Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

It's mad that he won't be serving any jail time. But what will his quality of life be in the U.S. if he chooses to stay here with a dishonorable discharge? My bet is that he'll right a fucking book about it which will turn into some sympathetic ass movie in which he'll live a comfortable life off the royalties.

Where can he go? He can't come to Canada, he's a convict now; same reason we turned Manning away.
It's mad that he won't be serving any jail time. But what will his quality of life be in the U.S. if he chooses to stay here with a dishonorable discharge? My bet is that he'll right a fucking book about it which will turn into some sympathetic ass movie in which he'll live a comfortable life off the royalties.

Agreed. He will write a book, there will be a movie painting him as a morally conflicted super warrior who makes the hard choice, etc, etc. He will probably pop up on speaking tours, magazine covers, and who knows what else.
This undermines the authority of the entire UCMJ, if we won’t punish someone who admits guilt of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, someone who put countless live in danger, who caused injury to those searching for him and who’s rescue resulted in putting terrorists back into the world...then what is there to respect. What happened to setting the example so that it never happens again. This is beyond disappointing, and it’s an embarrassing day for the Armed Services.
That's the same way I've felt whenever this comes up - similar to when President Obama talked about getting rid of people in the force who sexually harass or assault. I agree with the sentiment and think it won't end up being undue command influence - but it's one of the reasons POTUS needs to be judicious with language where possible.

I want to believe that Trump's comments about Bergdahl didn't play a part in the light sentencing but it probably did. Either way, the judge will probably be scrutinized by the public.
It's mad that he won't be serving any jail time. But what will his quality of life be in the U.S. if he chooses to stay here with a dishonorable discharge? My bet is that he'll right a fucking book about it which will turn into some sympathetic ass movie in which he'll live a comfortable life off the royalties.
Unfortunately he'll probably be able to live a somewhat normal life once regular people forget about this, unless he somehow makes himself look like a celebrity with a book/movie. I sadly can't imagine that the general populous (especially my generation) will be angry enough to actually care about who he is or what he did. I'm sure he'll get recognized and socially/physically chastised for the rest of his life, but will that frequency be enough to really bother him, especially in 20-30 years? He did decide to go introduce himself to the Taliban after all.
I want to believe that Trump's comments about Bergdahl didn't play a part in the light sentencing but it probably did. Either way, the judge will probably be scrutinized by the public.

We'll probably see a presidential tweet about it. I feel like with all the "weigh-in's" from POTUS and officials about this case and the severity of what happened the judge was probably between a rock and a hard place. If the punishment was severe there might have been grounds for Unlawful Command Influence Appeal. If the punishment is too light, like it is now, the judge will be scrutinize. Only good thing about this is he's now a convicted felon and received a dishonorable discharge. But Hollywood doesn't discriminate against felons.
If abandoning your brothers, exposing them to danger and ridiculing them after your release only earns you a dishonorable, I better not hear about another dude getting chaptered for snorting a few lines, hitting a blunt or getting pulled over for a “DUI- less safe” after this.