Election Day and Results

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Fox News has called it and Trump is coming on to give his speech right now. Holy shit.
If she was going to concede within the hour she should have made a speech. Pretty fucking weak.
Kind of a "different" speech. I don't know that I'd call it inspiring...maybe subdued?

Flipping between networks. The Dolts on MSNBC are their typical classless selves. That network should go away.
So, "main stream media" has blown another election. How does this play out for them? Tough to recover.
I'll be damned, the moron won it.

Life will go on but what a terrible choice. Reaction in the coming days will be interesting, to say the least.
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No shit, eh.

You seem surprised.

To be honest I think you should practice what you preach. She sure seemed to do what I feared Trump would do, she tried to take her ball and go home. That is a loser move in my opinion.

So, "main stream media" has blown another election. How does this play out for them? Tough to recover.

I mean, they can only publish poll results. When people are dishonest, or they aren't being polled there is only so much they can do.
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I mean, they can only publish poll results. When people are dishonest, or they aren't being polled there is only so much they can do.
Agree to a point but then they should probably do away with the speculation altogether (we both know that won't happen). But, in my view, it's even bigger than that. It's also how they chose to cover/demonize him over the past year and a half. Unless the media can figure out how to detach themselves from "the story" and refocus objectively, they'll very quickly find themselves irrelevant. They took another step in that direction today. A disconnect clearly exists between them and the populace. Revelations, such as the one with CNN, don't help their case. They're losing or have lost the trust of the public.

Everyone knows Hillary is never available between 2 and 3am. Just ask Chris Stevens.
That there is fucking solid. :thumbsup:
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Agree to a point but then they should probably do away with the speculation altogether (we both know that won't happen). But, in my view, it's even bigger than that. It's also how they chose to cover/demonize him over the past year and a half. Unless the media can figure out how to detach themselves from "the story" and refocus objectively, they'll very quickly find themselves irrelevant. They took another step in that direction today. A disconnect clearly exists between them and the populace.

I was watching on CBS online the coverage.... it was hilarious as they were still trying to shill the party line, and actually weren't reporting what Google was, that Trump was in the lead all over the place. Their responses, facial expressions, everything was "oh shit we dun fucked up" in such a huge way it was glorious to watch. Then when Google was coming back with him even more in the lead, then that he won, their tune started to change towards how awesome he was as an individual, bla de blah... hilarity. I haven't seen anyone backpedal that hard since I was a kid in a paddleboat race and it was the final stretch with the dock looming in view.

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