Election Day and Results

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No shit, eh.

You seem surprised.

This isn't her first rodeo and she should have been prepared for this and had the maturity to either stick it out with her supporters until called or put on her big girl panties and graciously concede.

I'm glad to see she finally made up her mind and went with one of those.
I wonder how many of them Canada will actually take.

Apparently the Canuck immigration website crashed due to high traffic last night. Not sure if someone is drawing connections that don't exist but it made me LOL.
I can't believe Trump pulled it off.
I seriously didn't think he could do it.
The people are pissed with the status quo and this election reflects that with the outcome.
I'm very happy Hillary lost.
Not particularly happy that Trump won though.
I mean, they can only publish poll results. When people are dishonest, or they aren't being polled there is only so much they can do.

First and foremost, to my liberal and/or anti-Trump folks on the board, thank you for some great debate and genuine enlightenment. I learned to be more of a free thinker and not always walk the party line.

For that reason alone, this was one of the greatest elections ever for me.

Regarding the polls, it is two things for me.

- who were they polling? Or weren't they polling? I've said from the beginning that folks who haven't voted in years would be coming out of the mountains and back country to vote Trump.

- the campaign, media, and entertainment industry spoke in a way that you were made to feel embarrassed if you voted for Trump.
You have to wonder how many votes were lost by the "grab 'em" video, a private email server, the DNC's open corruption, the media's biased coverage, and a general "fuck it" attitude towards this election.
Humble in victory. Gracious in defeat.

Clinton should have attended the post election gathering of the supporters who worked so hard for her. I can't recall a POTUS election where the loser did not personally thank their staff, and gathered supporters. It should not have been left to Podesta, who just said," go home".
I watched a movie and went to bed at 9, fully expecting a Clinton win. I got up this morning, turned on the TV and was stunned.

If this doesn't prove the polling is ridiculously biased, nothing does.
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