National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

True...I lack the local knowledge....but they are two separate entities....we have had the same issues with the Dallas County DA and the municipalities involved in the county.

But, can you provide some basic understanding from an outsiders view? Seriously
True...I lack the local knowledge....but they are two separate entities....we have had the same issues with the Dallas County DA and the municipalities involved in the county.

But, can you provide some basic understanding from an outsiders view? Seriously

Check out The Outfit by Gus Russo. It is about the Chicago mafia, but covers Chicago politics as it relates to the mob and how it is all intertwined.
I watched the video. Hard to tell exactly what was going on, but he wasn't "walking away," as the headline claims. He was armed, unresponsive to commands, no effect from less-lethal employment, and he was entering an occupied gas station with people going in and out. IMO this was probably a good shoot.
True...I lack the local knowledge....but they are two separate entities....we have had the same issues with the Dallas County DA and the municipalities involved in the county.

But, can you provide some basic understanding from an outsiders view? Seriously
The Daily (now Obama Political Machine) runs the city, and the city runs the county.
The DA didn't get the job without the local crime, err, party boss's approval.
Likewise the mayor could call the boss up and pass the word that they need to start prosecuting some of their supporters.
I think the Democrats have lost control of these people and inadvertently "released the Krackin"
Michele O may think the riots end with a Biden Victory, I don't. Not without a heavy crackdown.
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So, in Portland yesterday, government officials and buildings were warned that there was a ‘credible threat of a VBIED possibly being used against federal buildings’.

What in the literal fuck. Over.

All federal buildings close in Portland amid threat
Brother, if anything I'm surprised it has taken this long for that stuff to occur. We're fast approaching 100 days of unrest in Portland, the City is not allowing their law enforcement to do their job, the DA drops charges every morning, and the State is not doing anything either. This could have been whittled down if through pure attrition by holding all of the people were arrested for serious crimes and prosecuting them. There has been an abdication of sense and responsibility in Portland and Salem. The Black Bloc continues to evolve their TTPs on a daily basis. I truly have to wonder how the local elections will turn out with the Black Bloc going into neighborhoods and harassing people.

Last night PPB Precinct North was attacked.

In neighborhoods-not the only video, there's plenty out there.

These are not protests, these are organized riots and have been since the beginning. The Black Bloc infrastructure specifically in Oregon and Portland is significant. In 2017 the mayor allowed an "Autonomous Zone" to exist for five months.
It's not the first VBIED unfortunately. My company had to tow one a month or so ago after the bomb squad disarmed it. We had to store it at the indoor lit for a bit until PPB had room at theirs. Fun times...

My professional opinion: "Well, goddamn. Can't say I'm surprised, except that they're smart enough not to blow themselves up in the process. That surprises me."
My professional opinion: "Well, goddamn. Can't say I'm surprised, except that they're smart enough not to blow themselves up in the process. That surprises me."
Like but also hate. Can we get a button for that? Like, a “This makes me murderously angry but also good point” button or nah. Someone get a useless ass red tag on this.

Oh. It me. Yeeet.
For those of you not in on the "joke": Every. Single. Day we were briefed about a VBIED threat from....?

A white Toyota Corolla.

No lie, I am dead serious, every DAY there was a VBIED threat from Intel about a white Toyota Corolla.

Ponder how stupid that sounds. It happened. Every. DAY. Bagram? Kabul? Kandahar? Jalalabad? Boondocks in N2K? MeS? Name the location, the city, the mud hut, the wadi, the mountain, terrain feature, b-hut...hell, anything and a white Toyota Corolla was a VBIED threat.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
For those of you not in on the "joke": Every. Single. Day we were briefed about a VBIED threat from....?

A white Toyota Corolla.

No lie, I am dead serious, every DAY there was a VBIED threat from Intel about a white Toyota Corolla.

Ponder how stupid that sounds. It happened. Every. DAY. Bagram? Kabul? Kandahar? Jalalabad? Boondocks in N2K? MeS? Name the location, the city, the mud hut, the wadi, the mountain, terrain feature, b-hut...hell, anything and a white Toyota Corolla was a VBIED threat.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

We have intel that says the Taliban are planning an attack against U.S./Coalition Forces in the next 48 hours in Afghanistan. Stay alert and keep your heads on a swivel boys.

Sorry, but don't clutter my email.
After 88 days of violence in Portland, there was a "proud boys" demonstration in Portland that was of course immediately "counter protested" by BLM/Black Bloc. Of course the Proud boys came "strapped" with industrial pepper spray dispensers and so did the Black Bloc. So you have two fringe groups "demonstrating" against each other.

The Blue checks on twitter of course only going after the "proud boys".

My guess is that the "proud boys" are actually Oregonians from outlaying counties that are done with this invasion and wanted to demonstrate peaceably. Of course they came with stuff to protect themselves after learning from the Black Bloc's tactics.

However, of course at night the "Proud Boys" left and the Black Bloc burned various things. So earlier if you go through this, Antifa put a teddy bear in the guillotine, and here they put two American flags in the Guillotine and then set the flags on fire.

^this is exactly what happens when the government fails to enforce its own laws and protect its own citizens.

One of the fundamental aspects of "sovereignty" and governmental legitimacy is a monopoly on violence. When the government creates a "violence vacuum," someone is ALWAYS going to fill it. As we saw in Iraq, if the government doesn't keep people from carrying out violence against each other, and if it doesn't protect the rights of its citizens against violent attack ("counter-protest" in this case being akin to "political violence to keep other citizens from exercising their rights), the people under attack are going to turn to people and organizations who will fill those roles.

That is VERY dangerous for a society and a government.