Game of Thrones thread -

For me it was the incongruence. I'm OK with everything not being wrapped up neatly at the end of the series (AKA "Lost") but like amlove said, too much just didn't follow logically. The story wasn't consistent with itself, and the last episode in particular was completely implausible.

I wish I had more hands, so I could give this season four thumbs down.

I am surprised nobody mentioned Rome. Thought that was a very good show.
Agreed. After having seen Rome years before, I just wasn't as impressed as many others by Game of Thrones when it premiered. Overall Rome's characters (admittedly far, far fewer of them) and even the background environment and setting felt more alive and organic (and let's not even compare the pacing difference in the two shows). It was a terrible shame that the production was too costly to surpass two seasons, and I have no doubt the Game of Thrones showrunners took that lesson to heart.

And what a nice surprise seeing Julius Caesar and Niobe show up as Mance Rayder and Ellaria Sand.

HBO's golden age may have ended years ago but Game of Thrones did a fine job keeping the network juiced up on some quality life support - even if it did ultimately rip out the catheter and IVs and kick the gurney down the stairwell.
George RR Martin teasing 5 upcoming shows including prequels.

He also says GOT could have easily been 11-13 seasons if it was up to him. He originaly suggested 10 seasons which the producers refused.

Aaron Rodgers Star Wars comment also makes too much sense, which is petty ah imo. If you are doing a show, then do it properly from beginning to end.