Election Day and Results

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It's interesting how far apart Fox and CNN projections are.

On what? President or Senate/House? I haven't deviated from my site. I don't want to know the future, if I did I would watch Jim Cantore on the Wx Channel, those guys have it down to a science on predicting everything from storms to global warming...

They've only been wrong every day since I've been on this blue planet for 38 cycles of the yellow sun...:dead:

I am on a page with no predictions...there are 3 colors:
Blue - the enemy
Red - Freedom loving mfers
Cyan maybe a lighter blueish teal I'm bad with colors - Undecided

Tonite is the death of the media. They talk about shit that doesn't matter anymore. BOLO for the stories about bee deaths and Kardashian sex changes. A lot of faggottry and douchbaggery dialogue on CNN now:zzz:
Yeah, ok. :rolleyes:

O_o Anyone I know considering or voting for Johnson would have voted for a Republican candidate had Trump not taken the nomination - none of them would have even considered supporting Hillary.

I didn't know a soul voting for Johnson so that was apparently misguided speculation. It will be very interesting to see his effect analyzed weeks from now though.
Not that's it's an electoral college longdick, but NH is currently reporting <100 vote difference.

283,009 for Hillary, 282,913 for Trump. For those of you who can do math (or operate a calculator), 96 vote difference. Wow.
RealClearPolitics has Trump at 274. The ones trailing behind... AZ and WI both are showing a strong Trump lead that is unlikely to be broken with further reporting.

On the plus side, for all the crap that went down, I think it opened the door for the influence of, if not full contention by, third parties. I think Johnson's a clown, but his run may have given the Lib party what it needs to become relevant. I'm not going to hold my breath, but it would be nice to see the two party chokehold broken.
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Like it or not, this is history in the making.

How many people gave his shot any chances, when all this began in the first place?

To win? Even more, and from within his own party as well.

If and when he does go over and it's official, I will say it now. Those who lined up against him, that blew him off, didn't take his run seriously and thought he had no chance today, and didn't show up at the polls, have no one to blame but themselves.
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On the plus side, for all the crap that went down, I think it opened the door for the influence of, if not full contention by, third parties. I think Johnson's a clown, but his run may have given the Lib party what it needs to become relevant. I'm not going to hold my breath, but it would be nice to see the two party chokehold broken.
Agree, with the caveat that too many parties makes alliances essentially the same problem as a two party system.
Agree, with the caveat that too many parties makes alliances essentially the same problem as a two party system.

Agreed; the win would be them having to consider factors outside their own hubris in making decisions (as they figure out how to work with a new challenger). Over time it would stagnate back to what we currently see, but twisting their arms temporarily would be a good thing.
Podesta is playing cheerleader right now.

Telling the crowd to go home, we'll see you in the morning.....

Clinton has gone to bed.
Local news is reporting that Clinton will not speak tonight. She needs to take the high road and deliver a concession speech.
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