds his promises:

* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205

* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator

* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately

Who is saying it was?

Have you not looked at posts in this thread?

How about the entire election thread. This election was supposedly rigged out the ass. But I guess only if Clinton won...
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Do you really believe that propaganda???

You're either a willing stooge, or another shill touting Hillary's misinformation.

The source of the Russian involvement information is the Hillary Campaign, not these mythical "17 agencies."

We probably couldn't trace a Russian state sponsored hack on a private email server while it was happening, we have NO CHANCE to track it down after the fact. It's complete and utter nonsense. All we are sure of is that one of the billions of people here on earth did it.

Here's some evidence of Russian involvement in our political system- Obama and Sanders and their socialist beliefs. They are the direct product of Soviet penetration into the universities and "social elites" of our country some 30-40 years ago.

Believe propaganda? No, not a big fan.

That Vlad is even better than Donnie at the playing people game? Without question, yes. He's smoothing over our alleged POTUS-elect, as we'd say here.

But again, if the obviousness of that is escaping the buffoon-voting majority, I'll go ahead and tentatively blame it on those rose tinted glasses and the damn crazy pills.
Who is saying it was?

See below in just this thread:

Yes, by the electoral college.
It's still not over, I'm not celebrating with my victory copenhagen just yet. I have them tied in PA and NH aka Florida 2000 style.

She has MN and ME.

Its still anyone's game in WI and MI too but yes the system is rigged...no matter who wins.

Just because your horse wins doesn't mean there isn't cheating....:thumbsup:
I still think Trump was the only Republican with enough backbone to take her on.
Cruz annoys people and "Little Marco" isn't experienced enough to take her on.

Yes, via the media and the electoral college all or nothing format.
What is funny is that Trump lost the popular vote and won the electoral college. But "it is rigged" so in that case using that logic, it must have been rigged for Trump.
Second is possible considering it's not finalised yet. The others might be a bit more difficult.

I don't think he'll be able to do what he thinks he wants to do so easily, and that goes for everything really.
This is going to make Brexit's effects on the market look small potatos, IF he holds his promises:

* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205

* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator

* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately

All 4 of which I like

First - We're getting killed by NAFTA. The only thing it has done for us is give us a cheap place to move American jobs.

Second - This one is #1 on my personal wish list. TPP will absolutely destroy the American labor force in two areas, Tech and low-paying jobs. It's a globalists dream, no borders and no visa requirement to cross them for work. At that point you no longer have a country in anything other than name. Oh, and it's a "living document". Once ratified, it can be changed without having to go back to Congress for approval of the changes. China's not a signatory, but if they later want to be the President at the time can just pencil them in without Congress. Want to make a national gun registry? Just make it a condition of trade under TPP that firearms in partner countries must be registered and send it straight to a liberal Supreme Court bypassing Congress entirely.

Third - absolutely true and needs to be done

Fourth - what do you have against protecting American workers? Shouldn't we take care of ourselves first and everybody else only after ourselves?
What is funny is that Trump lost the popular vote and won the electoral college. But "it is rigged" so in that case using that logic, it must have been rigged for Trump.

Are you saying that Sanders' primary loss was free and fair and the DNC had not conspired to ensure Clinton was nominated?

The kicker is, had Sanders won the primary, I think he would have EASILY defeated Trump long before Election Day.
Are you saying that Sanders' primary loss was free and fair and the DNC had not conspired to ensure Clinton was nominated?

The kicker is, had Sanders won the primary, I think he would have EASILY defeated Trump long before Election Day.

Well people were saying that this race was rigged via the electoral college, and voter fraud. Those things have nothing to do with the DNC. I am talking about the general election.
All 4 of which I like

First - We're getting killed by NAFTA. The only thing it has done for us is give us a cheap place to move American jobs.

Second - This one is #1 on my personal wish list. TPP will absolutely destroy the American labor force in two areas, Tech and low-paying jobs. It's a globalists dream, no borders and no visa requirement to cross them for work. At that point you no longer have a country in anything other than name. Oh, and it's a "living document". Once ratified, it can be changed without having to go back to Congress for approval of the changes. China's not a signatory, but if they later want to be the President at the time can just pencil them in without Congress. Want to make a national gun registry? Just make it a condition of trade under TPP that firearms in partner countries must be registered and send it straight to a liberal Supreme Court bypassing Congress entirely.

Third - absolutely true and needs to be done

Fourth - what do you have against protecting American workers? Shouldn't we take care of ourselves first and everybody else only after ourselves?

I have no issue with 4, but it reads strangely to me.

His whole first 100 days plan reeks of someone who doesn't understand civics:
Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days
I have no issue with 4, but it reads strangely to me.

His whole first 100 days plan reeks of someone who doesn't understand civics:
Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days

It does read a little strange, but I interpret it to mean "Identify areas where an unfair burden is placed on American workers but not others with the intent to remove the burdens on the American worker"

I don't have a problem with that statement at its face, but will have to wait and see what materializes in the longer run.

This is the part that I think he's talking about:
End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
All 4 of which I like

First - We're getting killed by NAFTA. The only thing it has done for us is give us a cheap place to move American jobs.

Second - This one is #1 on my personal wish list. TPP will absolutely destroy the American labor force in two areas, Tech and low-paying jobs. It's a globalists dream, no borders and no visa requirement to cross them for work. At that point you no longer have a country in anything other than name. Oh, and it's a "living document". Once ratified, it can be changed without having to go back to Congress for approval of the changes. China's not a signatory, but if they later want to be the President at the time can just pencil them in without Congress. Want to make a national gun registry? Just make it a condition of trade under TPP that firearms in partner countries must be registered and send it straight to a liberal Supreme Court bypassing Congress entirely.

Third - absolutely true and needs to be done

Fourth - what do you have against protecting American workers? Shouldn't we take care of ourselves first and everybody else only after ourselves?
I would agree with scrapping the TTP, it's dreadful.
The result does tie in with other movements: Brexit (of course), Pediga in Germany, Marin Le Pen in France & we have our right wingers here too. If you have no employment prospects but are assured that globalisation is good for you, you'd become pretty angry when you live in a different reality.
Like Reagan, who he admires, I trust that The Donald will get sound advice.
Three things I posted on FB yesterday and today. To me I voted for the Supreme Court, nothing more.

May God have mercy on our souls! This election determines our children's future. I have a feeling in our now instant gratification life we will have made the wrong choice based on us and not the future.

The media which got everything wrong on the election, is now going to tell us all the bad things that are going to happen, as a result of the thing they said couldn't happen!

I was just having this conversation this morning. If what the news said was true then Trump would have lost. Blacks, Hispanics, Females, and Homosexuals would not have voted for him. Guess what they did. Everyone is tired of the status quo. All those Tea Party candidates that where elected 2, 4, and 6 years ago on Changing stuff in DC. Here is your chance don't screw it up.
I would check your demographics. The only portion of women he won with was white women without a college degree. That kind of plays into the whole "uneducated" and "white people" thing. He didn't win even close to a majority with any minority, regardless of education.

2016 Election exit polls: How the vote has shifted
You don't need a majority, just some of them. (Read my post on polls and media that I posted prior) As being married to a woman that has a masters and not a degree in basket weaving underwater. I know she did not vote for Hillary. So the polls on demographics are worthless. If the polls where true and portrayed by the media, Trump would have lost by a landslide and Trump supporters would be crying today. I think all the candidates were bats shit crazy. So figure out who I voted for or even voted.
You don't need a majority, just some of them. (Read my post on polls and media that I posted prior) As being married to a woman that has a masters and not a degree in basket weaving underwater. I know she did not vote for Hillary. So the polls on demographics are worthless. If the polls where true and portrayed by the media, Trump would have lost by a landslide and Trump supporters would be crying today. I think all the candidates were bats shit crazy. So figure out who I voted for or even voted.

Yeah these were exit polls, so much different.
People had 3 choices in this election. Vote for Hillary and the continued status quo, regardless of her experience in politics. Vote for Trump and a MOAB into the heart of DC and the political elite, regardless of his experience in politics. Or they could have thrown their vote away/protested the poor choices by not voting or voting for a third party. A move that only you and your closest friends know about, and has next to no chance of becoming a big enough "thing" to change Washington. So, do you vote for a candidate you don't necessarily like because you know it's going to contribute more to making a statement? Or do you stage your personal protest and feel a little better about sticking to your guns, but realize you accomplished nothing? I wish we would have had so many people not vote or vote for someone else that the election was forced to be invalidated and the parties were forced to come up with better candidates. It's highly probable that will never happen. So, what are you left with? Vote for the lesser of two evils. I didn't like either of these candidates. I think Hillary is unbelievably corrupt and I find it hard to believe people think we actually have all the facts about her and what she's been doing for the last 30 years. I think we are barely scratching the surface and I would love to see Trey Gowdy become the AG and get let off the leash. I think Trump is massively underqualified everywhere but economics and I think his bluster and non-PC attitude is not always the appropriate response. Here's what I like more about him though, the man isn't afraid to state his opinion. Even if it seems wildly unpopular, he does not play the constant equivocation and waffling game. I may not always like that, but I respect it. I don't think it's a great quality for a President to possess, but I do believe it is a great tool for a President to have in his toolbox and I believe it is a great tool for the world to know he has in his toolbox. Do you honestly think Hillary believes all, or even the majority, of what she says? She has been a cog in a massive machine that has been built on lies, cover-ups, half truths, obfuscation, and arrogance. That machine is Washington. A candidate like Trump being the President Elect is the biggest possible fuck you that America can give to Hillary and the rest of Washington, just like Michael Moore said. I think we lost either way, but I think we lost less by electing Trump. I, for one, am very anticipatory of the first 100 days Trump spends in office. I am equally as interested to see what happens while President Obama closes out his term. Are charges brought against Hillary so that he can issue a pardon? If so, does Trump challenge that as soon as he takes office? Does President Obama work to have a smooth handover, or does he say "fuck it" and leave Trump twisting in the wind as much as possible? Just solely looking at the fact that the American people sent a Clinton and a Washington elite packing is a step in the right direction. Trump was not the best candidate, but putting Clinton and her ilk on notice that shit needs to change is not a bad first step to turning this country around. I am not apologizing for Trump and I am not saying he will "Make America Great Again". I am saying that electing him is the American people saying that enough is e-fucking-nough, and that first step away from the status quo needed to happen.
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