Is he really an ex army ranger?

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If memory serves me, the 3rd Ranger Battalion was formed in 1984, along with the Regimental I recall (a close friend was one of the company commanders), they didn't complete their certification until early 1985...

He told me he didnt join the 3rd until after his first stint in the army. So he left in 85, and joined the 3rd a couple years later. Is that not possible?

I also just recalled that he told me he was a ranger-sniper. Will that be stated on his dd214?

I honestly realize hes trying to play games with me, but the more proof i have the better i will feel.

Thanks again all!
He told me he didnt join the 3rd until after his first stint in the army. So he left in 85, and joined the 3rd a couple years later. Is that not possible?
I also just recalled that he told me he was a ranger-sniper. Will that be stated on his dd214?
I had a break in service, reenlisted later for a Special Forces assignment, so yes, it is possible...DD214s are not always completely accurate, so it is not unusual for things to be took me 15 years to get mine corrected after I retired, but usually, a DD214 will show almost all schooling and qualifications...
I am definitely on the “cut ties” with him path.
Does that impress you? I have yet to find a woman interested in all that stuff.

Even my own wife could care less; she makes me keep all my doodads in the library.

Honestly? No. I think hes just been using the story for so long, that he thinks it impresses people.
You all are definitely helping me with some concrete ways to prove he is lying.

On a side note, he tried to send me a picture of a hat last night as his proof that he was in the 3rd. I googled and that patch could be bought anywhere. (I tried to upload the pic here, but having issues. )
Here's the thing... Regardless of the answer here (a resounding "no"), you obviously have trust issues with this guy.

I'm sure this isn't the only thing about him that you're questioning. So, who cares about proving a lie? What's the point? The bigger issue is that you can't ever have a healthy relationship if there is no trust and it sounds like you have none. Don't waste time, move on. Other fish in the sea and all that.
Just had a bit of hope i was wrong🤷‍♀️

But you are totally right. And i truly believe he is lying. I did before i even came here. There can be no trust after that.

I wish i could give yall a big canuck hug. Thanks for helping a total stranger :)
Just had a bit of hope i was wrong🤷‍♀️

But you are totally right. And i truly believe he is lying. I did before i even came here. There can be no trust after that.

I wish i could give yall a big canuck hug. Thanks for helping a total stranger :)

You're welcome. Good luck and steer clear of bad actors.

I like Canada. Friendly people.
I wish you the best of luck, and to echo what others have said....when you exit the Military, it is drilled into your brain from day 0 to keep your DD 214 safe, like behind your AK-47 that no one knows about in your kitchen wall behind the Oven wall. IF someone cannot produce it within a few days, you have a right to be cautious. At the same time, if someone is from a special unit, give them a little breathing room to open up to you. They shouldn't say anything to start off with about it but if they do, give them time. Like others have said I've heard huge horror stories about guys trying to get a single AAM added, and a school that took decades. I can imagine your frustration, be patient but be vigilant.

Good Luck!

EDIT! Removed DD214 and any instance of Photoshop, also spellchecked it!

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