Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

It was a joke, man. "Overt support of ISIS"? Come on.

Seems like I'm not the only one who fell for the "joke". I guess the history Obama has is such that what you now say is a joke, is well within the moves I believe Obama would pull. Nothing, including this being a joke, will change what I think Obama is capable of, and where our military stands whth it's CIC.

As for his ISIS support, I said," short of overt support". He sure down plays the ISIS threat, why is he doing that?

Nice little joke.
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I've read stuff by that author, definitely not worth the time bother reading any more of his nonsensical drivel. He needs an NCO to proofread it for real humor and typos.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::p:rolleyes:

Are saying that... that it wasn't funny AND witty?? :( That's going to make one Hugh Jashol very sad.
It's funny AFTER you realize it's not true.... One thing I need to point out now. IF you starting getting gay porn magazines in the mail at your office.... I had nothing to do with it....

Just what I need, more... wait what I MEANT was...
An interesting question.

On the one hand, you'd expect the President--who hugged Bergdahl's parents in the Rose Garden, and who went so far as to trade known terrorists for him--to complete the cycle and pardon the guy. POTUS elect Trump is waiting in the wings and any message he sends down the chain certainly won't help Bergdahl.

On the other hand, we just had an election that shook Democrats to the core, upsetting their preconception that most Americans thought like they did. If POTUS Obama was entertaining thoughts of a pardon, he might be reexamining those in light of the election. A pardon now might further damage his own party, one that's reeling from the Enlightenment of November 8th.
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I am actually surprised to read this today.

Judge won't throw out Bergdahl case over Trump's comments | Daily Mail Online

There is no doubt in my mind that President Trump has been sternly warned about referencing him in a future tweet. It would taken just one public comment from the President to turn this case more upside down that it already is.

Quite honestly I don't know if we will ever know that "truth" about what went down with him -

Was he really trying to escape a terrible command or was he truly looking to switch sides? Does it even matter anymore?

My understanding is that he is currently an E5 living out his days manning a desk at Bragg. Of all the places to to send him....
I am actually surprised to read this today.

Judge won't throw out Bergdahl case over Trump's comments | Daily Mail Online

There is no doubt in my mind that President Trump has been sternly warned about referencing him in a future tweet. It would taken just one public comment from the President to turn this case more upside down that it already is.

Quite honestly I don't know if we will ever know that "truth" about what went down with him -

Was he really trying to escape a terrible command or was he truly looking to switch sides? Does it even matter anymore?

My understanding is that he is currently an E5 living out his days manning a desk at Bragg. Of all the places to to send him....

Trumps statements don't necessarily mean the board will vote his way, just like Obama's praising him didn't stop the Army from charging him.
Trumps statements don't necessarily mean the board will vote his way, just like Obama's praising him didn't stop the Army from charging him.

I disagree with your disagree. While I do not recall President Obama "praising" Bergdahl, for the sake of argument I will concede that he did. That said, charging is different that convicting, and a sitting Commander-in-Chief making comments about a member of the military's potiential to be guilty or not-guilty, could certainly sway a military jury's opinion.

Mr. Fidell <Bergdahl's lawyer> had contended that Mr. Trump’s statements constituted “unlawful command influence,” which is defined in military case law as commanders or anyone with the “mantle of command authority” wrongly taking actions that influence decisions about a defendant’s fate.

From the judge:
Nance wrote: 'We have a man who eventually became President of the United States and Commander in Chief of all the armed forces making conclusive and disparaging comments, while campaigning for election, about a soldier facing potential court-martial. ... The Court recognizes the problematic potential created by these facts.'

If Trump were to tweet/state something now about Bergdahl, (as President of the United States) it could torpedo the case. I know that there was a similar situation some years ago that would act as precident but I cannot pull the circumstances up in my brain...to be continued.

To be clear, I currently fall under the "fuck him" category, but I reserve the right to raise questions about what is true vs. what Uncle Sam wants me to believe when it come to Bergdahl. Articles like this from News Week do give me a moment of pause on the topic...

Bowe Bergdahl: What the army doesn't want you to know

To add: The movie Wag the Dog played out more like a documentory to me than a movie.
From the article:

"When soldiers desert their posts in war, they typically run from the fight, toward safety. Bergdahl did the opposite, walking directly into his own kidnapping."

This is a contradictory statement and conclusion made by a Newsweek writer that's supposedly in defense of Bergdahl but asserts that he deserted his post during wartime. It doesn't matter which way you run because you could be either stupid or uninformed or treasonous. And at no time was this motherfucker ever a victim of a kidnapping. He walked into enemy hands either accidentally or intentionally...but either way he's committed a serious crime. The fact that the Taliban treated him badly means nothing because his crime of desertion led to that treatment. What would've happened if his captors had treated him nicely, welcomed him into their ranks, worked him with the kind of shrewd finesse a modern intel agency might work a defector? He might be running with them today.

Fuck him. Blindfold. Cigarette. Firing squad.
Dude what the fuck are you talking about?

Serious question - I have no idea what you are referencing.

See the post above mine, but from the article:

"When soldiers desert their posts in war, they typically run from the fight, toward safety. Bergdahl did the opposite, walking directly into his own kidnapping. Over the course of his 1,797 days in blindfolds and chains, he was starved, beaten and under the constant threat of execution. For more than three years, he lived in a 6-by-6-foot steel cage with no running water, no toilet paper and severe chronic diarrhea."

So this writer is attempting to justify his shit because the fucker didn't have a compass or friendly lines to fade into. It doesn't matter where he deserted to, it just matters that he deserted.

Article is also from 13 months ago.