National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

"Everyone is an American" is a nice statement and all, but it's an apathetic viewpoint. The same type used to dismiss behaviors one doesn't care to deal with and understand as in " Boys will be boys" etc.

If someone is in any kind of prestigious group, and they express themselves as desiring to literally see the group fail, be taken over by the enemy, actively sabotaging the efforts of the group etc.. What then? Are they still going to be members of that group?
"Everyone is an American" is a nice statement and all, but it's an apathetic viewpoint. The same type used to dismiss behaviors one doesn't care to deal with and understand as in " Boys will be boys" etc.
No, it’s a factually correct statement derived from face to face interactions with the people you’re talking about, in the context of this conversation. You didn’t bother to ask for clarification, so don’t apply motive or intent to my statements. Where did I say I was dismissive of the behavior? Did you just make that up?

I’ve been to Seattle and Portland in the last month (and TX, AZ, NV, in the last 2), “dealing with those viewpoints” personally and directly. Lots of viewpoints. That’s not what ‘apathetic’ means.

Apathy would be, “Bitching about people I don’t know behind my keyboard, forming very hard line opinions about things I have no idea about, but not actually caring enough to experience it personally or have a discussion about it.” Apathy would be, “Those people don’t agree with me, they’re lost- oh well, guess I’ll just post about it.“ That’s apathetic.

As for the rest of your comment? I’ll be honest, I find it to be silly. I’ll just ask bluntly- do you actually think one can act in such a manner as to denounce their American citizenship? Do you not view... whoever you’re talking about (I’m not that sure) as Americans?

My position is, “The MSM is lying to you.The people you’re talking about are Americans. Have you talked to them? You should. America is worth it. Stop believing the shit you see on the news at face value and get out there and talk. Engage instead of bitching from your phone.”

I won’t bother assuming your position, I’ll ask outright- what exactly are you saying?
I’ve been to Seattle and Portland in the last month (and TX, AZ, NV, in the last 2), “dealing with those viewpoints” personally and directly. Lots of viewpoints. That’s not what ‘apathetic’ means.
Yeah, "those People" threw bricks through a friend's window. So, no, the only thing they need is time in a cell. Those people descended on a grocery store just to throw bricks through windows. Those people descended on a mall to just loot the place. These are all things that happened here in my state.

These people don't want any justice. The people who want justice are minuscule minority, they're then used by others to attack our institutions. Then the leaders of these cities and states are failing to prosecute them. So, those people? They clearly do not care to have a conversation. They only care about compliance.
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Yeah, "those People" threw bricks through a friend's window. So, no, the only thing they need is time in a cell. Those people descended on a grocery store just to throw bricks through windows. Those people descended on a mall to just loot the place. These are all things that happened here in my state.

These people don't want any justice. The people who want justice are minuscule minority, they're then used by others to attack our institutions. Then the leaders of these cities and states are failing to prosecute them. So, those people? They clearly do not care to have a conversation. They only care about compliance.
Time in a cell for destruction of personal property? Ok, if that’s the punishment that fits the crime. And it’s a shame that is happening, and unacceptable.

I’m not touching your second paragraph- if I wanted to bemoan thousands of people and characterize everyone protesting/looting/rioting/whatever as one thing or another, I would have engaged in this thread earlier. Plenty of that happening already. Your opinion is yours to have, and however you got to your conclusion, I’m sure you thought it out.

It absolutely is dismissive explicitly stated or not.

"...They are Americans. Stupid, misguided, young, brainwashed, misled, exploited. Whatever...." <<Dissmissive.

and insulting to them for whatever they stand for as Right and treat them like some "little brother/sister brat" that, "Just hasn't grown up yet", which is exactly what you've said.

As for my position, being American isn't just being born here, but if that's your take :thumbsup:

P.S. I know this is wildly inappropriate but said in jest: Perhaps your viewpoint is so compassionate because of the deep internal guilt you feel for being so extraordinarily privileged being able to venture and discuss with all the proles
I’m not touching your second paragraph-
I will...

These people don't want any justice. The people who want justice are minuscule minority, they're then used by others to attack our institutions. Then the leaders of these cities and states are failing to prosecute them. So, those people? They clearly do not care to have a conversation. They only care about compliance.

@ThunderHorse , forgive the cliche but who are "these people"? I mean are you literally saying that the THOUSANDS of peaceful protesters also don't want justice? (whatever that justice looks like to them?)

Because come on, you've followed this a LOT closer than I have an even I can tell you about the countless documented cases where looting/damage were starting by white people, with the explicit purpose of getting minorities into the action and having them being the ones seen on TV.

You (and many in these threads) are acting as if a few are talking for the many. With that paradigm you should believe that the KKK speaks for all whites.
P.S. I know this is wildly inappropriate but said in jest: Perhaps your viewpoint is so compassionate because of the deep internal guilt you feel for being so extraordinarily privileged being able to venture and discuss with all the proles
Then why say it, especially in these tension filled threads? There is many a truth said in jest, so either own it or don't say it in such a passive aggressive way.
It absolutely is dismissive explicitly stated or not.

"...They are Americans. Stupid, misguided, young, brainwashed, misled, exploited. Whatever...." <<Dissmissive.

and insulting to them for whatever they stand for as Right and treat them like some "little brother/sister brat" that, "Just hasn't grown up yet", which is exactly what you've said.

As for my position, being American isn't just being born here, but if that's your take :thumbsup:

P.S. I know this is wildly inappropriate but said in jest: Perhaps your viewpoint is so compassionate because of the deep internal guilt you feel for being so extraordinarily privileged being able to venture and discuss with all the proles
Man, lots to get through. Just as a baseline, let’s try this. You don’t hold any authority here- not like, on the board, but in the conversation, in the exact same way that neither do I.

So, when you tell me what I mean when I say things without asking me what I mean, that doesn’t really lead to a conversation, right? It’s fine if you think that’s a dismissive statement; it’s also fine that you took it completely out of context and applied it here. Please, go back to that post, read it in context, and be honest- does it belong here? As much as I said, “No matter what your opinion of those people are, they’re still Americans.” I’m not absolving behavior and I’ve been lock-tight for months on all of this. If people commit a crime, punish them individually to the full extent of the law. If you so choose to handle your own business, be prepared to reap those consequences. as an aside, it helps if you just quote the post, and make the parts you’re referring to bold. Just cleaner.

You have no clue what I think “makes” an American. Because- you guessed it- you didn’t ask. And it’s ok if you disagree with the constitution, the Supreme Court, natural law... you pay that academic penalty, not me. My statement stands.

We- you- are talking about Americans with these problems. You’re bringing no fixes (other than to write off a couple thousand people?), and at the moment it seems like you’re disagreeing with me because I’m not against actually talking to these Americans and ending this travesty that is our year.

As for your privilege statement- my viewpoint is probably a little more compassionate because I’m older, seen more of the world, and have different experiences than you.

I think this conversation has probably run its course for the open board. I’ll be happy to engage via PM.

Then why say it, especially in these tension filled threads? There is many a truth said in jest, so either own it or don't say it in such a passive aggressive way.
Meh. All good, I got the message.
Then why say it, especially in these tension filled threads? There is many a truth said in jest, so either own it or don't say it in such a passive aggressive way.

If truth is found there, I didn't put it there. What is passive agressive about it?
@ThunderHorse , forgive the cliche but who are "these people"? I mean are you literally saying that the THOUSANDS of peaceful protesters also don't want justice? (whatever that justice looks like to them?)

Because come on, you've followed this a LOT closer than I have an even I can tell you about the countless documented cases where looting/damage were starting by white people, with the explicit purpose of getting minorities into the action and having them being the ones seen on TV.

You (and many in these threads) are acting as if a few are talking for the many. With that paradigm you should believe that the KKK speaks for all whites.

I have been very specific with a lot of my posts. The "people" I'm specifically talking about are in Portland, Seattle, and Chicago. I have posted numerous links to videos and articles that show the tactics of the Black Bloc. One was specifically a briefing from Chicago PD that showed the specific TTPs of Antifa using a fake BLM march to hide what they were doing, but it was all caught via CPD drones.

There may be peaceful protests for whatever people may desire during the day. But it has been clear, that in both Seattle and Portland the only people out "protesting" at night are Black Bloc agitators that are assaulting private citizens as well as law enforcement. The leaders of these fair cities are choosing to de-fund their police departments instead of prosecuting the rioters and looters. It took a security guard getting shot at a mall in Chicago before Lightfoot called out the Rioters and said it wouldn't stand. After Weeks and weeks of riots in Chicago.

Mr Floyd will get his justice. The former officer involved is detained and will face trial. But the evidence that continues to surface shows a complicated and tragic situation.

Will the multiple people shot in the CHAZ get justice? Nope. Will the multiple people killed by their fellow "protester" in Louisville get Justice? No.

Since this unrest has gone on, the only thing that isn't surprising is the lack of deadly force used by the various LEAs across the country. That has been extremely consistent.

So how is my friend who is a child advocacy attorney supposed to get justice? How are all of these people whom have been harmed supposed to get justice? They aren't supposed to be speedbumps in whatever this is.
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If truth is found there, I didn't put it there. What is passive agressive about it?
This is a meta comment. So, did you mean that my privilege affected my statement? Its passive aggressive because you started out by saying, ‘this might be in jest’.

Do you see how that allows you to say what you want- that my compassion comes from my privilege- while still giving yourself an out about just sort of joking?

How about this-“I’m totally joking here, but you look way out of your depth. It’s like you’re just copy/pasting Fox News headlines and not speaking to the people you’re addressing. Lolol!”

If there’s truth there, I didn’t put it there. Fair?
Somebody will have to explain to me why this is okay.

This is Democrat John Thompson, campaigning for State House in district 67A in St. Paul, protesting at the the home of Minneapolis Police Officer Bob Kroll, who is the head of the MPD Police union.

I missed memo that Officer Kroll was a “klansman and Grand Wizard” as candidate Thompson accuses him of being.

NSFW -Language

Somebody will have to explain to me why this is okay.

This is Democrat John Thompson, campaigning for State House in district 67A in St. Paul, protesting at the the home of Minneapolis Police Officer Bob Kroll, who is the head of the MPD Police union.

I missed memo that Officer Kroll was a “klansman and Grand Wizard” as candidate Thompson accuses him of being.

NSFW -Language

I would assume the addresses of police officers is confidential information? So that means he was doxed. And I'd also arrest every single one of those dudes.
This is a meta comment. So, did you mean that my privilege affected my statement? Its passive aggressive because you started out by saying, ‘this might be in jest’.

Do you see how that allows you to say what you want- that my compassion comes from my privilege- while still giving yourself an out about just sort of joking?

How about this-“I’m totally joking here, but you look way out of your depth. It’s like you’re just copy/pasting Fox News headlines and not speaking to the people you’re addressing. Lolol!”

If there’s truth there, I didn’t put it there. Fair?

You and I need to just take my damn Gear360 and go for a drive in the Blazer through Portland and Seattle... to show where stupidity happens, and how much non-stupidity there is in contrast.

Then we can go do the Gambler next year.
My position is, “The MSM is lying to you.The people you’re talking about are Americans. Have you talked to them? You should. America is worth it. Stop believing the shit you see on the news at face value and get out there and talk. Engage instead of bitching from your phone.”

I value your opinion and I wish you'd contribute more often, but I understand why.

A simple first step for America is to stop calling MSM outlets 'news outlets'. If we could all see them for the Mainstream Propaganda Outlets (MPOs) they are, we might be able to get somewhere. The problem with that is it requires people to form their own opinions, rather than being told how to feel/act. The only difference between our media and China's, is they're not state owned, but they are party owned. Not too far off if you think about it.

I'm cynical these days.
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I'll reply to this in PM as suggested.

Second part I'll address it openly as you did.

This is a meta comment. So, did you mean that my privilege affected my statement? Its passive aggressive because you started out by saying, ‘this might be in jest’.

I'm not going to explain the joke.

I didn't say it "might" be a joke, I said it is. You know, because I don't know you and you're not my friend. Prefacing the joke was important for you and everyone to know I was not saying it seriously; And like now, I didn't want to have to explain that it was a joke after the fact. "But why would you joke with someone you don't know... etc?" Because it breaks the ice? tf. And apparently the boards are filled with tension.

Do you see how that allows you to say what you want- that my compassion comes from my privilege- while still giving yourself an out about just sort of joking?

I understand what you're saying, but absolutely disagree. If this isn't the place for jokes fine; say that. It's another to insinuate that I'm genuinely trying to dig at you.

How about this-“I’m totally joking here, but you look way out of your depth. It’s like you’re just copy/pasting Fox News headlines and not speaking to the people you’re addressing. Lolol!”

Is this how you took it? If you feel my answers mimic the " THE MOST BEST NUMBER 1 HIGHEST RATED NEWS NETWORK IN THE COUNTRY---

Just kidding.

If there’s truth there, I didn’t put it there. Fair?

The truth currently is that you're obviously not someone to joke with.
Meanwhile, not in other news. Has anyone seen Mille Weaver's documentary yet? It's definitely more conspiracy theory stuff with elements of truth all layered in to create more distrust of the government. Does it help her story though that she was arrested leading up to the release though? I'd link it, but youtube apparently already took it down. Flat earth and ancient alien videos good, big military industrial complex trying to derail trump conspiracy apparently bad. I'll link of i see it again

Here's my favorite Canadian lawyer talking about the arrest.

Edit to clarify the common thread is the prorests and defund the policy movements are part of the overall IO campaign against the American people. So honestly my post would have sat in probably four different threads.
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