National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I disliked a few comments, here are my reasons:

1) Disturbing the Peace. Sadly, I doubt this dude will ever be charged despite acting like a petulant child. I personally hope they go after him regardless.

2) The purpose of this event was to cause fear and stir up anger/division, even invoking the imagery of the KKK to do so. Interestingly, one of the above articles mentioned how officer Kroll claimed Keith Ellison was supportive (I'm generalizing) of Islamic Terrorists and therefore was basically a terrorist. Hypothetically, if Kroll rounded up some of his buddies, found Ellison's residence, and started blasting expletives and threats over a loud speaker at Ellison's home, I'd 100% oppose Kroll and his entourage because that is not productive in the slightest.

3) Doxxing. Kroll was doxxed and that should concern everyone here. Between 1993-2016, 8 abortion providers were doxxed and murdered. Rabid vigilantism is on the uptick in our country. Those 8 providers were murdered because the murderers saw themselves as the "good guys" killing "baby killers." Today, we see people dressed in black fighting against "Nazi's." Every person on this forum believes that Nazism is an abomination and should be strongly opposed. Leaders lead, this forum is filled with examples of great leaders and a variety of funny/tragic stories of bad leaders. In both cases, leaders have a lot of power and with great power comes great responsibility. Make no mistake, this dude is a bad leader but he is leading those people down a path of hatred. It only takes one person with a strong "justified" desire to kill can wreak havoc, just ask the families of those 8 providers if you don't believe me.

To conclude, a guy screaming obscenities and using incendiary terms is NOT something to be praised, it is something we should condemn across the board. This guys goal was not to unify or heal a division with the intent to move the needle forward, it was pure vitriol dispensed for some unknown reason (probably for personal political branding with the intent of achieving personal power and prestige). What this man did was selfish and probably caused more harm for his own cause than he realizes. The fact that this guy may become a public figure some day is terrifying.
Thought I'd post these here to shed light on the logic behind these faux 'organizers' and their tactics. Doxxing and showing up at peoples homes, to threaten and intimidate them, is straight out of Saul Alinky's 'Rules For Radical's' playbook.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist."

Food for thought.
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@Devildoc Which they'll respond with the tactic below. Doesn't help our MSM is shilling for the useful idiots and pinko commies activists. The heads organizing these idiots want bloodshed and violence, it's how they get their concessions.

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog."
@Devildoc Which they'll respond with the tactic below. Doesn't help our MSM is shilling for the useful idiots and pinko commies activists. The heads organizing these idiots want bloodshed and violence, it's how they get their concessions.

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog."
I think we are too deep into "the revolution" to think people will swing to the left when an Antifa member gets capped.
Portland driver being killed will encourage others to just start driving through crowds as stopping means a vandalized car, beating, or getting shot.

I am still waiting for all the self proclaimed 3%'rs to start pushing back.
Portland driver being killed will encourage others to just start driving through crowds...

I’m not going to post a link to it, but the driver you referenced, named Adam Haner, is alive according to the GoFundMe that his brother Brian started for him. It’s up to $56k now.
Self defense is something different though isn't it? As long as the opinion of the average person are still being sought after, proactive violence is distasteful either direction.
I think we are too deep into "the revolution" to think people will swing to the left when an Antifa member gets capped.
Portland driver being killed will encourage others to just start driving through crowds as stopping means a vandalized car, beating, or getting shot.

I am still waiting for all the self proclaimed 3%'rs to start pushing back.
It's not about the people, but the narrative. Look at it like this. One could theoretically create skull mounds outta useful idiots, but without killing/capturing the leaders of this farce nothing will change. To their leadership, the Antifa/Black Bloc/useful idiots are at best disposable pawns; at worst they're future liabilities.

In a way, the visible leaders of this movement are only middle men. The people pulling the strings behind the show, the ones funding and who will lead the negotiations, are the ones who stand to benefit from this chaos. To halt this, one would have to target/disappear the people pulling strings from behind closed doors and make examples of the middlemen (visible leaders).

Add on: Another thing to consider is that the true leadership behind these idiots is international, this ain't just home grown idiocy.
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I am still waiting for all the self proclaimed 3%'rs to start pushing back.

They never will. A large number of these "Patriotic" militias/groups only care when its the sort of Government overreach they don't agree with.

I doubt many(if any) threepers will push back, because they fully support the government doing all the work right now, because it's happening to ANTIFA and not them.
They never will. A large number of these "Patriotic" militias/groups only care when its the sort of Government overreach they don't agree with.

I doubt many(if any) threepers will push back, because they fully support the government doing all the work right now, because it's happening to ANTIFA and not them.
There is literally nothing happening to Antifa. They're being caught and then released with charges dropped. What @DA SWO is talking about is the 3% pushing back directly against Antifa for committing crimes on common persons.

Self defense is something different though isn't it? As long as the opinion of the average person are still being sought after, proactive violence is distasteful either direction.

Antifa seems to be quite proactive with their violence atm.