Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

"Bergdahl, 31, has admitted he willingly left his eastern Afghanistan post in 2009."

Why the delay? He admitted to it? I don't give a shit what anyone said about him. He admitted that he walked off the FOB, therefor putting his so- called brothers at risk. I understand the whole "fair trial" thing except when someone admits to the offense. He did it, now punish him.
The picture of him in his blues upsets me, all those hash marks.....luckily I cant see the POW medal on him.

Edit: looking at his recent pictures from leaving court...was he not awarded the POW medal?
Slight update...

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.

Bergdahl expected to plead guilty, avoid trial

Some of the wounded who searched for him are apparently going to testify at the sentencing hearing.
He's not wrong.

I have to wonder, would he be forgoing this trial had Hillary won? My gut says "no". Love him or hate him, Trump's generals today are focused on things other than political correctness. Clinton would still have them chasing their tails, and I cannot imagine General Mattis would be SecDef.

Under Clinton, Bergdahl would have eventually walked.