Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

I have to wonder, would he be forgoing this trial had Hillary won? My gut says "no". Love him or hate him, Trump's generals today are focused on things other than political correctness. Clinton would still have them chasing their tails, and I cannot imagine General Mattis would be SecDef.

Under Clinton, Bergdahl would have eventually walked.

Disagree. Remember all that 'undue command influence' stuff people were screaming about when President Obama talked about getting rid of sexual harrassers in the military? If the defense team thought executive influence was a factor it would have worked in their favor - as it would be a reason to throw out any verdict or have a mistrial declared.
Disagree. Remember all that 'undue command influence' stuff people were screaming about when President Obama talked about getting rid of sexual harrassers in the military? If the defense team thought executive influence was a factor it would have worked in their favor - as it would be a reason to throw out any verdict or have a mistrial declared.

I respect that you are in a better position to know. But sir, I have a really really hard time believing he pleads out if Hillary is in the White House.
Goddamn I'd love to be the dogface ripping those Sgt stripes off of his uniform...CIB and that POW ribbon too, that son of a bitch hasn't earned either one.

I doubt they send him to prison, they will give him time served (from his time being held), reduction, dishonorable and let him keep his VA benefits. Who wants to make a bet? At best he gets 10 years, serves 3 and disappears, well until the book comes out.
So I had completey forgotten about Berghdal since when news first broke I was more worried about football and meeting the girl that I loved parents. But since seeing this in the recent posting list caused me to read through the entire thread and while I lean more towards amlove21's thoughts on getting him back, he now deserves capital punishment for the crimes he committed.

I remember back in debate we had an argument regarding the ethics and morality of the death penalty and whether someone who may not have a full and logical understanding of their actions deserved capital punishment for their given crime. While you can argue mental state and special needs day and night, this is not the case. He fully admitted to desertion which occurred in a time of war and his actions led to the deaths and injuries of many good soldiers not to mention the untold damage that was caused by diverting resources and spending time searching for this guy.

I'm hoping that during sentencing they go for the death penalty, however since he pleaded out I'm guessing he'll get knocked down in rank, lose pay, and be dishonorable discharge, then be forgotten in 6 months by everyone if he hasn't been forgotten already.

Just my .02
Disagree. Remember all that 'undue command influence' stuff people were screaming about when President Obama talked about getting rid of sexual harrassers in the military? If the defense team thought executive influence was a factor it would have worked in their favor - as it would be a reason to throw out any verdict or have a mistrial declared.
The Defense Team tried argued that point as high up as they could and lost the argument.
My wife called this one a year ago.
No jail time as captivity will get him off.
He loses all VA/DoD bennies, and we get to laugh at Obama for calling him a hero.
Taliban Charges Bowe Bergdahl With Desertion

QUETTA, PAKISTAN – Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl may be innocent of desertion as far as the U.S. Army is concerned, but in recent days the ex-prisoner of war now faces the same charges from the most unlikely direction: his former captors.

Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has announced that the insurgent group, following its own internal investigation, would be charging Bergdahl with deserting his post — a crime punishable by death, public flogging, or lengthy imprisonment, although typically not in that order.
Goddamn I'd love to be the dogface ripping those Sgt stripes off of his uniform...CIB and that POW ribbon too, that son of a bitch hasn't earned either one.

I doubt they send him to prison, they will give him time served (from his time being held), reduction, dishonorable and let him keep his VA benefits. Who wants to make a bet? At best he gets 10 years, serves 3 and disappears, well until the book comes out.

I mean he earned his CIB earlier in that deployment. They were certainly in combat and he was an infantryman.
I may be an extreme outlier on this issue, but, if you earned an award or medal...you earned it.

Just because you are a deserting clown dirtbag...you earned it...you earned it.

Punish him with whatever punishment is deemed necessary, but, I don't think his awards should have anything to do with that.
Being aware of the source and not completely sure what the actual up- to- date regulations are, I do take this with a grain of salt.

Your awards and badges can be revoked for misconduct

But I would certainly consider desertion a form of misconduct.

Yep. It can be revoked, and it should be revoked after the trial, that and his rank and anything else he "earned" on that deployment.