Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

No, "he served with honor and distinction"!

I agree that he served, and he did distinguish himself, but; by his actions, he lacks honor. For as long as he lives, he will be seen as turning and walking away from his fellow soldiers. There is no other way to describe what he did. The press, pundits, and talking heads can spin this any way they want, but in the end, he did walk away, and stayed away from his fellow soldiers in time of war.
No, "he served with honor and distinction"!

You may want to note that you are quoting Susan Rice - the disagreement and hate are coming in fast!

I'm quite certain he was being sarcastic. The hate was just for general principle, because someone else said it and was dead on serious when they said it.
...For as long as he lives, he will be seen as turning and walking away from his fellow soldiers...

That matters to us. That matters to you and me and anyone who's ever worn the uniform honorably. But there are plenty of places among our fellow Americans where it doesn't matter at all, and a number of places where it will be viewed favorably, even heroically. The cowards who ran to Canada some decades ago were pardoned and welcomed back as courageous rebels who stood up for their beliefs. While we were maligned as baby killers. Hearing all the negative criticism about American Sniper I'm reminded of those days. It's happening again. We can only hope Bergdahl's conscious catches up with him someday.
That matters to us. That matters to you and me and anyone who's ever worn the uniform honorably. But there are plenty of places among our fellow Americans where it doesn't matter at all, and a number of places where it will be viewed favorably, even heroically. The cowards who ran to Canada some decades ago were pardoned and welcomed back as courageous rebels who stood up for their beliefs. While we were maligned as baby killers. Hearing all the negative criticism about American Sniper I'm reminded of those days. It's happening again. We can only hope Bergdahl's conscious catches up with him someday.

I agree.

Also on a side note thank you and to all your Vietnam brothers and sisters for their service.
Okay...here is whats needs to be done for SGT Bergdahl...promote him and assign him as an "special" negotiator, due to his experience, and drop him in ISIS controlled territory. When he is captured and on TV about to be beheaded, offer money to ISIS to do it slowly and painfully. See? ... he is opening dialogue b/t us and them :thumbsup:
Okay, not being a great court martial mind, would this be a general court-martial?

Also whether Bergdahl has a civilian attorney or a military attorney, this will be a high-profile case. It would seem most members of the military would want him found guilty, and members of the current administration obviously would be looking for him to be found not guilty.

Will there be external or internal pressure on the judge and or jury to find a certain way?
I'm a bit surprised he was charged, but I guess the real proof will be in his trial/ sentence. I want to believe this guy will pay with his life, or maybe life in prison, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some deal where he either has "time served" or something that releases him early.

I'm too skeptical and cynical to believe he'll do the time commensurate with his offense.
I would like to be pleasantly surprised by his sentence; however, I don't think I will be.

I have the feeling that there have already been meetings concerning any type of possible sentencing and how it would be handled -- when and if -- it was handed down.

I can also see a possible pardon coming down the road as well.
I still stand behind http://www.shadowspear.com/vb/threads/missing-captured-bowe-bergdahl.20046/page-12#post-350039
Plea to AWOL, time served, take the BCD and no back pay or e-3 back pay. No benefits, do not pass go, do not collect $200

He had to have a trial, but there's no way the administration allows him to face death or life in prison after trading the 5 for him.

(Personally, I'd fill a firing squad with the members of units that had casualties looking for him and let them do their thing)
I predict he pleads guilty to desertion, and they drop the second charge.
He gets 5 years, and gets parole after 1 year in.
Reduced in rank to PFC (?) at time of desertion, busted to PV1 as part of the sentence, which costs him what? .5Mil?
Book tour in 3 years.
Nope, I don't think he gets a book or movie deal. At least not a mainstream one. We may have a lot of flaws as a country, but even among the liberal left they still give lip service to patriotism.

I think it could go either way. The more time that passes, the softer the blow. By then Afghanistan will live or die without our troops and people can make "conclusions." It could be spun to make him mildly sympathetic or a lost soul rather than a dirtbag.

I want to believe that he'll disappear a la Casey Anthony, but I sadly think he can "salvage" his image in certain circles.