National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

It's too soon to know for sure, but there are a lot of unanswered questions about whether or not the teenager broke the law in the events leading up to the shooting, such as walking around with a loaded weapon, transporting possibly loaded firearms across state lines, etc. which may inevitably complicate the case when it is brought to court.

If the rumors are true, he also is a strong supporter of Blue Lives Matter and a previous police cadet (the youth organization), which may lend some understanding as to his motives.

Also, to help complete the tale and for transparency's sake), here is an interesting video from someone who interviewed him that night before the shooting:

Incendiary throw at fleeing kid @3:26. Kids gets cornered in parking lot with aggressor. Shots are fired, kid flees, and we're already acquainted with what happens after.

I'm guessing the aggressors in the earlier part of the video tried setting up an ambush, peeled the kid off from his group, and had things go poorly for them. Ambush tactics by the black bloc on small/separated groups are actually pretty common if you decide to peruse youtube for examples.
There are two major obstacles preventing people on the Right from responding to these riots in force.

(a) The selective application of justice which is now the status quo in Democrat controlled areas. The local Democrat authorities have shown that they will allow Leftist mobs to assault people and property with impunity -- however, you can rest assured that any Right-wing efforts to protect innocent lives, homes, and businesses will be prosecuted to the nth degree.

(b) The corporations that control media -- both mainstream and social -- are firmly in the Left's pocket, and will do everything in their power to paint any & all Right-wing resistance as racist, fascist, white supremacist, etc.

The Right has the advantage in terms of arms and people who are actually willing and able to do battle. Antifa and BLM are good at mobilizing and ganging up on people, but as we've seen they fold immediately when met with actual armed resistance. None of them would be worth a shit in a real combat scenario against a determined foe.

Still, I'm still not sure attempting to take serious counter-revolutionary action under these conditions is a wise move. If you look at public opinion measures that aren't contaminated by Leftist propaganda, the more Antifa and BLM commit violence against people and property, the more the average person's opinion of them sours. I think there is a clearly identifiable reduction in support for BLM now compared to say, a couple days after the George Floyd incident.

It's hurting the Biden campaign and helping Trump, and regardless of his flaws, getting Trump re-elected is something absolutely necessary at this point. I wasn't concerned about an Obama victory back in 2008, but look at how far things have fallen in just 12 years. What we are seeing now is the fruit of the seeds that were planted back then. I don't want to know what seeds a Biden Harris presidency will plant, or what the US will look like after they bloom.
Edit: Find it weird it's in a different state
Not too weird. Kenosha sits right on the border of IL. The kid's town of Antioch just happens to be on the IL side of the border a few miles away. To me the fleeing charge is silly; it's a short and reasonable drive. He simply went home.

I'm sure they'll try to make an example out of him. I don't know how the law reads in WI but a murder one charge seems overreacting based on what little I've seen so far.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the young man turn himself into the police? If so then they had to have released him in order for him to drive him. thus it seems no charges. If I turned myself in and wasn't put in jail then I guess I would have felt it was okay to go home.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the young man turn himself into the police? If so then they had to have released him in order for him to drive him. thus it seems no charges. If I turned myself in and wasn't put in jail then I guess I would have felt it was okay to go home.
He fled the state
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the young man turn himself into the police? If so then they had to have released him in order for him to drive him. thus it seems no charges. If I turned myself in and wasn't put in jail then I guess I would have felt it was okay to go home.

From what I've seen in various videos and coverage: immediately following the shootings, he approached a police line with several vehicles, hands raised. Them seem to have ignored him, and just driven past.

What I suspect: I think he tried to turn himself in, was ignored, then went home. Cops may not have realized he was the shooter (there were multiple armed folks in the videos), and were more concerned with providing care to the wounded, then he fell through the cracks.
lol, seems legit! ;)

lessons learned from domestic US politics, I suppose...

Air Force Deploys Next Generation Drone: The MQ “Peaceful Protester”

WASHINGTON, D.C. (PENTAGON) — Department of Defense (DoD) officials announced Tuesday that the U.S. Air Force is deploying its next generation of drones to the Middle East and elsewhere. Dubbed “The Peaceful Protester,” the new weapon system represents the culmination of months of research, testing and analysis
