Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Growing up I was raised on white bread, but as an adult I've come to enjoy wheat. Now, whole grain is okay except you have the "whole grain" part; I don't like to crunch my way through bread. A good black bread with butter is tasty, but I've never been a fan of rye. Wraps....those are the opposite as I'd rather have a "White" wrap than a wheat. Sourdough just sucks as far as I'm concerned, I just never enjoyed it.

With that said, I think this sandwich uses sourdough. "Sourdough: the official bread of the Bowe Bergdahl Shit Sandwich."
Growing up I was raised on white bread, but as an adult I've come to enjoy wheat. Now, whole grain is okay except you have the "whole grain" part; I don't like to crunch my way through bread. A good black bread with butter is tasty, but I've never been a fan of rye. Wraps....those are the opposite as I'd rather have a "White" wrap than a wheat. Sourdough just sucks as far as I'm concerned, I just never enjoyed it.

Does bread mean bread here or is there a hidden meaning that is really overt?
A top Army commander on Monday ordered that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl face a court-martial on charges of desertion and endangering troops stemming from his decision to leave his outpost in 2009, prompting a huge manhunt in the wilds of eastern Afghanistan and landing him in nearly five years of harsh Taliban captivity.

The decision by Gen. Robert B. Abrams, head of Army Forces Command at Fort Bragg, N.C., means that Sergeant Bergdahl, 29, faces a possible life sentence, a far more serious penalty than had been recommended by the Army’s own investigating officer, who had testified that a jail sentence would be “inappropriate.”


About time.
Not even looking for crossthread points, but the Bowe Bergdahl trade would have been one of those shitty, absolutely absurd deals that never would have occurred if we had a CINC / cabinet that had any negotiation skill.

We got a shitbird deserter in exchange for 5 top level international terrorists. Yet another in a list a thousand points long on why I'm voting for Trump if he prevails over the entrenched establishment GOP.

A shit deal like that is the outcome of only two possibilities: 1. incompetence when negotiating, or 2. complicity with terrorists.

And since we know it isn't complicity, we need to get rid of the incompetence.
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Good for Gen Abrams ordering this dickhead court martialed. No matter how it plays out, Obama has some presidential pardons at the end of his term. And I seem to remember him walking away from a Rose Garden news conference with his arms around Daddy & Mommy Taliban...
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I think Bowe allowing serial to tell his story pushed the Army into the GCM direction.
He could have kept his yap shut, pled to AWOL and been in Idaho by now.
I think Bowe allowing serial to tell his story pushed the Army into the GCM direction.
He could have kept his yap shut, pled to AWOL and been in Idaho by now.
Agreed, I think Army was waiting for this to fade away into the night. That PVT sealed his fate with talking to public media. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope they give his sorry ass life.
Looks like any plans Bergdahl may have had for making $$ from writting a book, is looking dimmer and dimmer by the minute. Have no doubt, that he was looking at this idea when he came back.
He may be ours, but he is not one of us.

He may wear SGT stripe's, but he didn't earn them, doesn't deserve the honor and respect that comes with wearing them.

He may wear an Army uniform, but he left his post and quit his unit.

He may have stupid ideas of being a super soldier, but his inability to be a good PVT and follow the most simple of tasks (general orders) got fellow soldiers killed.

If we're going to maintain any form of integrity in the issue, we need to stop insulting every NCO past and present and rip that rank off his chest. Stop allowing him to be paraded in the media as one of our best soldiers "the NCO". We need to not hide, what he did, who was hurt and killed because of his actions, how much money was wasted because he couldn't follow basic orders, and most of all we need show the American people that we are above the political correctness and political swings of our elected government. We're soldiers, we should act like it, and when one of our own doesn't, we should address it properly and quickly.

Awarding him a POW medal, back pay, promotion to the NCO ranks and allowing him to get busted smoking dope and talk to open source media, IMHO, is not in keeping with our traditions or what is expected of us as soldiers.

Should we have got him out of that Taliban hell hole, yes, he is an American citizen. Should change the punishment he deserves for what he did, absolutely not.

My $.02

ETA: @Marauder06, I'm not trying contradict your opinion or say that you're wrong with regards to him being one of our own. I was trying to offer my personal feelings on the matter, and I hope they don't seem too over the top in response. I have a real problem with how he has been handled and what he has been given/allowed.
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As an aside, I'm happy to be a part of this group, a group where civil debate and discussion occurs (sometimes heated) after which we say "good day" and carry on being friends, comrades, and acquaintances.
He may be ours, but he is not one of us.

He may wear SGT stripe's, but he didn't earn them, doesn't deserve the honor and respect that comes with wearing them.

He may wear an Army uniform, but he left his post and quit his unit.

He may have stupid ideas of being a super soldier, but his inability to be a good PVT and follow the most simple of tasks (general orders) got fellow soldiers killed.

If we're going to maintain any form of integrity in the issue, we need to stop insulting every NCO past and present and rip that rank off his chest. Stop allowing him to be paraded in the media as one of our best soldiers "the NCO". We need to not hide, what he did, who was hurt and killed because of his actions, how much money was wasted because he couldn't follow basic orders, and most of all we need show the American people that we are above the political correctness and political swings of our elected government. We're soldiers, we should act like it, and when one of our own doesn't, we should address it properly and quickly.

Awarding him a POW medal, back pay, promotion to the NCO ranks and allowing him to get busted smoking dope and talk to open source media, IMHO, is not in keeping with our traditions or what is expected of us as soldiers.

Should we have got him out of that Taliban hell hole, yes, he is an American citizen. Should change the punishment he deserves for what he did, absolutely not.

My $.02

ETA: @Marauder06, I'm not trying contradict your opinion or say that you're wrong with regards to him being one of our own. I was trying to offer my personal feelings on the matter, and I hope they don't seem too over the top in response. I have a real problem with how he has been handled and what he has been given/allowed.

It's all good brother, this article isn't my opinion and to be honest I don't agree with it. I just thought it was well written and worth discussing. Even if it was my opinion, I posted it here seeking well-formed commentary, which is what you provided.