Mandatory Voting

Well... I guess professionalism is out of the window.. :-"

You're a senior member, I'm sure you are well aware of the communtity rules. In fact, I believe I have seen you enforce them? But hey, even senior members such as yourself need a brush up here and there. No tip is required, but thank you notes are encouraged:

"What does that even mean? The left might hate the patriarchy, but it LOVES hierarchy. The left is all about big government, and you can't have big government without a massive bureaucracy to manage it and an hierarchy to oversee it."

No they hate hierarchy, they just don't know that there are two hierarchies, the state, and the private. They also forget that hierarchy starts at home.

"The same people who always have, since before the beginning of our country: men with guns who know their rights and are willing to resort to violence to ensure them."

You're talking to the choir. Although I also disagree with part of it as rights are rooted with morality, and in morality, there is subjectivity. This means your rights are subjective to the state, and can be "taken away" when they see it no longer fit. You are not born with rights, but freedom. If a family was born on an island, do they have rights or do they have freedom? Why would they need rights on an island when they just act on what benefits them with out being threatened by law? Rights to me are permissions, that you have to ask the state for permission to do an act even though it is harmless and can be done with out it. In freedom there is no permission, only agreements between individuals. The state is not an individual.

"Bwahahahaha good one. Oh wait, you were serious?"

Yes sir.

If you disagree, I'd like to hear why. I'm not an extremely closed minded individual, and value criticism. But instead of insulting someones view point, maybe come up with a counterclaim? Because not only does that lessen a verified senior member (you), but this entire board. Veterans make up a very small majority as you know, and many people's only interaction with veterans, is over social media, forums, etc. I also would assume potential employers look over boards such as this?

So lets keep it professional. Sound good?

"Ooh! Can I play this game too? I'll take "names I'll look up on Wikipedia and then toss out to make me look educated" for $500, Alex!"

Oh yeah.. Because it is completely illogical to assume someone with the internet could possibly consider reading as an enjoyable past time. That is just so asinine and ludicrous. I must of missed the meeting :rolleyes:

"What, no Piketty?"

I actually did have to Wikipedia him as I've never heard of him before now, by the way. So bonus points for you. You should be receiving your metal in 5-7 business days.

Socialism: "If we cannot all we be rich, lets all be poor"

Although it does not take a genius to figure out why their is wealth inequality.

Corporations and the State are the problem. Corporations lobby for regulations to get rid of the competitors, and play the enemy when it comes to the minimum wage, which has been proven to fail (Seattle for example). Regulations, minimum wage laws, higher taxes on businesses, just destroy the rich corporation's competition. They get more customers, and more money, The only way to reduce the inequality is to free the market. There is great proof in the legalization of the marijuana market. That in it's self has done more damage to the drug cartels than any government program. The same thing will happen when we legalize the markets by getting rid of regulations, the minimum wage, and for a moderate stand point reduce the taxes on everybody greatly.

Well I guess you're out the window now. Smart assed little $%#@*!
You focus on should, and not on what is true. I do not wish to shape a man's dream, but have a society where he has the freedom to do so. Also assume dreams are not real, but many have potential. There are many dreams and visions, and many have come true, due to human action. In the end, my plan, or your colonial minarchists plan, we both can agree the state interfering with the market has lead to poverty, war, and death, correct?

the best response I can think of here....

Oh, the minimum wage thing? It's run 15% of small business out of Seattle by ruining their abilty to stay in business. And, it was enacted by an avowed Socialist with connections to the Communist party... it's not about wage equality, it's about the increase in government control over the population. It was not enacted by the people, it was enacted by a government through the use of rhetoric and hiding the economics of the decision from the uninformed. Nobody told the minimum wage workers "if you vote for this there is a 40% chance you will lose your job."
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I concur. Increasing the minimum wage to livable wage not only is ridiculous, it's impossible as the cost of living will rise with it. People really should be focusing on reducing the cost of living, not weakening the dollar as the government will simply combat the increased unemployment with inflation, which is counterproductive.

Frankly, what Walmart pay's their employees is really none of mine, or your business. They can pay them $7 an hour, or $20 an hour. It's a private company and none of our business.

@x SF med
For a Special Forces soldier, I would of expected better situation awareness from you, because I agree with you as well. I want to abolish minimum wage laws, NOT increase them. I find it ironic that the left hates big corporations and the 1%, and then goes onto support minimum wage increases that cut jobs, close small businesses, and put more money into the hands of the 1% due to lack of competition.

Understood. I'll be sure to report back here when everyone finishes their menstrual cycle.
Well hell @Shredder477 ...I thought your silly ass was banned last week?

I concur. Increasing the minimum wage to livable wage not only is ridiculous, it's impossible as the cost of living will rise with it. People really should be focusing on reducing the cost of living, not weakening the dollar as the government will simply combat the increased unemployment with inflation, which is counterproductive.

Frankly, what Walmart pay's their employees is really none of mine, or your business. They can pay them $7 an hour, or $20 an hour. It's a private company and none of our business.

@x SF med
For a Special Forces soldier, I would of expected better situation awareness from you, because I agree with you as well. I want to abolish minimum wage laws, NOT increase them. I find it ironic that the left hates big corporations and the 1%, and then goes onto support minimum wage increases that cut jobs, close small businesses, and put more money into the hands of the 1% due to lack of competition.

Understood. I'll be sure to report back here when everyone finishes their menstrual cycle.

Shredder, any points that you could possibly have made have been well and thoroughly negated through your frankly shitty conduct and blatant disrespect. Just because the internet allows you the hallucination of anonymity does not give you free reign to treat others on here like twice baked dog shit. Your comment about members on menstrual cycles has just earned you a ban from the board, but I don't expect you to really care. After all, this is only the internet, and it's not like the other members on here are professionals, many of them with various graduate level degrees and more years of experience in their respected fields than you have walking this planet.