Election Day and Results

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The ball is in now firmly in Republicans court; they have Congress and the White House. A rare opportunity. Will they get some meaningful work done or will they dick it up like usual?

If past is an indicator of future, I won't hold my breath. They have a way of focusing on and bickering about the most non-important issues; usually bullshit social agenda topics. Would love to see true tax reform, restructuring at federal level, and renewed commitment to defense and foreign policy.
The ball is in now firmly in Republicans court; they have Congress and the White House. A rare opportunity. Will they get some meaningful work done or will they dick it up like usual?

Can it be worse then the Last 8 years? Maybe. Can Trump unify the country? Maybe. A lot of maybes. Hopefully the future is better. I prefer my last days on this blue marble to be the best days ever.
Two things that will always stick out in my mind about this election-

1. Donald Trump won an election after behaving the way he did and was largely supported by disenfranchised rural whites that finally had a candidate "say the things that I have been thinking my whole life but cant say out loud". Not policy, not platform, just the fact that he says "non-PC" shit on the regular and "normal" people can't get away w that because if they said the things he does at work or in public they'd be fired or confronted for being a racist or what have you.

2. The 18-45 demographic voted 10% in favor of "other". That fact alone speaks to the bullshit we just endured.

I was thinking about this earlier today- Donald Trump *sort of* represents what a lot of those disenfranchised whites want to be in a utopian sense. The American Dream isn't to work hard and be rewarded anymore; the American dream is global validation of personal entitlement.

Millions of Americans wish they grew up rich and privileged and went to the best private schools. They wish they could exploit the system and make more money hand over fist without your own skin in the game, because you get a small million dollar loan for nothing other than being the offspring of a wealthy parent. They wish they could fail and claim bankruptcy and negatively impact peoples lives/careers and 100% get away with it and just start over with no repercussions.

They wish they could be famous, have their own show, hang out with celebrities, act like a celebrity, grope who you want (or at least intimate that you do), and then be elected to the most powerful position possible regardless of logic or personal experience or skill. They wish they could say, "I hate illegals I wish I could build a wall" or "All Muslims need to be tracked or monitored or screened because Muslims are bad", but they can't. They wish they could just blame others for their mistakes, never apologize.

Donald Trump can and does do that, Hillary didn't and further cemented her "pro-establishment" perception.

The real kicker- a foreign state influenced our election process and put the easy choice- the amateur that already has ties- in the White House. If anyone here thinks that wasn't a calculated move by Putin and Russia, well, I think you may be a little naïve. The time to figure out the nuances of geopolitics with near-peer nuclear competitors isn't the first time you sit across a table from people that are going to own you simply because they know the game better than you do.

Anyway, @lindy @Etype @compforce and all the Trump voters/apologia- you have made your bed. Hope you are ready to lie in it.

White/rural voters went with the guy who was best for them, and you bitch about that?
95+% of the blacks voted Obama, because they thought he was best for them, did you berate them for that?
Woman and Latino's have voted overwhelmingly Democratic because they thought it was in their best interest? Can you quote the post where you criticised them?
Immigration cost the Republicans the House and Senate during the Bush years, last night it cost the Democrats the White House.
Maybe the results would have been different if the Democrats hadn't rigged their own elections.
Trump is the only Republican who could defeat Hillary, and a Biden/Webb ticket may have been able to beat Trump/Pence.
Being against illegal immigration does not make me a racist.
Asking to vet "refugees" does not make me an Islamophobe.
Asking that migrants go into a quarantine before kicking them into the general population is racist why? Asking that gang recruiters be segregated from the general population and deported quickly makes me a "bad person" why?
Your side's unwillingness to engage in dialogue combined with spineless Republican Leaders and a complicent media resulted in a Trump victory.
I think Trump's speech last night was thoughtful and gives me hope. I do hope he appoints a great cabinet of qualified people ans surrounds himself with great advisor's. The division within our country is massive and cannot continue. The games that we have been playing with Russia need to stop on both ends. We do need to focus on rebuilding our industry and infrastructure vs rebuilding other nation's and allowing our skilled work jobs go to other nations. We have got to get our national debt under control. These are all things that need to happen. I won't say Trump will accomplish all of this, but even if he can do a few of them, it will make us a better country for it.

I've never seen so much crazy in my life, either it be this election, or the countless shit that has taken place over the past 8 years. I could take the time and list it all, but we all lived through it and know how stupid crazy it has been. If we can finally turn that around and redirect people to stop being butt hurt, treat others with some respect and regain some of our dignity. That would make me happy.

I personally don't mind having a debate on social policy, laws, politics and how we may progress into the future. What I do mind is being told that my views are wrong, outdated or being called names because of it (not that it happens much on here). I like to joke, and sometimes get under people's skin, but I've always tried to find middle ground. I don't feel like that has happened much in the past 6-8 years from the liberal people I've met and talked with. I hope that changes and when policies start to swing back the other way, I hope most conservative leaning people keep that in mind and try to look for that middle ground.

That all said, I am shocked that Trump of all people, is the next POTUS, and I will be praying that he is able bring us back together as a country.

I do hope they appoint a special prosecuter and fully investigate what has happened in the DoJ, the FBI, and everything the Clinton's have done. There is a lot of wrong that has happened there and it needs to be righted and as a nation, we must have confidence in our justice system and the methods it uses. I personally don't have that confidence right now.
I think Trump's speech last night was thoughtful and gives me hope. I do hope he appoints a great cabinet of qualified people ans surrounds himself with great advisor's. The division within our country is massive and cannot continue. The games that we have been playing with Russia need to stop on both ends. We do need to focus on rebuilding our industry and infrastructure vs rebuilding other nation's and allowing our skilled work jobs go to other nations. We have got to get our national debt under control. These are all things that need to happen. I won't say Trump will accomplish all of this, but even if he can do a few of them, it will make us a better country for it.

I've never seen so much crazy in my life, either it be this election, or the countless shit that has taken place over the past 8 years. I could take the time and list it all, but we all lived through it and know how stupid crazy it has been. If we can finally turn that around and redirect people to stop being butt hurt, treat others with some respect and regain some of our dignity. That would make me happy.

I personally don't mind having a debate on social policy, laws, politics and how we may progress into the future. What I do mind is being told that my views are wrong, outdated or being called names because of it (not that it happens much on here). I like to joke, and sometimes get under people's skin, but I've always tried to find middle ground. I don't feel like that has happened much in the past 6-8 years from the liberal people I've met and talked with. I hope that changes and when policies start to swing back the other way, I hope most conservative leaning people keep that in mind and try to look for that middle ground.

That all said, I am shocked that Trump of all people, is the next POTUS, and I will be praying that he is able bring us back together as a country.

I do hope they appoint a special prosecuter and fully investigate what has happened in the DoJ, the FBI, and everything the Clinton's have done. There is a lot of wrong that has happened there and it needs to be righted and as a nation, we must have confidence in our justice system and the methods it uses. I personally don't have that confidence right now.

Things Donnie has done or said just during his campaign alone:

Being less than coherent about the details of his policies and stances in debates.

Being divisive.

Being butt hurt and thin skinned.

Ignoring the guidance of qualified people.

Accusing the Department of Justice of collusion.

Playing verbal footsies with Putin.

Its official:

Some early reports are saying that Clinton actually took the national popular vote, albeit by a very slim margin. I don't think that all of the votes have counted yet, but if this is true, I will laugh incredibly hard right before taking another shot.

Imagine: a populist candidate losing the popular vote. (I know, I know. The popular vote doesn't determine elections, but you have to admire the potential irony)

Never forget. It's people like these media turds, and other left wingers, who created a situation which put Trump where he is.

The Liberal talking heads in the media are falling all over themselves trying to figure out how this could possibly have happened and I think they're missing one simple reason: People just don't like Hillary Clinton. Period. And many would've voted for anybody but her.

Secondly, the Left is a victim of it's own propaganda. It believed it's own skewed polls and it's own skewed vision of America. The liberal urban elitists who control most of the large media outlets, including Public TV and NPR, live in a cloistered upscale universe in and around the major cities and have a very narrow view of what real America is like. They just can't relate. Neither can these wealthy, pampered Hollywood stars with their insipid political views.

This was not necessarily a vote for Trump. It was a vote against the Clintons--true--but it was also a vote by people who are tired of having the Left's view of morality, ethics and political correctness shoved down their throats. We elected a Black President. Twice. That tells you that this country is not inherently racist (although Trump voters are being called that today, and worse).

Maybe this election will be a wake-up call to the media and the progressives that in their dishonesty and their presumptions they've alienated many Americans and deluded themselves.
Your whole post reeks of emotions & feels.
Meh. If me saying, "I think Trump is a piece of shit and I think people who supported Trump made the wrong decision" puts me in the feels category, I suppose that's fine. But that's all I am saying. My postulation as to why people voted the way they did could be way off, man. Just my opinion. Who knows. Turns out I am not a political expert. Or an anthropologist or a sociologist. Although I am guessing you aren't, either. Pretty sure no one here is.

IMO Trump is going to make an awful president and I think the American people made a huge, huge mistake. Not because I am a democrat (I am not), but because I am a citizen of America and I don't think he's gonna be a good president. That's about the long and short of it.

@DA SWO , I think you're internalizing an awful lot. I'll stand by my statement- it seems that you voted for Trump. I think you made a huge mistake. That's all. No one is calling you a racist, misogynist, whatever. I am saying you voted for someone with that history and those tendencies. And I am saying I don't think that dude should be president.
If you truly think Russia influenced our election, you are an unwitting rider on the Democrat bandwagon. Russia didn't write those emails, they MAY* have exposed them, but Hillary wrote them. Russia being responsible is just a smoke screen for her actions.

*may- because spoofing and misattribution is a real thing, and Russia is as good at it as anyone else when it comes to the internet.
I do think it's possible Russia influenced this election. I also think it's possible that your bolded is true, for the record. I don't know if we are every going to get solid proof of either. I totally agree with @Diamondback 2/2 's last paragraph.
I think the world of you, but this post is insane.
P.S. Did the Russians also hack amlove1's account?
Colin Kapernick is that you?

Lol, fair enough. And it's actually me. Not drinking, not hacked, not pulling a 2007 Britney. I would never shave my head.

Of all the insane shit on this board (specifically the presidential race thread), I find it odd that my post was a sort of line in the sand. We had people talking civil war, moving to other countries, screening people and putting them in a database and denying entry to the country based on a religious affiliation. We talked about making a paramilitary force in order to forcibly remove illegal aliens. People speculated wildly about cloak and dagger politics and pay to play and a host of other issues.

But when I say, "If you voted for Trump I think you were wrong" and "Here is a wacky personal opinion about why parts of a demographic voted for him and how he ended up winning", you guys lose your mind? I am all about calling bullshit, but does no one see the irony of overly emotional "butt hurt" responses to my post which was labeled as emotional?


From my command tent at a secret location in the Ponce De Leon Mountains: at 1400 hrs I will lead my brigade to the nearest Qwickie Stop for celebratory Busch Beer and Slim Jims. We are disappointed that we didn't get to kill anything, but the mosquitoes drove us crazy, there were scary frogs and I have a heat rash between the ass cheeks. This will be my last transmission.

@amlove21 Your previous post reminds me of every liberal person I'm friends with on Facebook. Instead of wanting to work with their fellow Americans they resort to calling Trump voters naive. Trump didn't win this election because of the poor working whites that have been dismissed by both parties for the last 30 years. I'm pretty sure that won him the nomination.

What won Trump this election was all the minorities and women who were like: Hillary, hell No!

And Trump showed yesterday that he is gangster as hell. Media was against him, even Fox didn't care for him. And then the majority of the Party leaders didn't care for him after the awesome private conversations were released. I'm all about progress, and Trump gives us a business leader we haven't had in forever as a President. I was super pissed that the market opened flat.
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