Hi Guys...and Gals


Apr 20, 2013
New England
I found this forum when I was doing some research on how to treat a wound when you have no access to any medical facilities. I read around a bit and decided to register so I can pop in now and then.

I'm a writer, although I haven't published much lately. My connection to the military is that I teach computers to blind and visually impaired veterans at a VA Hospital. All my students are warriors and I love and respect each and every one of them.

Notice: If you have suffered any vision loss of any kind during your service or after retirement you are entitled to many services. Contact your closest VIST coordinator and get signed up. It's all free and you deserve it, so don't put it off.
I found this forum when I was doing some research on how to treat a wound when you have no access to any medical facilities. I read around a bit and decided to register so I can pop in now and then.

I'm a writer, although I haven't published much lately. My connection to the military is that I teach computers to blind and visually impaired veterans at a VA Hospital. All my students are warriors and I love and respect each and every one of them.

Notice: If you have suffered any vision loss of any kind during your service or after retirement you are entitled to many services. Contact your closest VIST coordinator and get signed up. It's all free and you deserve it, so don't put it off.

Welcome to SS, Jane. Agree with RM; nice introduction, and thank our for your work with our veterans.

What manner of writting is your preference, if I may be so bold as to ask? Is it fiction, nonfiction, or technical/professional ?

RF 1
Welcome to SS, Jane. Agree with RM; nice introduction, and thank our for your work with our veterans.

What manner of writting is your preference, if I may be so bold as to ask? Is it fiction, nonfiction, or technical/professional ?

RF 1
I've done nothing but tech writing for a long time and am getting back into writing fiction. My writing as well as reading is for urban fantasy but at the moment I'm working on what is called fan fiction, which means I'm playing in someone else's universe. The easy part is that you don't have to create most of the characters, the really really hard part is that the characters are well established so you have to be on your toes to get it right. Its a great exercise for getting back into writing because it makes you work harder than if you made it all up. This particular universe is JRR Tolkien "The Hobbit", Dwarves in particular and since he gave almost no info on them except for bits and pieces here and there I'm stretching my research muscles a lot. It's slow work, but it's fun.
Welcome and thank you for what you do for us.

I'm glad you have joined our community.
Awesome Awesome Awesome. Welcome.
I may pick your brain about what you do. Fellow tech writer and advocate for our disabled vets. Would love to start a program like this where I live.
I've done nothing but tech writing for a long time and am getting back into writing fiction. My writing as well as reading is for urban fantasy but at the moment I'm working on what is called fan fiction, which means I'm playing in someone else's universe. The easy part is that you don't have to create most of the characters, the really really hard part is that the characters are well established so you have to be on your toes to get it right. Its a great exercise for getting back into writing because it makes you work harder than if you made it all up. This particular universe is JRR Tolkien "The Hobbit", Dwarves in particular and since he gave almost no info on them except for bits and pieces here and there I'm stretching my research muscles a lot. It's slow work, but it's fun.

I am familiar with the style. A dear friend of mine would use the same format for some of his books. His pen name was Slayton Moorhound, and we worked together on a few things a while back. He was probably the best Pilot I've ever known. His real job was an FAA Inspector, doing primarily cockpit check rides and such. Many of the characters in his book, I knew, or had at least met. He would research areas of Virginia around Charlottesville, and here in The Valley; then plug the folks into the story line he developed. They were pretty darned good storys, and I've enjoyed every book he penned .

Well, welcome again, Jane. Who knows, after some time, you may discover a home here at SS. How great would it be, if your professional writing abilities began to rub off on some of......aaa.....er.....some of the other guys and gals.............knowin just how.........a......good a job that I do.........like.........ya know.......like...a:-".....:D.

RF 1