National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

10-11ish years ago my 6ft 2 step-brother was being a dick to my special needs sister and my mother slapped the shit out of him. He called the cops, they came up and saw the difference in height and weight and left. Told his punk ass to behave.

I went through OBC with a Mississippi State trooper, he tells a story about how he caught a 16 yr old drinking under a bridge with some old guys, knew the kid's dad and called him up. His dad rolls up to take custody and asks: you gonna arrest me if I hit my kid? He goes naw, can I watch? And the kid gets a beating.

Telling you, that the lack of corporal punishment is having a severe effect on society today. The lack of fearing your parents etc.
Telling you, that the lack of corporal punishment is having a severe effect on society today. The lack of fearing your parents etc.
Disagree because:

I was raised with daily beatings and was a shit kid.

My wife (now ex) and I made the decision early on to not hit our kids. (Twin boys).

At a young age they learned to say “yes dad, no dad” and to respect their mom like they did their own lives.

They are now 17 and still treat their mom with crazy respect and rarely, if ever, talk back to us. Daily, even in public they tell us that they love us.

I don’t want my kids to fear physical violence from me, I want them to fear disappointing me.

To add -

Too many parents wait until kids are near teenage before implementing rules and expectations. That’s way too late. It needs to begin when they are toddlers. Something my ex used to fight me about, but now she thanks me.
There's a balance that is very blurred between discipline and beating the hell out of a kid that I think gets lost on some people either through actually believing that they need to beat the fuck out of their child. Or on the flipside clutching pearls when a child is spanked.

I should clarify that I'm not fearful of my mom or even of my dad from physical violence. But that the consequences of my actions instilled a respect in me and taught me not to be a little shit.

Too many parents wait until kids are near teenage before implementing rules and expectations. That’s way too late. It needs to begin when they are toddlers. Something my ex used to fight me about, but now she thanks me.

I think this is really the crux of it, I've had friends that were allowed to do whatever they wanted until their teens and it was too late at that point while others who had strong and firm parents from the age of being a toddler stay in the lines.

But then again I don't have a kid so what do I know, if people are interested in discussing further I can make a thread otherwise I've derailed this one enough already.
Disagree because:

I was raised with daily beatings and was a shit kid.

My wife (now ex) and I made the decision early on to not hit our kids. (Twin boys).

At a young age they learned to say “yes dad, no dad” and to respect their mom like they did their own lives.

They are now 17 and still treat their mom with crazy respect and rarely, if ever, talk back to us. Daily, even in public they tell us that they love us.

I don’t want my kids to fear physical violence from me, I want them to fear disappointing me.

To add -

Too many parents wait until kids are near teenage before implementing rules and expectations. That’s way too late. It needs to begin when they are toddlers. Something my ex used to fight me about, but now she thanks me.

Ok, so this takes a bit more nuance to explain my position and time. My better half works in family law for the state. She puts the scumbags (moms, dads, rapists, everything) on the registry. We often talk about where the line is between abuse and discipline.

I honestly don't think physical beatings of a 16 year old do anything. Beating the snot out of a four year old with a switch (Adrian Peterson, hello) is abuse, not discipline. A short spanking is discipline. But corporal punishment when utilized needs to be a part of a holistic system with children. Can't just hit your child because you feel like it etc. So yes, most of this revolves around setting down rules and expectations when children are toddlers.

My Step-brother was raised by his mother until he was 12 and my step-sister was 9. They had zero rules and expectations. And their mom also ran a meth lab in their house. Their mom was a PoS. We had rules in our house, and he rebelled for the 8 years he lived with us. My step-sister rebelled some, mostly taking the cue from her brother but not nearly as much. My Step-brother hasn't held down a job for longer than 3 months at a time and is somewhere in Oregon where he can't seem to pay his phone bill.
My dad died when I was 8. My mom was a shitty mom for a bunch of reasons, but she did her best. She did not know how to use 'escalating' discipline: for just about any fraction minor or major, she'd beat the shit out of me. Shoe, belt, switch, hand, whatever. And always out of anger.

I have spanked my kids, but not a lot, and never when I was angry. I would always let the anger dissipate, tell my kids why I was spanking, help them see the errors of their ways, said a prayer with them, did the deed and moved on. I have also engaged in other forms of discipline which would get parents in trouble: washing mouth out with soap and burpees the most egregious.

I think you can spank/hit without turning it into a beat-down. Or not (hit, at all). I think there is more than one way to skin that cat.
Not sure how I woke up in an alternate universe this morning, but the NY Times has assembled a timeline of the kid with the rifle, and it doesn’t feed him to Ramsay Bolton’s dogs. From what they’ve found, and I know it’s still early on in the investigation, it’s not as clear cut as folks want for this murder charge.

Here’s a Twitter thread from a reporter with the NYT that sums it up if you’ve used up your free articles for the month.
Not sure how I woke up in an alternate universe this morning, but the NY Times has assembled a timeline of the kid with the rifle, and it doesn’t feed him to Ramsay Bolton’s dogs. From what they’ve found, and I know it’s still early on in the investigation, it’s not as clear cut as folks want for this murder charge.

Here’s a Twitter thread from a reporter with the NYT that sums it up if you’ve used up your free articles for the month.
I quit reading their timeline when they failed to mention dipshit #1 tossed some sort of incendiary at the kid with the rifle while he chased him. It's clear in every video of the incident and very material to the case. So, just more shitty reporting...
Back to the violence and false narratives. Why does the mainstream media continue to lie? Seriously.

Once again, this is not the narrative we were fed. Remember, Blake showed up to break up an argument between two women? How does this fit that story and why isn't the media correcting it?!

1. It will almost always take more time for official police/dispatch 'narratives' to be disseminated to the media due to both reporting and official announcement regulations held by the LE department in question.
2. The media reporting and citing the claims of eyewitnesses does not constitute 'lying'.
3. No seems to have made any claims as to what got Blake there in the first place. Multiple eyewitnesses reported what they saw occurring prior to the arrival of police. You've added your own unsupported premise (why he showed up) to the 'narrative'and then taken exception to it based on the assumption you inserted.
4. What Blake did to prompt his girlfriend's 911 call and what people said they saw him doing prior to police arrival are neither necessarily the same thing nor mutually exclusive, absent more information showing otherwise.
I quit reading their timeline when they failed to mention dipshit #1 tossed some sort of incendiary at the kid with the rifle while he chased him. It's clear in every video of the incident and very material to the case. So, just more shitty reporting...

I'll have to find it again. but the footage of the "molotov" is faked according to a few things I've seen.

Seems like it's a plastic bag with something in it for weight, but cant tell from the video what it is.
I quit reading their timeline when they failed to mention dipshit #1 tossed some sort of incendiary at the kid with the rifle while he chased him. It's clear in every video of the incident and very material to the case. So, just more shitty reporting...

He threw "something" at him. I doubt it was an incendiary or brick. It looked more like a plastic bag with some trash in it the way it floated to the ground. However...there is an angle that shows that the guy chasing him had closed to hand to hand range and was reaching for the kid before he was shot. I still haven't seen a single angle that shows that the kid was the one that actually pulled the trigger. They'll have a tough time prosecuting that one if the kid didn't/doesn't confess to it.
He threw "something" at him. I doubt it was an incendiary or brick. It looked more like a plastic bag with some trash in it the way it floated to the ground. However...there is an angle that shows that the guy chasing him had closed to hand to hand range and was reaching for the kid before he was shot. I still haven't seen a single angle that shows that the kid was the one that actually pulled the trigger. They'll have a tough time prosecuting that one if the kid didn't/doesn't confess to it.
When the bag is thrown it looks like there is something in it and it appears to make a clink sound when it lands. It also seems to me like the rioter kicks at the bag briefly for some reason. The times also pointed out people were firing their handguns before Kyle fired off his rifle
So was it an argument between two of his girlfriend's? One he had
1. It will almost always take more time for official police/dispatch 'narratives' to be disseminated to the media due to both reporting and official announcement regulations held by the LE department in question.
2. The media reporting and citing the claims of eyewitnesses does not constitute 'lying'.
3. No seems to have made any claims as to what got Blake there in the first place. Multiple eyewitnesses reported what they saw occurring prior to the arrival of police. You've added your own unsupported premise (why he showed up) to the 'narrative'and then taken exception to it based on the assumption you inserted.
4. What Blake did to prompt his girlfriend's 911 call and what people said they saw him doing prior to police arrival are neither necessarily the same thing nor mutually exclusive, absent more information showing otherwise.
You can put "girlfriend" in quotes. Not sure why anyone doesn't break up with, but chooses a "break" with someone who allegedly committed an act of sexual violence against them.
He threw "something" at him. I doubt it was an incendiary or brick. It looked more like a plastic bag with some trash in it the way it floated to the ground. However...there is an angle that shows that the guy chasing him had closed to hand to hand range and was reaching for the kid before he was shot. I still haven't seen a single angle that shows that the kid was the one that actually pulled the trigger. They'll have a tough time prosecuting that one if the kid didn't/doesn't confess to it.
Regarding the incendiary, I've seen similar setups in live stream videos being used to burn down garbage trucks. Spitballing, I think these turds are making crude incendiary devices using trash bags, accelerates, and/or magnesium.

Two night ago I saw an idiot put a burning trash bag and assorted junk on a garbage truck and thought, "Wow, that's retarded. It aint gonna burn". Later in the live stream the truck caught flame where the idiots had piled that shit on. Considering the Popular Mechanics article on DIY thermite, to tear down statutes, I think anything is possible.
Back to the violence and false narratives. Why does the mainstream media continue to lie? Seriously.

Once again, this is not the narrative we were fed. Remember, Blake showed up to break up an argument between two women? How does this fit that story and why isn't the media correcting it?!

"This is not the narrative we were fed". Think about that statement for a second. "This is not the narrative we were fed". Let me repeat that ~~~~> ?

""""Police scanner audio in Kenosha indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home & wasn’t supposed to be, & had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant for domestic abuse & a felony sex crime. #KenoshaRiots #BlackLivesMatter""""

False Narratives? I suppose that depends on which false narrative you choose to believe and not do due diligence.

Which MSM is lying? Seriously?

Police Scanner Audio is ALWAYS FOIA ( Freedom of Information Act) and WILL be made public soon.

Correct What? We WILL find out who's lying. It just takes time and Patience.

Blake's arrest warrant for domestic abuse & a felony sex crime are by now common knowledge and do come in to play when he was told to stop and obey commands from the Law Enforcement Officers. He chose not to Comply. He was Tased to no effect. Was he reaching for the knife in the front seat? We don't know. Time and patience for the investigation to come to completion is all we can do at this point.

This could be an eyeopening moment for you B, but I'm sure I'll get smoked for posting this. The media Lies to you every single day. You have to change the channel and research. Don't just watch one channel or use one media source for your news. Maybe you don't anyway, but MSM are treacherous leeches and they lurk everywhere.
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