Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

The White House, in trading terrorists for Bergdahl, is complicit in his desertion after the fact. Therefore, all in the White House staff, who had knowledge of, and made the deal to free those individuals for a traitor who was not enamored of those to whom he fled anymore, up to and including the highest levels should be charged with aiding a deserter, treason and dereliction of duty.
I'm seeing on Twitter that FOX News is reporting that Bergdahl will be charged with desertion - communicated via O'Reilly - trying to find a link to better vet the info...

White House is trying to block the report.

That is bloody marvelous news! :thumbsup:
Frustrating. After 'breaking' about 12 hours ago, I can still not find any stories that have their own sources - everything is linked to the O'Reilly interview -

"Big News" triple checking their facts, or "Big O" using all his influence to squash any reporting of this story?
I hope this is real, but I'll wait for something more official than an O'Reilly interview with a retired officer.
Frustrating. After 'breaking' about 12 hours ago, I can still not find any stories that have their own sources - everything is still linked to the O'Reilly interview -

"Big News" triple checking their facts, or "Big O" using all his influence to squash any reporting of this story?
Frustrating. After 'breaking' about 12 hours ago, I can still not find any stories that have their own sources - everything is still linked to the O'Reilly interview -

"Big News" triple checking their facts, or "Big O" using all his influence to squash any reporting of this story?

Would you print a story with such questionable beginnings? This amounts to "I have a friend who told me that..." I'd be surprised if Fox wasn't trying to run down something more concrete; believe it or not I think CNN or MSNBC would do the same if only to discredit Fox. It will be a big story with quite a few people in the loop, vermin who leak info to the news vermin all of the time. We'd also expect the deserter's lawyers to remain silent?

Maybe the guy is right, but I'm skeptical.
Would you print a story with such questionable beginnings? This amounts to "I have a friend who told me that..." I'd be surprised if Fox wasn't trying to run down something more concrete; believe it or not I think CNN or MSNBC would do the same if only to discredit Fox. It will be a big story with quite a few people in the loop, vermin who leak info to the news vermin all of the time. We'd also expect the deserter's lawyers to remain silent?

Maybe the guy is right, but I'm skeptical.
With one exception, the Lawyers have to remain silent.

The charge sheet goes to the MILITARY defense attorney, who will then share it with the civilian lawyer hired by the family. IIRC, the charges then become public.
This will be interesting to see, watch.
HH6 and I strongly disagree with possible COA's, this would validate me (memo to self, kick dog off couch tonight).
But again, we will see.
Going with the assumption that the latest reports are true:

1 - Does Obama have the authority to pardon him?
2 - Would he? It would be the final F.U. to all his detractors, but really?
Going with the assumption that the latest reports are true:

1 - Does Obama have the authority to pardon him?
2 - Would he? It would be the final F.U. to all his detractors, but really?

I think he does. Doesn't every president have this ability and typically uses it in the last few days of office?
Sure does. Here's my take. It'll end up being a compromise. The Army gets to charge him with desertion, to which he pleads guilty. But time in captivity will be considered time served so he doesn't go to Leavenworth. Instead, he gets busted down to E2 and gets released with a General Discharge. Obama, prior to leaving office, pardons him. He then writes a book which becomes a movie and he becomes a hero of the leftists.
Would you print a story with such questionable beginnings? This amounts to "I have a friend who told me that..." I'd be surprised if Fox wasn't trying to run down something more concrete; believe it or not I think CNN or MSNBC would do the same if only to discredit Fox. It will be a big story with quite a few people in the loop, vermin who leak info to the news vermin all of the time. We'd also expect the deserter's lawyers to remain silent?

Maybe the guy is right, but I'm skeptical.

MSNBC could run live feed of POTUS saying that Berghdal would not only not be charged, but promoted to General of the Armies, and I'd still submit myself for drug testing while swearing they hired actors. Their level of credibility, as far as I'm concerned, is hovering somewhere miles below child molesting lawyers that moonlight as used car salesmen. CNN, however, I'd actually believe what they're reporting.