Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

The PENTAGON broke the law? Wasn't this on the President's orders?

If you were really into conspiracies you could argue the CINC told SecDef to do it (verbally or via email...with this admin. we know email disappears like a blond in Aruba), will deny it played a role, and then use the GAO report to emasculate the DOD. Of course, being in the military and using the "just following orders defense" wasn't valid until recently thanks to a guy in FL with a load of demo at his house...
If you were really into conspiracies you could argue the CINC told SecDef to do it (verbally or via email...with this admin. we know email disappears like a blond in Aruba), will deny it played a role, and then use the GAO report to emasculate the DOD. Of course, being in the military and using the "just following orders defense" wasn't valid until recently thanks to a guy in FL with a load of demo at his house...

That hard-drive had to be recycled, just like Lois Lerner's.
Pentagon used almost $1 mil of appropriated funds for GITMO prisoner swap, a no-no without Congressional notification.

Notification was for spending of the AF, not transfer of people.

What's the difference between this and what Gen Ham did at AFRICOM?
Screw the AWOL, he left his post during the course of battle/while in a combat zone- that is desertion plain and simple. He should hang.

William Howe hung two deserters from a tree prior to the battle of Bunker Hill. And he was considered "lenient." We've become pussified in our treatment of deserters and traitors.
Pentagon used almost $1 mil of appropriated funds for GITMO prisoner swap, a no-no without Congressional notification.

There was a senior Air Force officer in Afghanistan who did something similar: he took appropriated funds and used them for a totally different purpose. He didn't try to hide it during the investigation and said it was for the welfare of his people because the Army wasn't doing its part. He's now a 2-star.
There was a senior Air Force officer in Afghanistan who did something similar: he took appropriated funds and used them for a totally different purpose. He didn't try to hide it during the investigation and said it was for the welfare of his people because the Army wasn't doing its part. He's now a 2-star.
The new 7th Army JMTC CG took funds from another unit to go to Afghanistan with his BCs before their deployment a couple years ago...all of them were relieved, he is now...well a one star.
There was a senior Air Force officer in Afghanistan who did something similar: he took appropriated funds and used them for a totally different purpose. He didn't try to hide it during the investigation and said it was for the welfare of his people because the Army wasn't doing its part. He's now a 2-star.

He bought them all PT belts?:die:
I'm very curious about the results and also why it's being kept hush hush so far.
One of the points mentioned in the article, and I agree, is that if he is guilty of something, the administration is going to be on the defensive...again. Especially after the 5 yah-hoos we let go in trade for him, start causing havoc.
I'm seeing on Twitter that FOX News is reporting that Bergdahl will be charged with desertion - communicated via O'Reilly - trying to find a link to better vet the info...

White House is trying to block the report.