Bottom line, if you can't Photoshop a good DD214, then are you worth dating? That is the real question.
All joking aside, I wish you the best of luck, and to echo what others have said....when you exit the Military, it is drilled into your brain from day 0 to keep your DD 214 safe, like behind your AK-47 that noone knows about in your kitchen wall behind the Oven wall. IF someone cannot produce it within a few days, you have a right to be cautious. At the same time, if someone is from a special unit, give them a little breathing room to open up to you. They shouldn't say anything to start off with about it but if they do, give them time. Like others have said I've heard huge horror stories about guys trying to get a single AAM added, and a school that took decades. I can imagine your frustration, be patient but be vigilant.
Attached is a DD-214 I made based on the SGM in the
Range 15 movie..... Its so easy, a caveman can do it.
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