Got the jobb!

This is an event I’m not equipped to contend with. We are in a very bad place.
I’ve said before, and I will say again, those who have not felt the genuine love of a pet, can never truly understand the loss of one.

I’m very sorry to read about the loss in your family.
This is an event I’m not equipped to contend with. We are in a very bad place.

We just went through it. After an appropriate length of time--about 2 months--we introduced a new dog. Thankfully it worked wonders on our grieving Malinois.

Sorry for your family's loss, Bro.
The loss of a beloved pet is devastating. Truly. You and your wife are in my prayers. This is as hard, sometimes harder, than losing a human family member.
The loss of a beloved pet is devastating. Truly. You and your wife are in my prayers. This is as hard, sometimes harder, than losing a human family member.

My dad's passing (similar to my grandmother's) was not unexpected, so we were able to "pre-grieve" if there's such a thing.

Our pets were not, and the suddenness hit me harder than the passing of family. Not because I loved my family less, but "expected vs. sudden" changes the dynamic.
We thought we had more time with him. We were on our morning walk and as we got closer to the house he started gaging and gasping for air. We rushed him to the ER and when they did the X-ray they said his heart was enlarged. Then his temp spiked to 106, started throwing up blood. He was terrified and in pain so we had to make the choice to put him to rest. It was fucking terrible. That image won’t leave me.
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