Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

I hate you today...

Brother...you know that didn't catch you by surprise...did it?

Clowns do what clowns do! I hate it as much as you, but it didn't surprise me...so I was already prepared to see it happen so that when it did, my blood pressure wouldn't go sky-high.
Makes me want to write a novel:

Two Traitors in the Rose Garden - A story of love, stupidity and betrayal

btw, WTF is that thing under his SGT stripes? I've never seen just the rocker pinned, usually it's
the whole patch pinned over the top of the old one.

I've been sitting here cussing for the past few minutes, trying to formulate some form of a response to this. I've got nothing...just hate.

The guy who can't finish a case study loves trolling with satire sites.
Okay, before anyone give me shit for letting @Diamondback 2/2 in on the bit, he did seemed rather stressed about the whole thing and I did alert him via PM and not in the thread itself! :-)

LMAO, I probably would've came back on around now, and raged for a page in a half how that traitor shitbag should be marched in front of a M1 Abrams and blown into oblivion, or some shit. I do appreciate you letting me know, as that PVT (I refuse to call him a SGT) is probably one issues of the whole GWOT, that pisses me off the most. Every time I see a picture/video clip of him wearing a US Army uniform my head feels like its going to explode from pure anger and resentment I hold for that cowardly piece of shit...
the white rocker didn't give it away? shame on you J, big shame....:hmm::wall::wall::rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

I couldn't tell it was white or that its PhotoShop on my phone. But yeah, I really should have just opened the article and read it, its pretty obvious. But as always, with this current government, anything is possible/believable these days.
View attachment 14766 Whelp, you guys are going to LOVE this one. IKIS:

"Article 107 News has learned that in a quiet Rose Garden ceremony immediately following last night’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama officially recognized US Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl as America’s “Most Deployed Soldier.” He also presented Bergdahl with long-overdue Purple Heart and Prisoner of War medals, and promoted the young noncommissioned officer to the rank of staff sergeant."

Any question now about where obama's loyalties are? As usual, this was another dark of night, and well out of sight of everyone. I have a lot of trouble trying to believe that obama is on the side of our military. In his actions, we are treated as a joke, while he downplays, and falls just short of overt support of ISIS. This is completely upside down, and we have terror walking our streets right now. Obama, the right man in the wrong place for the good of America. This just makes me sick.

Any question now about where obama's loyalties are? As usual, this was another dark of night, and well out of sight of everyone. I have a lot of trouble trying to believe that obama is on the side of our military. In his actions, we are treated as a joke, while he downplays, and falls just short of overt support of ISIS. This is completely upside down, and we have terror walking our streets right now. Obama, the right man in the wrong place for the good of America. This just makes me sick.
It was a joke, man. "Overt support of ISIS"? Come on.