
A person is good, people are bad. Same with organizations. It's that whole 'one bad apples spoils the bunch' thing.

Agree, just from my experience working in a bureau field office has shown the usual every day investigations....no political targeting...etc. We have seen some of the fucks ups the organization has done, as a whole, but not at our level or field office.

Like anything else, things vary from place to place, organization to organization, agency to agency, occupation to occupation.

I just can't paint everything with one brush, especially in law enforcement or the military.
I don't mind painting with a broad brush - every time I use a small brush people complain that I've missed spots - or worse - everyone starts to complain that painting standards have been lowered to accommodate the DEI crowd.

All I have are broad brushes.
The inside of your head must look like

.View attachment 45030
Think of all this in terms of 5th generation warfare. You have limited numbers and resources, while your opponent is a geographical and industrial behemoth. How do you compete? How do you win against something like that? You can't win via conventional means. So you turn towards subversion or you co-opt that strength.

Look at the DEI crap, open corruption, and the subversion in our intelligence & enforcement apparatuses.
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My Mama told me the policeman is your friend and overall I still hold to that maxim. The few times I’ve had entanglements with the law I was doing something I shouldn’t’ve been doing.

I know over-the-top law enforcement when I see it. Luckily I’ve only encountered one cop—a Tampa detective who acted like he wanted to shoot me because he thought I ran a red light—who embodied that description.

I’d like to believe that the vast majority are decent folk doing a tough job.
A person is good, people are bad. Same with organizations. It's that whole 'one bad apples spoils the bunch' thing.
Agree, just from my experience working in a bureau field office has shown the usual every day investigations....no political targeting...etc. We have seen some of the fucks ups the organization has done, as a whole, but not at our level or field office.

Like anything else, things vary from place to place, organization to organization, agency to agency, occupation to occupation.

I just can't paint everything with one brush, especially in law enforcement or the military.
Guys, there is something seriously fucked up about our intelligence and federal law enforcement branches. It's not everyone, but holy fuck are our institutions rotted. We're at the point where it's not just individuals, there are organizations operating carte blanche within these structures.

There is a reason people don't and shouldn't trust "teh Feds". They may as well be Haji or Vlad, with an American accent.

For god's sake, even the tree huggers at the State Dept are bringing in goat molesters. Meanwhile you got the CIA knee deep in child trafficking and the FBI covering for pedos. Brah, no.
I have a former co-worker who retired from the FBI. He was generally a pariah for a couple reasons. One, he had a kid with serious congenital issues, so he arranged all of his time to be in NC so they were close to healthcare. Second, he never wanted to go higher than special agent, no aspirations for advancement. He was not seen favorably in the job where it was very much 'go along to get along'.
Heh, Russell Dennison later traveled to Syria, joined ISIS and fought...and is believed to be killed in 2019. Same Intercept reporter did a story on him in 2021. Dennison was not an informant for the govt, but just a true believer.

American ISIS
That's wild. So the FBI went after a retarded guy, but missed the redheaded Jihadi? :ROFLMAO:
In a 6-3 ruling, SCOTUS rules against the DOJ....it was the right ruling, the 18 U.S. Code 1512(c)(2) charge was created after the Enron case and was never meant to be used in this type of charge.

Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge
Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge

I think an equally important part of this story is who voted for what. Brown Jackson (her name, y'all shut the fuck up) joined the majority and Coney Barrett* dissented. And this isn't the first time justices "broke" with politics, so I'm over the argument that they aren't thinking for themselves or about this thing called the law.

* - Ladies...this hyphen last name shit has to go. Make up your minds, stop trying to have it both ways.
Looks like the people are catching on.

Add on:

Anyone remember Robert Mueller and the Russia Hoax bullshit? Guess who also had his hands in the Neo Nazi cookie jar! If anyone wonders why people make fun of "zhe Feds" and call them "glowies", it's cause of faggotry like this.





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* - Ladies...this hyphen last name shit has to go. Make up your minds, stop trying to have it both ways.

* - Ladies: I'm a strong woman and I reject the patriarchy - I'm going to keep my own last name when I get married !!!

* - Me: don't you mean you're going to keep your DADs last name - or maybe your Grandfathers last name?

* - Ladies:
So the DC intel community, same people behind the fake Steele dossier, seems to be afraid. So much so, that they're "secretly" briefing reporters and insinuating that anyone opposing the current govt are likely to appease our enemies.


This is why people don't trust the Fed's. Intelligence agencies and the mainstream media working to push a narrative should trouble people.
I don't know whether to laugh for him taking them to task, like it because of seeing them get told what's up, or use the angry reaction to the FBI's BS.

Now someone please correct me if I am wrong here, but the alphabets were well respected to a point until Janet-may-she-burn-in-hell-and-I-hope-her-cancer-was-painful-Reno and Bill-the-pedo-who-damn-well-smoked-and-inhaled-liar-liar-Clinton came in and started a precedent. Correct or no?
I don't know whether to laugh for him taking them to task, like it because of seeing them get told what's up, or use the angry reaction to the FBI's BS.

Now someone please correct me if I am wrong here, but the alphabets were well respected to a point until Janet-may-she-burn-in-hell-and-I-hope-her-cancer-was-painful-Reno and Bill-the-pedo-who-damn-well-smoked-and-inhaled-liar-liar-Clinton came in and started a precedent. Correct or no?
BATFE and DOJ's reputation took a nose dive during the Clinton's presidency.
We didn't find out how corrupt the FBI is until Trump was elected.
4 years later we found out how corrupt the Intel community is and how corrupt and incompetent the DoD is.