Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Okay, I've been thinking about something for a while - This seems like it should be pretty clear and cut, he left his unit, ended up with Taliban. Hell this LINK from 2010 has them claiming that Bergdaul was working for them. In the photo they released (within the link), he sure does not appear to be suffering. What's to question? Unless he was just going along to keep his ass alive after being captured.

Are there are significantly more compliated facts to this story that we (the general public) are not aware? It initially bothered me that men from his unit were so proactive in coming out to the press claiming what a terrible soldier he was. Why would they do this? The longer this goes on, the more my "bullshit detector" is moving into overdrive. There is a part of me that wonders what was happening in that unit...was life so terrible for Bergdahl that he decided to get the F out before something happened to him? To take his chances in making it to another unit? I'm starting to think something is hinky here.

Okay, that's it...don't call me a "commie traitor lover", all the politics aside, something is just not adding up for me.

The dude was a shitbag, and the 501'st was generally a great place to be for the most part.
I can't even begin to understand the thought process that leads people to thinking this is a surprise. The absolute ignorance of the situation and the type of people they were releasing is incomprehensible. And yet, it happens so often, and the response is so laughable, that it's not even surprising anymore. We expect ineptitude from politicians these days. Expect it! How fucked up is that?
COL Rowe was an officer... I always believed that promotions were not made for NCOs until return, with a board.... that's what happened to Jon Caviaini.

I guess it changed at some point then.

Doesn't absolve you from being a wanker though.
Oh, the abnormal circumstances of his flight from base should have flagged him as being unpromotable... you cannot be promoted during an Unauthorized Absence.

I think the Army was being PC and saying, "innocent until proven guilty".

If I was in charge, at the extraction point, with the Taliban still present, I would have executed him in front of them, then put his body on the chopper, said my goodbyes to the TB guys very politely, and then flown off to dump his body in the ocean.

That's a message.
I think the Army was being PC and saying, "innocent until proven guilty".

If I was in charge, at the extraction point, with the Taliban still present, I would have executed him in front of them, then put his body on the chopper, said my goodbyes to the TB guys very politely, and then flown off to dump his body in the ocean.

That's a message.

fuck it.... the chopper should have had miniguns mounted and not landed, just killed everybody at the transfer point....
fuck it.... the chopper should have had miniguns mounted and not landed, just killed everybody at the transfer point....

Unfortunately the TB are smarter than to allow that to happen, they were well positioned for such an event.
A tactical nuke however would've facilitated that plan of action.
One I would fully support.
Oh, the abnormal circumstances of his flight from base should have flagged him as being unpromotable... you cannot be promoted during an Unauthorized Absence.

No, "he served with honor and distinction"!

Sorry, meant to include a :whatever:
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For POWs... Big difference from the normal requirements now...

Bergdahl must have been awarded automatic conditional POW status, which is insane considering what was known about his disappearance 5 years ago. The case has similarities to that of Bobby Garwood's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_R._Garwood who was listed as AWOL/Deserter/Collaborator, and those charges seem to be just as appropriate in Bergdahl's case. But who am I to question the lunatics running the asylum?

Fuck Bergdahl. Fuck the dumbass decisions this administration keeps making. Fuck extremists. Fuck Hollywood attention whores. Fuck Pakistan. Fuck cancer.

^^^There it is.
The granting of POW status on Bergdahl was probably more of a media thing. For many years, there were suspicions about his intent when he walked off the COP; after all, why else would the TB/HQN have kept a white boy alive that long. Those suspicions were kept from the general public, and only spoken of in military circles, often with some level of classification attached to it. Notice that there wasn't a major push for his return in the press for all the years that he was gone, only some grass roots social media campaigns. It would have been poor form for the DoD to come out and say "Fuck him, let him die" on national television.