Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

"No decision has been made with respect to the case of Sgt. Bergdahl," Kirby said. "None. There is no timeline to make that decision, and Gen. [Mark] Milley is being put under no pressure to make a decision."

General Milley may not be under pressure to make a decision because that decision may be his in name only. This isn't just about some loopy soldier who wanted to walk to India. There are consequences here that could effect the outcome of the next presidential election. You better believe there's intense concern on the part of some very powerful people.
Okay, I've been thinking about something for a while - This seems like it should be pretty clear and cut, he left his unit, ended up with Taliban. Hell this LINK from 2010 has them claiming that Bergdaul was working for them. In the photo they released (within the link), he sure does not appear to be suffering. What's to question? Unless he was just going along to keep his ass alive after being captured.

Are there are significantly more compliated facts to this story that we (the general public) are not aware? It initially bothered me that men from his unit were so proactive in coming out to the press claiming what a terrible soldier he was. Why would they do this? The longer this goes on, the more my "bullshit detector" is moving into overdrive. There is a part of me that wonders what was happening in that unit...was life so terrible for Bergdahl that he decided to get the F out before something happened to him? To take his chances in making it to another unit? I'm starting to think something is hinky here.

Okay, that's it...don't call me a "commie traitor lover", all the politics aside, something is just not adding up for me.
I'm guessing it wasn't all that complicated. I think Bergdahl is part fruitbat, like his dad. Seems to me he just wanted to unass the whole show, walk to India and find a guru.
"No decision has been made with respect to the case of Sgt. Bergdahl," Kirby said. "None. There is no timeline to make that decision, and Gen. [Mark] Milley is being put under no pressure to make a decision."

General Milley may not be under pressure to make a decision because that decision may be his in name only. This isn't just about some loopy soldier who wanted to walk to India. There are consequences here that could effect the outcome of the next presidential election. You better believe there's intense concern on the part of some very powerful people.

I don't think it will have much effect on the next presidential election.
Okay, I've been thinking about something for a while - This seems like it should be pretty clear and cut, he left his unit, ended up with Taliban. Hell this LINK from 2010 has them claiming that Bergdaul was working for them. In the photo they released (within the link), he sure does not appear to be suffering. What's to question? Unless he was just going along to keep his ass alive after being captured.

Are there are significantly more compliated facts to this story that we (the general public) are not aware? It initially bothered me that men from his unit were so proactive in coming out to the press claiming what a terrible soldier he was. Why would they do this? The longer this goes on, the more my "bullshit detector" is moving into overdrive. There is a part of me that wonders what was happening in that unit...was life so terrible for Bergdahl that he decided to get the F out before something happened to him? To take his chances in making it to another unit? I'm starting to think something is hinky here.

Okay, that's it...don't call me a "commie traitor lover", all the politics aside, something is just not adding up for me.

The guy was a fucking shitbag of a Soldier, a deluded dreamer and also a traitor that hated his country, wanted out of his obligation, and wanted to hang out with his friends the Taliban.
His unit (members of) said from day one that he deserted. The Army had to spend a lot of time, money and more importantly Soldier's lives to try and get this shitbag back.
I'm sure the Army is embarrassed by this all, add to that the fact that the POTUS broke the law and DoD policy to get this prick back. Not to mention that the Army is incompetent at the best of times, I'm not surprised they are a bit flustered by it all.
I don't think it will have much effect on the next presidential election.

Well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch. But...if he's convicted of desertion doesn't the exchange of Taliban prisoners for his release gives Republicans another weapon? Like Benghazi?
Well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch. But...if he's convicted of desertion doesn't the exchange of Taliban prisoners for his release gives Republicans another weapon? Like Benghazi?

A weapon? Sure. One Americans will care about? Nope.
Okay, I've been thinking about something for a while - This seems like it should be pretty clear and cut, he left his unit, ended up with Taliban. Hell this LINK from 2010 has them claiming that Bergdaul was working for them. In the photo they released (within the link), he sure does not appear to be suffering. What's to question? Unless he was just going along to keep his ass alive after being captured.

Are there are significantly more compliated facts to this story that we (the general public) are not aware? It initially bothered me that men from his unit were so proactive in coming out to the press claiming what a terrible soldier he was. Why would they do this? The longer this goes on, the more my "bullshit detector" is moving into overdrive. There is a part of me that wonders what was happening in that unit...was life so terrible for Bergdahl that he decided to get the F out before something happened to him? To take his chances in making it to another unit? I'm starting to think something is hinky here.

Okay, that's it...don't call me a "commie traitor lover", all the politics aside, something is just not adding up for me.

We had an extensive thread on this guy (maybe this one?), just search for his last name. Short version: His unit knew THAT MORNING he was a deserter. Papers around his home base in Alaska reported him as a deserter. There was never any question in anyone's mind over here as to what he did. He was a shitbird soldier who left all sorts of breadcrumbs, inflammatory comments, and email behind.
This morning I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is a captain in the Army and a JAG officer. (I think the Army calls them something else?).

We went back-and-forth about this topic, and he was adamant in trying to convince me that there was likely more to the story than what we knew, that maybe things were going on within that unit, that caused him "Bergdahl" to run. The captain was not claiming to have inside information, and told me he did not have a working knowledge of the case, it was just his intuition. That got me thinking about my original thoughts on this topic when Bergdahl l first went missing, and what made to decide to make the post I did. It just seemed that everyone was too quick to hang a desserter tag around his neck.

I'm going to let this theory go, as I reread my posts there could be the perception I am supporting or defending him, and that is certainly not the case.
We had an extensive thread on this guy (maybe this one?), just search for his last name. Short version: His unit knew THAT MORNING he was a deserter. Papers around his home base in Alaska reported him as a deserter. There was never any question in anyone's mind over here as to what he did. He was a shitbird soldier who left all sorts of breadcrumbs, inflammatory comments, and email behind.

Reminds me of a story about a birth certificate from Hawaii...:whatever:
This morning I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is a captain in the Army and a JAG officer. (I think the Army calls them something else?).

We went back-and-forth about this topic, and he was adamant in trying to convince me that there was likely more to the story than what we knew, that maybe things were going on within that unit, that caused him "Bergdahl" to run. The captain was not claiming to have inside information, and told me he did not have a working knowledge of the case, it was just his intuition. That got me thinking about my original thoughts on this topic when Bergdahl l first went missing, and what made to decide to make the post I did. It just seemed that everyone was too quick to hang a desserter tag around his neck.

I'm going to let this theory go, as I reread my posts there could be the perception I am supporting or defending him, and that is certainly not the case.
Is your friend a defense counsel, or a prosecutor.
He sounds like a defense counsel.
This morning I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is a captain in the Army and a JAG officer. (I think the Army calls them something else?).

We went back-and-forth about this topic, and he was adamant in trying to convince me that there was likely more to the story than what we knew, that maybe things were going on within that unit, that caused him "Bergdahl" to run. The captain was not claiming to have inside information, and told me he did not have a working knowledge of the case, it was just his intuition. That got me thinking about my original thoughts on this topic when Bergdahl l first went missing, and what made to decide to make the post I did. It just seemed that everyone was too quick to hang a desserter tag around his neck.

I'm going to let this theory go, as I reread my posts there could be the perception I am supporting or defending him, and that is certainly not the case.

It is documented he sent all of his stuff to his parent's address a week prior to walking away.
The night he left, he tried to sign out NoDs 'for personal use'.
He had walked away before.
He had converted to Islam.
He posted on the internet that he hated the Army.

Why there is any question that he deserted is beyond me.
This morning I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is a captain in the Army and a JAG officer. (I think the Army calls them something else?).

We went back-and-forth about this topic, and he was adamant in trying to convince me that there was likely more to the story than what we knew, that maybe things were going on within that unit, that caused him "Bergdahl" to run. The captain was not claiming to have inside information, and told me he did not have a working knowledge of the case, it was just his intuition. That got me thinking about my original thoughts on this topic when Bergdahl l first went missing, and what made to decide to make the post I did. It just seemed that everyone was too quick to hang a desserter tag around his neck.

I'm going to let this theory go, as I reread my posts there could be the perception I am supporting or defending him, and that is certainly not the case.

A defense lawyer is looking for angles that make his client appear to be the victim. In this case, maybe that Bergdahl was "picked on" unmercifully, harrassed, constantly bullied, cruelly pranked, he feared for his safety blah blah blah blah...but they'd have to prove it. And the Army has channels to report that kind of abuse. I haven't read anything indicating this was the case. And even if were, it doesn't excuse desertion.

Fry him.
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Geez...didn't predict this happening ... :mad::wall::mad:


Breaking: U.S. Intel Officials Say Taliban Terror Mastermind Traded for Bergdahl Is Back at Work
5 Terrorists Swapped for Bergdahl
Just two days after reports surfaced that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be labeled a deserter by the U.S. Army, intelligence officials now suspect that one of the five terrorists swapped for Bergdahl is back to work.

According to CNN:

The officials would not say which of the five men is suspected. But an ongoing U.S. intelligence program to secretly intercept and monitor all of their communications in Qatar turned up evidence in recent months that one of them has “reached out” to try to encourage militant activity, one official said. The official would offer no further details.

Under current law, this act placed the man in the category of being “suspected” of re-engaging in terrorist or insurgent activities. However, several officials say there is now a debate inside the administration that the intelligence may be stronger than the “suspected” classification. Some elements of the intelligence community believe the information is strong enough to classify the man as “confirmed” for returning to illegal activities.
The Obama administration has received a lot of heat for the swap of Bergdahl for the five mid-to-high level threat Guantanamo detainees. After this new information, there will be a lot more heat coming.

The situation: Five known terrorists were swapped for a soldier who’s likely soon to be labeled a deserter by the U.S. Army. One of those five terrorists is now “back to work.” That bloody business happens to be killing Americans.

Just days after the controversial trade, President Obama reinforced his decision by declaring:

“I wouldn’t be doing it if I thought that it was contrary to American national security.”
Given the new military intelligence and recent reports surrounding Bowe Bergdahl, this already controversial move by the Obama administration just became even more questionable.