Election Day and Results

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It's looking like Ohio will fall to Clinton. Virginia is probably a win for Trump. I'm also calling Florida for Trump. NC for Clinton. Trump needs Pennsylvania, Wisconsin , and Michigan for any chance. I don't believe it will happen.

This is the part that pisses me off... How is this not trying to influence the election through false reporting? How do they call the state for Hillary when she has half the votes so far and only 0.5% reporting? She may eventually win it, but they have NO right to say it's over in the state. Some people may not have voted yet, see this and say "oh, we already lost" and not vote.

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Exit polls and early voting. Plus he's been polling pretty badly there anyways.
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Exit polls and early voting. Plus he's been polling pretty badly there anyways.

Doesn't matter, the vote hasn't been counted.. They can make a note of it, but actually calling the state for HRC is ridiculous until they count the votes. The same would hold true if the candidates were reversed.

It's looking like Ohio will fall to Clinton. Virginia is probably a win for Trump. I'm also calling Florida for Trump. NC for Clinton. Trump needs Pennsylvania, Wisconsin , and Michigan for any chance. I don't believe it will happen.

Too bad there's almost no chance Trump takes New York. That would set the whole thing upside down going into Cali
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If FL, NC, VA, and OH go Trump, I think we're facing our own BREXIT vote.

Doesn't matter, the vote hasn't been counted.. They can make a note of it, but actually calling the state for HRC is ridiculous until they count the votes. The same would hold true if the candidates were reversed.

They called ND and WY at 9:02. I thought they were Canadian provinces now?
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Trump is now up if you're a betting man. Also, I have Trump winning in fantastical fashion based on live data...would never have thought.
This little map might help, it did me:


It shows the earliest you can see state numbers actually reflect....ie Cali won't go to HRC until 23:00:01!!!O_o
Ummm...TV folks are panicking. Trump doing much better than expected.
CNN and the rest of the democrack media will lose what little credibility they have left with this clusterfuck election prediction. Donald is Trumping Hillariously

Googles map is slightly behind
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