Israel and Iran

Fuckin weasels out there in front of congress... You're from MIT, and Harvard and dont know what intifada or holy war or the history of genocide against jewish people?
Oh, they know. They have declared themselves as Nazis. Attempting genocide is merely harassment. Anything short of that is ok.
(Actually, the act is ok too but they might have to admit it's against policy.) :mad:
Oh, they know. They have declared themselves as Nazis. Attempting genocide is merely harassment. Anything short of that is ok.
(Actually, the act is ok too but they might have to admit it's against policy.) :mad:

Hate only because these assholes control our social institutions and the schools that contain our "best and brightest". Rather than educating them they've been co-opted.
You've got a whole administration full of Leftists who traditionally side with the Palestinian "cause", who obviously believe all the propaganda coming from Hamas, and who refuse to accept that Israel has been our one steadfast ally in the ME since 1948. Biden--and I can't believe I'm defending him--has only reiterated long-standing US policy, supporting Israel in the wake of an unprovoked terrorist attack.

Nothing new here. Leftists and the leftist MSM have always condemned Israel every time it tries to defend itself. One of the things I loved about Trump--in spite of his eccentricities--was his unabashed and unconditional support of Israel.
I guess things here in the US are so good we have time to cry over Palestine? Poverty, crime, education, the border, the deficit, etc. must not exist. There's a school shooting and the masses rally to take away more of the Second Amendment, but are totally cool with a dead, done and dusted 4th?

From the river to the sea, we aren't serious about being American.
The people in our government that are straw-bossing this fiasco are so far out of their depth that they could sit on a dime and swing their feet without touching the ground.
So many - on both sides or the aisle - are morally corrupt and ethically adrift in a sea of self enrichment.
At least thats the view from my foxhole - I could be wrong.
She just hit the "Find out" axis on the FAFO graph. Love it!

(Typical, she's the victim here...)

I saw a video a bit back, an interview between a cop and a young girl (late teens/early 20s) at a police station, she was being charged with/arrested for hit-and-run and vehicular homicide the day before. This girl was basically laughing it off, but mad because the interview was going to make her late for class. The cop was stunned, she just wasn't getting it. He was telling her she was going to jail, then a trial, and may go to prison. She was just mad because she could not go to class. She did not think what she did was that bad.

For the life of me, I just can't comprehend this behavior, the inability to link action to consequence. I can't tell if it's entitlement, psych pathology, bad parenting, any or all. But these people are out there and it's a growing segment of our population. I have a niece like this, she makes bad decisions than blames everyone else when there are consequences.