Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Yes, IMO that's the worst aspect of this case. Soldiers will do stupid/terrible shit during a war - it happens, doesn't mean it's good, but I thought the response was the right one - go as hard as you can to find them. Similarly, when a Soldier is captured we do everything we can to get them back - even if they're a shithead. Finally, once they're back we have to evaluate the consequences for what they did/didn't do - UCMJ in this case. All of those to me followed the right procedure - if not always to the best result or perfect execution. For me, the thing that bothers me about this case is the trade of prisoners for a hostage. If there was a nation or state to trade with that obeyed the Geneva convention and it was an exchange of POWs that would be one thing - but it wasn't. It was essentially a shakedown by terrorists/criminals and only serves to legitimize them and those actions for the future - Iran has tried it more than once in Iraq. In my opinion it was a strategic mistake that should not have been made.

I agree completely. What makes it even worse to me is the thought that Bergdahl knowingly risked getting captured while putting his brothers at risk. Whether or not he defected, he chose to leave the security of his FOB and his unit. I would be empathetic (not necessarily in agreement) if we negotiated for a soldier who was captured by an enemy while performing his duties honorably.
I agree completely. What makes it even worse to me is the thought that Bergdahl knowingly risked getting captured while putting his brothers at risk. Whether or not he defected, he chose to leave the security of his FOB and his unit. I would be empathetic (not necessarily in agreement) if we negotiated for a soldier who was captured by an enemy while performing his duties honorably.

To me they're separate issues - only because I worry about a slippery slope. If it's in a command/government's interest to say someone fucked up so they can leave them out to dry. Still, I think you have to draw the line somewhere - like that Marine in Iraq who deserted and showed up in Lebanon or some shit like a year later. So, I agree with you - just feel like the pendulum should always swing towards rescue first, then evaluate UCMJ after.
To me they're separate issues - only because I worry about a slippery slope. If it's in a command/government's interest to say someone fucked up so they can leave them out to dry. Still, I think you have to draw the line somewhere - like that Marine in Iraq who deserted and showed up in Lebanon or some shit like a year later. So, I agree with you - just feel like the pendulum should always swing towards rescue first, then evaluate UCMJ after.

In regards to UCMJ, I don't buy the idea that the presidents remarks will really play a part in his sentencing. I think the judge, an Army Colonel, has to and will make a fair decision. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but I trust a full bird to make the right call. However, somebody's going to say Trump had an influence. I really wish Trump hadn't ranted so much on this one.
In regards to UCMJ, I don't buy the idea that the presidents remarks will really play a part in his sentencing. I think the judge, an Army Colonel, has to and will make a fair decision. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but I trust a full bird to make the right call. However, somebody's going to say Trump had an influence. I really wish Trump hadn't ranted so much on this one.

That's the same way I've felt whenever this comes up - similar to when President Obama talked about getting rid of people in the force who sexually harass or assault. I agree with the sentiment and think it won't end up being undue command influence - but it's one of the reasons POTUS needs to be judicious with language where possible.
All the politicians who spoke out about this, or at least assumed some kind of public posture about it, needed to STFU. I include Trump, Obama, Kerry and Mrs Clinton.

5 to 1 odds he walks because of Trump's remarks. Ok, maybe 3 to 1.
Depends on the final sentence, do you risk a harsher sentence by appealing?

Good point.

He admitted guilt. What grounds does he have to appeal? I'm no JAG, but the regular lawyer in my house says he's high as a kite.

Well even if the judge says, "I'm not influenced" I'm sure a lawyer could argue that. Ive seen dumber shit happen.
Whether it does is a whole other matter of course, I was just wondering aloud.
It's mad that he won't be serving any jail time. But what will his quality of life be in the U.S. if he chooses to stay here with a dishonorable discharge? My bet is that he'll right a fucking book about it which will turn into some sympathetic ass movie in which he'll live a comfortable life off the royalties.