Fresh roasted coffee, gear advice, etc

Lol wasn't much of a choice. The Navy said go, so I went. I had a few days to kill over the weekend so I went for a little walk through Griffith Park. Other than traffic I enjoyed being up in the hills. Luckily everyone was heading to the observatory so the trail I was in was rather empty. Great views all around from some of the goat trails that are even less traveled.
Just made me a cup of that Blend 55. That was my first time to grind beans, and I don't think I used quite enough, but I loved the roast. It is fairly, for lack of a better word, complex and has a smooth finish. Definitely, a great cup of coffee!

Measurements still work about the same. About 5 table spoons of whole bean for French press (ground course).

About a table spoon per cup (find your ideal grind) if you are doin drip brew.
I used the French Press, but only used slightly less than 3 full tablespoons per about 2.5 cups(like 20 oz or so) because I have a large mug so I just say a cup. Thanks for the measurements. I'll be adjusting accordingly. What about water temp? I really don't know what it's called, but we have an office water cooler that has a heated side that gets pretty hot. Is that hot enough to get the most out of the brew? I saw where everyone said right below boiling, but I've never checked water temp as I normally just use the good ole Black and Decker.
Re: Water Temp
198 - 203 is official. When I french press I bring my water to a boil, remove from burner 30 seconds, and then pour into my french press.

One of the problems with "most" (not all) less expensive drip brews is that they cannot get high enough in water temp to brew good coffee.
One of the problems with "most" (not all) less expensive drip brews is that they cannot get high enough in water temp to brew good coffee.

I use a Cuisinart Drip Brewer, I've checked the water temp, it's right around 200 degrees and makes a very good pot of coffee as long as the grind is Melitta/Bustello fine, not quite espresso/cappuccino fine, but close. That helps clog the paper filter so you get a good stand time. the biggest trick is using a spin style grinder without over heating the ground beans and changing the roast.
Free coffee for all, huh? When I make the big time, it's a deal.

Roasting after this crappy night shift ends!
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I am now spoiled by your blends and the French Press. I can't stand to drink coffee from the Keurig anymore. I'm not at the point of waking up earlier to make a press, but I'm about there.