Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

It's either the equivalent of "Nolo Contendere" in other words, "No Contest" or has deferred himself from entering a plea until a later date.
He wore all ten overseas stripes.
He presumed to have served honorably until proven otherwise.

IMO he royally screwed himself with the Serial Podcast. He essentially called out the Army, and Big Army didn't take kindly to it.
I don't think it's a coincidence that they went GCM vice SCM (day after?) after the podcast.
I hope they take his ass out in front of a 82nd division formation and rip all that shit off his uniform when this is all said and done.

Actually, if they were doing any marching and stripping of awards, it would be in Alaska in front of 4th Brigade 25th Infantry, as his "owning unit" is still 1st Bn 501st PIR as far as I know.
Actually, if they were doing any marching and stripping of awards, it would be in Alaska in front of 4th Brigade 25th Infantry, as his "owning unit" is still 1st Bn 501st PIR as far as I know.

Then do it in winter and strip him naked should he be convicted. What makes it even worse for him is that he got the promotion to SGT, he's an NCO before the GCM, his statements on the Serial Podcast are completely damning - he admitted to desertion, and there will be evidence put forth that other soldiers died in the search for him.

This misguided fucknut has also been played as a pawn in some hallucinogen fueled chess game run by the Executive Branch - 5 high level enemy commanders/leaders fro one fully documented poor soldier seems very unrealistic.
I may be contradicting myself, but we did owe him recovery... should have been done better.... but not so much recovery for him, but recovery for us, as he owes US for his actions.

These are my thoughts exactly. My wife and are listening to this together, and what I said to her is "he is still our shitbag."
"he is still our shitbag."

Yuppers - but we shouldn't have traded 5 high level leaders for him, especially since at least 2 of them are known to be back on the front lines of terror, and the other 3 are most probably doing the same, we just haven't seen them in video yet.

There is an indictment of unit security that has not been discussed - he should have been noted as missing/caught on his breakout before he had been gone for hours. There are multiple failures here, Bergdahl walking away is just the most blatant. Unit leadership - Officer and NCO, are culpable in this debacle.
Actually, if they were doing any marching and stripping of awards, it would be in Alaska in front of 4th Brigade 25th Infantry, as his "owning unit" is still 1st Bn 501st PIR as far as I know.

I think that would be great for his old unit, but doubt they fly his ass up there for that. He is no longer assigned there however, last unit I know of was USASOUTH at Fort Sam Houston, hints him wearing standard beret and not airborne maroon.
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Makes me want to write a novel:

Two Traitors in the Rose Garden - A story of love, stupidity and betrayal

btw, WTF is that thing under his SGT stripes? I've never seen just the rocker pinned, usually it's
the whole patch pinned over the top of the old one.
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View attachment 14766 Whelp, you guys are going to LOVE this one. IKIS:

"Article 107 News has learned that in a quiet Rose Garden ceremony immediately following last night’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama officially recognized US Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl as America’s “Most Deployed Soldier.” He also presented Bergdahl with long-overdue Purple Heart and Prisoner of War medals, and promoted the young noncommissioned officer to the rank of staff sergeant."

I hate you today...