Verified Military
Sansa is in the new X-men movie, that scares me......:wall:

That stupid show has little room to throw stones when half the season is nothing more than an EMOfest of teenage angst and stupid decisions. TWD jumped the shark after the first season and is nothing more than a slowmo train wreck. GOT has much better character development, story progression, and believable story elements than TWD.Meh.. Walking dead is over rated.
Cut her speech in half and it could be awesome, but yeah, the rest was kind of yawn inspiring or a solid bit of dialogue in a 90's coming of age movie.
What's the end state with Bran doing all of that?
I think that's the logical outcome there, and the emotional one, but if Hound 2.0 wins then Cersei's gone and I can't see her going just yet (and it crushes the prophesies about her kids unless Margaery makes a move on Tommen first....that would be sick). If Mountain 2.0 wins we have more of the same in Westeros. The way GRRM schwacks people the former is a good candidate, really upsets the balance of power, and renders the Lannisters all but moot, minus Jamie on a revenge tour/ death ride. The Tyrell army in KL can be used to stomp out the damn fanatics and sets us up for a real North vs. South war for the Iron Throne.
That stupid show has little room to throw stones when half the season is nothing more than an EMOfest of teenage angst and stupid decisions. TWD jumped the shark after the first season and is nothing more than a slowmo train wreck. GOT has much better character development, story progression, and believable story elements than TWD.
...The Three Eyed Crow is dead...
...So I'm expecting the rest of this season to be action packed...
WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THE KILLING?!?!?!? If they weren't gonna show mayhem, they could have at least shown ol' girl fucking the tits off the wench.
was thinking.......WAS that Arya? Or was it the Faceless man....seems to be trying to get back to the temple.
Which would explain the money "she" had to book a cabin.......