Hurricane Irma...

Trip of the year cancelled before they boarded the flight (thank goodness). The Ritz on St. Thomas is evacuating all guests and has turned into a shelter for the locals. They're hunkering down out there.
Trip of the year cancelled before they boarded the flight (thank goodness). The Ritz on St. Thomas is evacuating all guests and has turned into a shelter for the locals. They're hunkering down out there.

At least St. Thomas has some mountains and high ground. Some of those islands are nothing but speed bumps.
Don't be so sure, brother, with a Cat 5. I was in Charlotte, NC some 200-250 miles inland
when Hugo hit Charleston, SC...and Hugo toppled hundreds of huge old Live Oaks and blew roofs off even as far inland as we were. And Hugo was a Cat 4.

Agreed. I was on Camp McCall for Hugo, and that was the first and last time they pulled us out of the field. It was a mess.

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands has ordered the territory's national guard to begin seizing guns and ammunition from citizens in preparation for Hurricane Irma's landfall.

In an executive order signed Monday, Gov. Kenneth Mapp instructed Adjutant General Deborah Howell "to take whatever actions she considers necessary to carry out the assigned mission" of maintaining and restoring public order.

"The Adjutant General is authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," the governor said in the order.

The order went into effect Tuesday at 12:01 a.m.

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands has ordered the territory's national guard to begin seizing guns and ammunition from citizens in preparation for Hurricane Irma's landfall.

In an executive order signed Monday, Gov. Kenneth Mapp instructed Adjutant General Deborah Howell "to take whatever actions she considers necessary to carry out the assigned mission" of maintaining and restoring public order.

"The Adjutant General is authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission," the governor said in the order.

The order went into effect Tuesday at 12:01 a.m.

Wow!. I'd have a big problem with that one.
This has been a pretty stressful 24 hours for me. It is one thing to be there with some control over your, more importantly your family's, destiny, but another thing entirely to sit on the other side of the globe.

Hope isn't a COA and my wife has her plans, wrapping up prep today while she determines in the best of the Clash should she stay or should she go. With that said, the models I've seen went from "direct hit on FL" yesterday to "possible hit, but probable turn into the Atlantic...and sorry about that Carolinas" today. It is still too far out to know anything, but for now all we can do is wait.

I hate waiting.

NOAA 5AM prediction:

Other models:




I think it is interesting, not being a weather guy like SOME people on this board 8-), that the models differ so greatly from the NOAA's projections.
That spaghetti plot takes it a bit further east than most models. The current models do have a decent probability of bringing it very close to where I live, eventually, in Central North Carolina. Where I live I do not need to worry about flooding, but trees down are a very real possibility.
This has been a pretty stressful 24 hours for me. It is one thing to be there with some control over your, more importantly your family's, destiny, but another thing entirely to sit on the other side of the globe.

Hope isn't a COA and my wife has her plans, wrapping up prep today while she determines in the best of the Clash should she stay or should she go. With that said, the models I've seen went from "direct hit on FL" yesterday to "possible hit, but probable turn into the Atlantic...and sorry about that Carolinas" today. It is still too far out to know anything, but for now all we can do is wait.

I hate waiting.

NOAA 5AM prediction:

Other models:




I think it is interesting, not being a weather guy like SOME people on this board 8-), that the models differ so greatly from the NOAA's projections.
I told ya, just like an election poll.
@AWP, my wife hates uncertainty. She wants to go all-out and prepare for Armageddon now, or wait till Sunday to see what it's going to do. I told her either course doesn't make much sense right now.

She hates not knowing. I get it, but we need more information.