National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Ok. So this was the initial autopsy report by the County. And that's County not Parish or Borough, because those distinctions matter.

Now a second private autopsy was performed, and when those results were released people went APE SHIT, because that's when the death by asphyxiation from restraint was announced, which was absent from the County's record. That was one of the big sparks that caused even more uproar, because it looked like a police cover up. There was another big issue with the case I can't recall.

So, in this trial, I have no idea, but are they going to be able to use both autopsies, the defense and the prosecution??? I used to watch CSI, but I've also been watching Project Innocence and docs about junk science in court cases. I'd like to see how they determine asphyxiation medically, yet missed it on the first go round.

There aren't parishes or boroughs in Minnesota. Legally speaking 48 states divide into counties. Only Alaska has Boroughs which are the equivalent of Counties and only Louisiana has Parishes which are also the equivalent of counties. Most municipalities do not have separate ME's from the county. Minneapolis doesn't have a separate Medical Examiner and the Medical Examiner who has jurisdiction over Minneapolis is the Hennepin County ME.

There was a private autopsy done, which is where people probably went apeshit. But it's gonna get real funky if the prosecution team admits that into evidence because it is not evidence of the State.

ETA: Back to the actual riots. The Cook County DA, who failed to prosecute Jussi Smollett, Kim Foxx is refusing to prosecute any rioters. Something along the lines of the presumption of dismissal. The Chicago FOP President has previously written letters to the POTUS requesting help. This week he delivered a letter to the US Attorney for Chicago John Lausch requesting help.

Chicago looters must be prosecuted for actions, FOP president says; Catanzara appeals to feds, saying Foxx too soft on crime

The DA for Multnomah County (Portland, Ore) Mike Schmidt is basically doing the same shit and just releasing guys the next day.

Multnomah County DA will not prosecute cases where most serious charge is city ordinance violation

Charges that will be dropped include:

  • Interfering with a peace officer or parole and probation officer
  • Disorderly conduct in the second degree
  • Criminal trespass in the first and second degree
  • Escape in the third degree
  • Harassment
  • Riot (unless accompanied by a charge outside of this list)
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Are we also still prescribing Methamphetamines to patients?

Here's the Full Panel from the link @Devildoc posted. I don't get why you're being so combative. (Or maybe that's my bias, since that's been your language choice, or we're all just fucking tired)

1. Fentanyl 11ng/ml
2. Norfentanyl 5.6ng/ml
3. 4-ANP 0.65ng/ml
4. Methamphetime 19ng/ml
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/ml; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42ng/ml; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/ml
6. Cotinine Positive
7. Caffeine Positive

So in your professional opinion, especially after seeing the body cam footage would you say he was sober or high as a stunt kite?

Gonna need to a scrip for all of that.

Amphetamines are regularly prescribed to patients for a wide variety of issues, as was pointed out by others.

I already posted a link to a study that explains how the post-mortem levels of fentanyl and norfentanyl are not correlated to doses, or therapeutic levels of drug dosing. So the 11ng/ml is likely not indicative of the amount of fentanyl in the patients system at the time of his death. The levels for amphetamine were below what would be considered a therapeutic dose in medicine, so I do not believe he was actively very high on amphetamines either.

All I was bringing up was that it is extremely unlikely that Floyd OD'd on narcotics. That isn't what the medical examiner found, nor do his actions prior to his death support the claim. The levels in his system for all of the drugs apart from marijuana were low. I do doubt that he had a script for any kind of amphetamine, given his heart failure (a disease), but crazier things have happened. The other drugs all could have been prescribed or are legal (marijuana in Minnesota, Fentanyl in various doses and routes of administration, nicotine, and caffeine). I don't have access to his medical records, but I do not know if anyone does/should. Jumping to conclusions about a persons actions, intentions or background based off a metabolite study that shows things that I can find in the screenings of some of my best friends who are former SOF (medical marijuana, amphetamines (adderal) and opiates, all or most of which is prescribed by the VA) is not a good way to go about this discussion in my personal opinion.

My professional opinion is that he did not look like a patient OD'ing. That was the claim I addressed. I'm not going to speculate on whether he was subjectively acting high as a stunt kite, but the levels in his system do not indicate that he objectively was as high as a stunt kite.

The medical examiner did rule this a homicide did they not? Are they in the habit of ruling overdoses homicides?
So legally, the only autopsy that matters is the County one? Is that set in legal precedent or what? Because somebody's got to be wrong. They both explicitly state different outcomes.
There is only one official autopsy which notes the cause of death and is denoted on the death certificate. In this case, that is the Hennepin County Medical Examiner.

People can always request to have an independent autopsy at their own expense. They may do so for a variety of reasons. In this case, I expect it was primarily done for a couple reasons:
1. The family and their attorney didn't like the MEs results; they likely want someone who will provide a result that aligns with their views.
2. They want to use their own results in a civil suit that is sure to follow

Bottom line: There is only ONE official autopsy. It's really the only one that really matters and is likely the only one to be entered as evidence.
There aren't parishes or boroughs in Minnesota. Legally speaking 48 states divide into counties. Only Alaska has Boroughs which are the equivalent of Counties and only Louisiana has Parishes which are also the equivalent of counties. Most municipalities do not have separate ME's from the county. Minneapolis doesn't have a separate Medical Examiner and the Medical Examiner who has jurisdiction over Minneapolis is the Hennepin County ME.

The county, parish, borough distinction was a joke because we were arguing over the meaning of words earlier.
Billboard in Boise. Note the burning police car, rainbow buildings, Marxist message, and raised fist iconography. Floyd is a smokescreen and a distraction. The board still discussing/arguing the fine details of a dead deviant goes to show how well this smokescreen has worked.

Food for thought.
View attachment 35277

It gets better:

"By Any Means Necessary": New Boise billboard touts Black, Brown contributions to America

"I think the message is very provocative but isn’t so extreme as to provoke violence.”

A burning police car...but doesn't provoke violence?
isn't she a member of the Socialist Alternative party?

EDIT: just looked her up, yep...first socialist voted into office. " She was the first socialist to win a citywide election in Seattle since Anna Louise Strong was elected to the school board in 1916. "

I had no idea how screwed up the NW is.

Kidding. It’s fine except for about 4 blocks and some organized protests. And everyone there- even the ‘woke’ ones- aren’t what the MSM (remember, kids, Faux News and One Atrocious News Network are still MSM) would lead you to believe.

And the seafood hasn’t skipped a beat!
ETA- all y’all talking about how the news has people brainwashed and are posting news about where you aren’t? Have a beer and some oysters. Put your phone down. It’ll do wonders.