Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Maybe, I thought General came in two flavors. Under honorable conditions and Not under honorable conditions.

Apparently General under Honorable is less than Honorable because there's not sufficient meritorious service to warrant an Honorable Discharge; and then there's an Other-Than-Honorable, OTH, for misconduct...which would be the best Bergdahl could hope for if this were not such a politically influenced exception to the UCMJ. IMV he doesn't deserve even that.
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A General discharge is bullshit, six months after discharge, it can be changed to honorable.

First and foremost, they need to take those SGT stripes off him. He didn't earn them, he doesn't deserve them, and the fact that he was caught with pot while on leave, should be sufficient enough to pull some rank.

Second, he should not be considered a POW, strip the medal and all benefits that come with it.

Third, he should receive no back pay, or if he already has, he should be required to pay it back, DFAS can do that without any legal mumbo-jumbo.

Then, do whatever they feel is "politically correct" on the legal crap. It's pretty obvious that the Army didn't value the money spent looking for him, or the lives of the honorable soldiers who died trying to find him. If they did, they would be putting this shitbird in front of a firing squad.
I do not believe this is a reflection on the Army as a whole, but instead, via the gaming of the system through trades, favors, and promises of promotion, a painful reminder of the behind the scenes politics that affect these decisions -
POTUS held a press conference with Daddy & Mommy Taliban. He traded terrorists for this dude. If Bergdahl gets jail time it means POTUS was wrong so Bergdahl will not get jail time.
I swore in to the Army last week and before we took the oath; we were briefed with an informational video with questions at the end. One of the questions was, "what is the penalty for desertion during a time of war?" I chuckled a bit when he said that it was death and always will be:D...:wall:
Anyone want to guess who got his 3rd star yesterday?

At least we know how this story will end....not that we saw this coming or anything, but now we know.

When the verdict is announced it won't last more than maybe 24 hours before it is replaced. Maybe 24 hours. Buried like Hoffa.