A good piece on Israel's purported 'war crimes:'
I can understand why the protestors are worked up. Most of them have zero experience in this realm. All they see are apartments being blown up and dead babies being dug up and paraded about. Hamas propaganda, for certain, but not very far from the truth, either. The realities of crushing a dug in, well-funded and somewhat trained insurgency are difficult to relate to someone who's never been more than a few hundred miles from home, and that only to go to college.
So far, given the coverage of the massacres on October seventh, absolutely superb messaging by Hamas and Iran. Not so much for Israel and the Western Powers.
How do you counter this? One video by Ms. Gadot, no matter how well done, isn't going to do it. One article won't, either no matter how much I agree with what Mr. Spencer wrote. Is there a fix?
Interesting times, indeed.