
Damn... Achmed is nailing the old American dude accent! I bet that's where all the Taliban money has been going to. :D

Sheeeit, Duo-Lingo and the Defense Language Learning Institute ain't got nothing on Mohammed. :ROFLMAO:

Sad Bunny GIF by Peter Rabbit Movie
You may know some people who put the hair on the back of your neck up that you may be willing to talk to us about”.

Huh, a real honest-to-goodness fishing expedition.

"Yeah, I'm looking at three of them."

I really liked the "it would be better if we could sit down and talk about it" line. Nah, son. You can sit on the grass.
They could’ve been very specific about their intentions right there in the front yard. Instead they weaseled around trying to get inside the guy’s house so they could case the joint.

Look, I believe in cooperating with law enforcement and I hate these fucking “sovereign citizens” who think laws don’t apply to them…but LEOs need to be upfront and transparent when they come on private property without a warrant.
That was more cordial than what DHS had done to me after the Boston Marathon bombing.

I'm still waiting for an apology for them wanting it to be an angry white veteran when it turned out to be, surprise, surprise, the usual suspects. Never going to happen though. Cock fags.

What brought them to me? I said online that it was not a military grade explosive and was homemade because the smoke from it wasn't brown or black. When asked how I knew such things, I said it's what you guys ask of us after an IED or VBIED strike when looking for the bombmaker. Listen, don't insult my intelligence here and you know what is asked of us afterwards.

You know what I said when they asked to look inside? Go ahead, have fun. You are going to embarrass yourselves pushing a false narrative and I am going to enjoy watching you fail bigly.

Where are my guns? Oh the ones that are all MA illegal and that I have to ask the king's local representative permission to have those that were MA legal? The same ones that were all bought in CA or Nevada? Locked up in NV because my being here is temporary to help my parents sell the house, and I don't want to go through the motions of doing so because it's a BS rule where all the local head cop needs as an excuse is that they don't like you despite nothing else barring me from ownership. Probably why you all like it here, eh? Sorry, no cans for me to pick for you.

"You have a lot of pills". Well I am a veteran and those are prescribed from the VA that I am 100% disabled and none of those are narcotics anyway so what's your ignorance here? Is this a game of fuck-fuck with me or what?

"That's a lot of hard drives" Says the "Marine who deployed" agent to me. I said if you had deployed, then you would know that movies and shows plus a spank bank takes a bit of memory. Are you being deliberately obtuse with me? Parents don't have cable and it can be boring sometimes. Are we stupid all the time now? Go look at them if you want, it'll be just as embarrassing since nothing will be found anyways. I dare you to double down on stupid. Do it.

"Why are you being hostile with us, we're just asking you some questions." Because you wanted to believe it was some angry white guy veteran who said some mean things at Obama, and had the audacity to challenge my integrity and try to falsely besmirch me over this horrific act that happened. Now who the fuck wouldn't be mad as hell at that especially when I had served our country honorably!!?? Go F off and either arrest me for being guilty of exercising my 1A rights and hurting your fee-fees or pound sand in anger because your narrative chasing got you stepping on your own dicks and here I am saying congrats playa, you outplayed yourselves.

So when someone jokingly says that they have an agent listening in on their facebook memes and stuff, well there is actually some truth to it.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Stop being all conspiracy theory shit....I would have also asked to go inside and sit down to talk. The fact they are making contact to talk, means it is at the end of the investigation and they want to do a closing interview.
Bro... the Feds cover for the people below. You can't trust an org that facilitates pedo's and satanists.

Feds are going after old conservatives, but were blind to the vile things going amongst the MSM and DC elite.


I'm confused. Which one of your 47 conspiracy theories is right? And what is the secret source of propulsion on the Tic Tac from outer space?
There was a movie about this with Mel Gibson and Gene Hackman back in the 90's. Dude had so many conspiracy theories that when one finally came true, he wasn't sure which one it was.
Conspiracy Theory with Gibson, Patrick Steward, and Julia Roberts?

Crosspost, from the Hunter Biden Laptop thread. Figured it fit.
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My Mama told me the policeman is your friend and overall I still hold to that maxim. The few times I’ve had entanglements with the law I was doing something I shouldn’t’ve been doing.

I know over-the-top law enforcement when I see it. Luckily I’ve only encountered one cop—a Tampa detective who acted like he wanted to shoot me because he thought I ran a red light—who embodied that description.

I’d like to believe that the vast majority are decent folk doing a tough job.
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My Mama told me the policeman is your friend and overall I still hold to that maxim. The few times I’ve had entanglements with the law I was doing something I shouldn’t’ve been doing.

I know over-the-top law enforcement when I see it. Luckily I’ve only encountered one cop—a Tampa detective who acted like he wanted to shoot me because he thought I ran a red light—who embodied that description.

I’d like to believe that the vast majority are decent folk doing a tough job.

A person is good, people are bad. Same with organizations. It's that whole 'one bad apples spoils the bunch' thing.