Election Day and Results

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@Il Duce rember that polling failure we were talking about?

I do, and I think this is a pretty clear case of President-elect Trump and his backers getting it right - with people like me getting it wrong. They were absolutely right about not trusting polls, about a significant chunk of the electorate not voicing their support out loud, and about the huge strength DT showed in rural areas. Very disappointing for me and those with my political views but I hope we don't behave in the minority the way conservatives did under President Obama. I guess time will tell.
I watched a movie and went to bed at 9, fully expecting a Clinton win. I got up this morning, turned on the TV and was stunned.

If this doesn't prove the polling is ridiculously biased, nothing does.

I gave it an hour after the polls closed on the East Coast, before surfing into Fox. By 2300, it looked like a steady climb for Trump. I went to bed about half an hour later feeling pretty good about a Trump win.

As for the polls, both pre and exit, are media events. The media has not been honest square with this nation for years. Perhaps this is a wake up call for them too; but I doubt it.
Two things that will always stick out in my mind about this election-

1. Donald Trump won an election after behaving the way he did and was largely supported by disenfranchised rural whites that finally had a candidate "say the things that I have been thinking my whole life but cant say out loud". Not policy, not platform, just the fact that he says "non-PC" shit on the regular and "normal" people can't get away w that because if they said the things he does at work or in public they'd be fired or confronted for being a racist or what have you.

2. The 18-45 demographic voted 10% in favor of "other". That fact alone speaks to the bullshit we just endured.

I was thinking about this earlier today- Donald Trump *sort of* represents what a lot of those disenfranchised whites want to be in a utopian sense. The American Dream isn't to work hard and be rewarded anymore; the American dream is global validation of personal entitlement.

Millions of Americans wish they grew up rich and privileged and went to the best private schools. They wish they could exploit the system and make more money hand over fist without your own skin in the game, because you get a small million dollar loan for nothing other than being the offspring of a wealthy parent. They wish they could fail and claim bankruptcy and negatively impact peoples lives/careers and 100% get away with it and just start over with no repercussions.

They wish they could be famous, have their own show, hang out with celebrities, act like a celebrity, grope who you want (or at least intimate that you do), and then be elected to the most powerful position possible regardless of logic or personal experience or skill. They wish they could say, "I hate illegals I wish I could build a wall" or "All Muslims need to be tracked or monitored or screened because Muslims are bad", but they can't. They wish they could just blame others for their mistakes, never apologize.

Donald Trump can and does do that, Hillary didn't and further cemented her "pro-establishment" perception.

The real kicker- a foreign state influenced our election process and put the easy choice- the amateur that already has ties- in the White House. If anyone here thinks that wasn't a calculated move by Putin and Russia, well, I think you may be a little naïve. The time to figure out the nuances of geopolitics with near-peer nuclear competitors isn't the first time you sit across a table from people that are going to own you simply because they know the game better than you do.

Anyway, @lindy @Etype @compforce and all the Trump voters/apologia- you have made your bed. Hope you are ready to lie in it.
Time to get busy in Washington. This team is capable of a huge win. Pick your leaders wisely, listen before action, get all the facts and review ancillary fallout. plan the dive dive the plan. The media fear spin is falling on deaf ears. Thier opinions don't matter anymore or never did. Let's get busy America.
I don't know how I didn't see this earlier . Michael Moore called it. Sometimes it is hard to have empathy for what you don't understand. I understand partially why many voted for Trump.

I saw this the day he said this. He nailed it.

To me it wasn't about Trump but rather my utter disdain for HRC generally and the entire establishment specifically, D AND R. Although I am cautiously pleased, I think everyone who voted for him (well, me and those I know anyway) see him on a VERY short leash. We can make an entirely different decision in 4 years, and I am not above voting for a democrat if it's the right one (a la Webb).
Two things that will always stick out in my mind about this election-

1. Donald Trump won an election after behaving the way he did and was largely supported by disenfranchised rural whites that finally had a candidate "say the things that I have been thinking my whole life but cant say out loud". Not policy, not platform, just the fact that he says "non-PC" shit on the regular and "normal" people can't get away w that because if they said the things he does at work or in public they'd be fired or confronted for being a racist or what have you.

2. The 18-45 demographic voted 10% in favor of "other". That fact alone speaks to the bullshit we just endured.

I was thinking about this earlier today- Donald Trump *sort of* represents what a lot of those disenfranchised whites want to be in a utopian sense. The American Dream isn't to work hard and be rewarded anymore; the American dream is global validation of personal entitlement.

Millions of Americans wish they grew up rich and privileged and went to the best private schools. They wish they could exploit the system and make more money hand over fist without your own skin in the game, because you get a small million dollar loan for nothing other than being the offspring of a wealthy parent. They wish they could fail and claim bankruptcy and negatively impact peoples lives/careers and 100% get away with it and just start over with no repercussions.

They wish they could be famous, have their own show, hang out with celebrities, act like a celebrity, grope who you want (or at least intimate that you do), and then be elected to the most powerful position possible regardless of logic or personal experience or skill. They wish they could say, "I hate illegals I wish I could build a wall" or "All Muslims need to be tracked or monitored or screened because Muslims are bad", but they can't. They wish they could just blame others for their mistakes, never apologize.

Donald Trump can and does do that, Hillary didn't and further cemented her "pro-establishment" perception.

The real kicker- a foreign state influenced our election process and put the easy choice- the amateur that already has ties- in the White House. If anyone here thinks that wasn't a calculated move by Putin and Russia, well, I think you may be a little naïve. The time to figure out the nuances of geopolitics with near-peer nuclear competitors isn't the first time you sit across a table from people that are going to own you simply because they know the game better than you do.

Anyway, @lindy @Etype @compforce and all the Trump voters/apologia- you have made your bed. Hope you are ready to lie in it.

Your whole post reeks of emotions & feels.

Lets say everything about every candidate is true. Lets say Trump is racist, a misogynist, a communist sympathizer, a lunatic and a con artist. Lets say Hilary is a liar, a profiteer, a corrupt world leader and a poor military/tactical strategist. Lets agree to all of these things on a hypothetical basis. What issues are we left with?

For starters both way heavily for or against:
-Increased Government Regulation
-Budgets, like - in general.
-Foreign Policy / Geopolitical / Socioeconomic Reform.

Lets now consider that the next head of the this country decides directly on the Supreme Court Justice. Lets remind everyone also that never before has a house, senate, and congress been so unified to one party. I care about a political party about as much as I care about the Kardashian women who will not sit on my face; a unified government guarantees that something will be done about key issues and actually make it through. One reasonable expectation - pretty predictable even... the government healthcare.

You among many others need to yank the cord on the tampon because hurt feelings doesn't run a country. I like your point about Putin and think its a healthy and abstract way of thinking, totally plausible. But this race card, woman oppressing card, I don't give two fucks. He could be the most racist, unhealthy and unkind piece of shit - if he can run the country then fuckit, Walt Disney for president.

People need to dump their emotions and recognize what is really up.

R/ (as always)

Anyway, @lindy @Etype @compforce and all the Trump voters/apologia- you have made your bed. Hope you are ready to lie in it.
'Trump voter, yes; Trump apologist, no.

If you truly think Russia influenced our election, you are an unwitting rider on the Democrat bandwagon. Russia didn't write those emails, they MAY* have exposed them, but Hillary wrote them. Russia being responsible is just a smoke screen for her actions.

*may- because spoofing and misattribution is a real thing, and Russia is as good at it as anyone else when it comes to the internet.
Two things that will always stick out in my mind about this election-

1. Donald Trump won an election after behaving the way he did and was largely supported by disenfranchised rural whites that finally had a candidate "say the things that I have been thinking my whole life but cant say out loud". Not policy, not platform, just the fact that he says "non-PC" shit on the regular and "normal" people can't get away w that because if they said the things he does at work or in public they'd be fired or confronted for being a racist or what have you.

2. The 18-45 demographic voted 10% in favor of "other". That fact alone speaks to the bullshit we just endured.

I was thinking about this earlier today- Donald Trump *sort of* represents what a lot of those disenfranchised whites want to be in a utopian sense. The American Dream isn't to work hard and be rewarded anymore; the American dream is global validation of personal entitlement.

Millions of Americans wish they grew up rich and privileged and went to the best private schools. They wish they could exploit the system and make more money hand over fist without your own skin in the game, because you get a small million dollar loan for nothing other than being the offspring of a wealthy parent. They wish they could fail and claim bankruptcy and negatively impact peoples lives/careers and 100% get away with it and just start over with no repercussions.

They wish they could be famous, have their own show, hang out with celebrities, act like a celebrity, grope who you want (or at least intimate that you do), and then be elected to the most powerful position possible regardless of logic or personal experience or skill. They wish they could say, "I hate illegals I wish I could build a wall" or "All Muslims need to be tracked or monitored or screened because Muslims are bad", but they can't. They wish they could just blame others for their mistakes, never apologize.

Donald Trump can and does do that, Hillary didn't and further cemented her "pro-establishment" perception.

The real kicker- a foreign state influenced our election process and put the easy choice- the amateur that already has ties- in the White House. If anyone here thinks that wasn't a calculated move by Putin and Russia, well, I think you may be a little naïve. The time to figure out the nuances of geopolitics with near-peer nuclear competitors isn't the first time you sit across a table from people that are going to own you simply because they know the game better than you do.

Anyway, @lindy @Etype @compforce and all the Trump voters/apologia- you have made your bed. Hope you are ready to lie in it.

Truthy post of the week.

Its very easy to look at things with rose colored glasses just post election, regardless of whichever of the two dumpster fires made it into the White House this time around. The catch is, either one of them still had to actually be POTUS, a position Donnie will likely wreak havok with in more glorious fashion.

Also, the above comments about the Putin/ Russia subject are dead on, IMHO. If we're giving the go ahead to use the morons vs. mob boss comparison, what are we imagining the bosses do with the morons? O_o
If you truly think Russia influenced our election, you are an unwitting rider on the Democrat bandwagon. Russia didn't write those emails, they MAY* have exposed them, but Hillary wrote them.

Classified ones on an illegal, unsecured, private server no less. For all you Trump haters, nothing you can say will ever change that. She finally got her answer to "What difference does it make?" Enjoy it. The departed @Benghazi resting up above, can finally look down and smile.
Classified ones on an illegal, unsecured, private server no less. For all you Trump haters, nothing you can say will ever change that. She finally got her answer to "What difference does it make?" Enjoy it. The departed @Benghazi resting up above, can finally look down and smile.

It's a bit of poetic justice that the death of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith was avenged by Hillary's criminally shoddy information management practices.
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