Gaming thread

BF1 wasn't all that bad. Looked great in 4K and the cutting people down with the sword while on horseback was fun. Beta though, so coming into the game with no weapons is always interesting, or some basic stability issues on servers.

Out of the country now though for 6 months. Don't think I'll be getting much game playing down unless I find a good internet service. I've heard Asiacell has the best deal. Was looking to play some more No Man's Sky. Good amount of Zen to that game.
I don't know how many of you were fans of Knights of the Old Republic, but for those who were, there's a fan remake in development and its looking pretty good.
KOTOR | Apeiron
You'll have to check their Twitter for screenshots of the game, but they've gotten pretty far in the art department so far. My main fear at this point is that Disney will try to shut it down, just like they did with the fan remake for Battlefront 2, but everything looks clear so far.
Loving Paladins... UT style play with newer graphics and gameplay. Free to play so come get your frag on! If enough want to play, I'd be down for a competitive squad.
I've been taking an extreme break from gaming and will probably continue doing so until Star Citizen releases. I do a little bit of gaming here and there on the XB1, though.

I wish someone did a new release of Jedi Academy II, that would be sick. I'm definitely going to follow the KOTOR remake.
So I (finally) got an Anaconda in Elite: Dangerous and this picture sums up me trying to land it.
I'm not sure if any of you are into this series, but the Bioshock Collection in superb. Everything has been remastered for current gen visuals and it contains all 3 bioshock games + all DLC for $60. Great shooter, amazing story that centers itself around philosophical Ayn Rand esque intrigue, and they're acclaimed from when they originally came out. Metacritic aggregates the "worst" bioshock game at a 92 overall score. Available on ps4, xb1, and pc i believe currently.
If some free time ever opens up for me in the next few months maybe I'll pick up BF1 for the XB1. The last shooter I went ham on was Overwatch; solid game, just don't have the time these days :/
The dilemma continues :-o

Though they did just release the 20th Anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D...
Civ 6 drops on the 21st. I thought 4 was good and loved 5, but Beyond Earth burned me. I'll wait for reviews before I pull the trigger.
I can't enjoy RTSs these days; I can only play Civs on deployments, and the only RTS I really got into online was SC:BW
The remastered version is out soon and supposedly those of use with Skyrim versions on Steam will see the remastered version for free.

Skyrim and Oblivion are just amazing games.

The Steam version just needs the game and three DLC I believe. Then you will be given another version on your system to install. I think the last I looked at it we are looking at the 28th? I had the urge to play the other day, but our bandwidth is a little limited and didn't want to download all of it to just download it again soon anyway. Now just to find some time to play.
Civ 6 dropped yesterday. Last night the reviews were mostly positive, but some of the negative reviews are causing me to wait. Civ 5 needed several patches before it became a good game and Civ 6 sounds like it is in the same boat. I'll probably wait for the sale in Dec. before I pick it up.