Election Day and Results

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Trump will have a lot of promises to fulfill. If appoints the right people in the right places(Gowdy) this country can get back to being THE USA
3 months of non stop HRC ads....and I do mean "Non Stop." Even with all that money, all the main stream media lined up behind her, all those celebrities backing her, all those celebrity appearances and Soros' money and still, the evil and corruption caught up with her. The American people did what the FBI and the DOJ couldn't.....finally, hold her accountable.
In Johnson's absence, Hillary would have won. I haven't calculated that, but I believe nearly all Johnson voters would have voted for Hillary over Trump which would have given her a fairly high EV win.

And I am really excited to see Trump's cabinet.
In Johnson's absence, Hillary would have won. I haven't calculated that, but I believe nearly all Johnson voters would have voted for Hillary over Trump which would have given her a fairly high EV win.

And I am really excited to see Trump's cabinet.

O_o Anyone I know considering or voting for Johnson would have voted for a Republican candidate had Trump not taken the nomination - none of them would have even considered supporting Hillary.
I still think Trump was the only Republican with enough backbone to take her on.
Cruz annoys people and "Little Marco" isn't experienced enough to take her on.

So is the election still rigged?
Yes, via the media and the electoral college all or nothing format.
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Holy Fuck balls, PA is close

96% reporting, 48.2% for both, and Trump has a sqeakers lead in votes by roughly 2500 votes....

Sad that it is this close, but damn is it great to see all the naysayers and experts choke on their own cocks....
Yes, via the media and the electoral college all or nothing format.

Your horse is winning man. The media is saying it, he is winning the electoral college. How the fuck is it rigged?
Your horse is winning man. The media is saying it, he is winning the electoral college. How the fuck is it rigged?
Because they did everything in their power to dissuade and diminish him. Worse yet, the experts have been wrong concerning his campaign every step of the way.
It's still not over, I'm not celebrating with my victory copenhagen just yet. I have them tied in PA and NH aka Florida 2000 style.

She has MN and ME.

Its still anyone's game in WI and MI too but yes the system is rigged...no matter who wins.

Just because your horse wins doesn't mean there isn't cheating....:thumbsup:
Holy Fuck balls, PA is close

96% reporting, 48.2% for both, and Trump has a sqeakers lead in votes by roughly 2500 votes....

Sad that it is this close, but damn is it great to see all the naysayers and experts choke on their own cocks....

PA website is showing 2,599,535 to 2,548,697 (diff of 50838 for Trump). It's been close, but as numbers have come in, he's pulled ahead by 5 digits.

ETA: source, Pennsylvania Elections - Summary Results
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