Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Meeting the criteria for the badge is not the same as earning it.

Well everyone who was there and was interviewed for the podcast said he earned it. You get the badge for one instance, right or wrong, stripping someone of a badge they earned based on the criteria of the time and not defined as having criteria to maintain the badge, means he should keep it.
I disagree, he deserted, he loses everything.

They did it to this guy: Green Beret tells of shooting Taliban in CIA job interview, loses Silver Star for it

A badge and a valor award are different. Strip his rank and his POW medal and give him a dishonorable or put him in Leavenworth, whatever. I'm not that invested in this guy. But a CIB is just a badge meaning someone has performed the job of an infantryman in combat, something he did. Taking his badge and pretending he didn't doesn't really teach him a lesson like him sitting in confinement will.
It doesn't matter much to me. The way I see it, he will always have to wear his desertion badge above his CIB.

None of this ribbon/badge stuff really matters because he won't be wearing anything on his civvies when they kick his sorry ass the fuck out or when they lock his sorry ass up and give him an orange jump suit.
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The criteria for the CIB clearly state the award is for infantry types who serve "satisfactorily" in combat. Desertion and misbehavior would seem like reasonable reasons for disqualification.

Moreover, combat badges are automatically revoked upon convictions for desertion.

Finally, commanders can, should, and do revoke all manner of awards, badges, and rank because of misconduct.

Upon conviction, SGT Bergdahl should receive a BCD, forfeit all pay he received while in captivity, be busted back to E1, and have his POW medal, CIB, and any other award/decoration he received for that deployment revoked.
The criteria for the CIB clearly state the award is for infantry types who serve "satisfactorily" in combat. Desertion and misbehavior would seem like reasonable reasons for disqualification.

Moreover, combat badges are automatically revoked upon convictions for desertion.

Finally, commanders can, should, and do revoke all manner of awards, badges, and rank because of misconduct.

Upon conviction, SGT Bergdahl should receive a BCD, forfeit all pay he received while in captivity, be busted back to E1, and have his POW medal, CIB, and any other award/decoration he received for that deployment revoked.

There you go. Take that shit then.
I mean he earned his CIB earlier in that deployment. They were certainly in combat and he was an infantryman.
AR 600-8-22, Para 1-32.b.(1):

"Combat or special skill badge. An award of any combat or special skill badge will be automatically revoked on dismissal, dishonorable discharge, or conviction by courts-martial for desertion in wartime (wartime is defined in the glossary)." [emphasis mine]