National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I just can’t wait for like, 4-6 years to pass. Know why?

We are going to look back at this time and the most drastic and dramatic reactors to all this will be ridiculed. Guess who won’t be on that list? The president and this administration.

In my opinion, they did what they could with the information they had. At the very least, they were willing to change tack. People forget that we are figuring the science out on this as we go. The first videos we saw were of Chinese people collapsing and convulsing in the street.

The number one ding seems to be, “Trump didn’t sound empathetic enough.” Eat dicks, everyone that needs empathy from their government. They’re there to provide a service. Do you expect empathy at the post office? STFU.

I'd like to think that everyone will look back on this and realize that it really was a shit sandwich with no drink to wash it down with, but if anything the past two administrations have taught me is that people have short term memory and even shorter foresight. Also people need to get over him being not "being empathetic enough", there is a time and a place for tack and at the time facing as you said what appeared to be the next black death tack and empathy can go the fuck out of the window hard decisions need to be made and choices faced.
While some of the things discussed here have not happened yet, where's the line where one should see it as a legitimate threat?

Ya'll are talking about vbied threats now.
Until it personally touches them, I think people prefer to ignore the Marxist monster causing mayhem in our streets. Some will ignore it out of spite due to worldview's being challenged. Others will perpetuate the lie of safety/civility out of hope, desperation, indoctrination, or just not being cognizant of the situation. It's crazy when you look at it from afar.

On the other hand, people are finally facing some uncomfortable truths about the human condition. Hopefully the population comes to term with these truths faster than the Kulak and Holodomor peasants.
Well, my city has boarded up and closed down again. Most places closed at 1600 and EVERYONE is putting boards up on windows again.

I'm sick of this shit.

Hell, we had an 11yr old girl shot and killed last week, and no riots. Now. Kenosha happens and we get riots.

Where's that asteroid?
Per the bolded. The Kenosha incident fits a false narrative, while the 11 year old doesn't. If you were conducting a disinformation campaign, which event is more useful when your aim is destabilization?

The above is an ugly thought exercise, but sometimes it pays to think like your adversaries.
I keep saying we should just put the Police on paid leave for a week for a quick social experiment.

Let's go 90 days, see how many plumbers, electricians, and HVAC guys show up when your shit dont work and there is true mayhem in the streets. When the Firemen cant getinto neighborhoods because of the mobs and whole communities burn to the ground. Lets truly see how that all works out, especially when dudes like me get turned loose on the rank and file shitbags of this world.

Yeah, that sound absolutely awesome to me.👍
Fuck the rats. Place cops on paid leave. When a violent event happens, EMS will not enter an unsecured scene. Postal services will not enter fuck hole hoods. My grandfather was right, many years ago. Let em kill each other off. My comment has nothing to do with race, rather, acting the scoundrel fool covers all humans of all kinds....

That's my opinion that will not change.
Let's go 90 days, see how many plumbers, electricians, and HVAC guys show up when your shit dont work and there is true mayhem in the streets. When the Firemen cant getinto neighborhoods because of the mobs and whole communities burn to the ground. Lets truly see how that all works out, especially when dudes like me get turned loose on the rank and file shitbags of this world.

Yeah, that sound absolutely awesome to me.👍

The downhill consequences are enormous, and they have no idea.
Was listening to the scanner and watching the live streams before going to bed. Blocks of businesses were on fire. Even saw a stream of a convoy of looters who tried storming a residential neighborhood, before being shot at by homeowners standing their ground.

(Look at the video and way the vehicles are staged. These people are convoying as they do their arson/looting/intimidation BS.)

(Business owner being assaulted.)
Was listening to the scanner and watching the live streams before going to bed. Blocks of businesses were on fire. Even saw a stream of a convoy of looters who tried storming a residential neighborhood, before being shot at by homeowners standing their ground.

(Look at the video and way the vehicles are staged. These people are convoying as they do their arson/looting/intimidation BS.)

(Business owner being assaulted.)

Being intimately familiar with these areas, they are not residential; they do have residential buildings mixed in.
Was listening to the scanner and watching the live streams before going to bed. Blocks of businesses were on fire. Even saw a stream of a convoy of looters who tried storming a residential neighborhood, before being shot at by homeowners standing their ground.

(Look at the video and way the vehicles are staged. These people are convoying as they do their arson/looting/intimidation BS.)

(Business owner being assaulted.)
1:48 mark a female says where's my gun at?
This could have gone south in a hurry if they returned fire. Was the homeowner ready to go from warning to kill shots?
1:48 mark a female says where's my gun at?
This could have gone south in a hurry if they returned fire. Was the homeowner ready to go from warning to kill shots?
Very true, I remember watching that male/female making that quip and thinking they're scum. On the other hand, the homeowner and any people inside could've been murdered/burned alive by those useful idiots.