National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Shit just got real in Kenosha. From what I’ve seen, a guy supporting the BLM protestors tries to stop some rioters, ends up getting attacked and shoots the attacker in the head. Crowd attempts to swarm him so he flees and trips. While on the ground, someone tries to attack him with a possible skateboard, attacker gets shot in chest and drops. Third person comes up and tries to take gun from him while supposedly drawing their own pistol and gets their bicep blown off after man on ground clears a weapon malfunction and gets off a round. Guy gets himself up, assesses the situation and then proceeds to peacefully turn himself in to the police.

Video is pretty supportive of it all being self defense. One, possibly two dead, with a third missing a bicep.
The Kenosha incident fits a false narrative, while the 11 year old doesn't. If you were conducting a disinformation campaign, which event is more useful when your aim is destabilization?

Almost not a week goes by where we have at least one kid of color (usually black; sometimes Hispanic) shot as collateral damage in a drive-by, gang fight, etc. And not a peep is said except by the grieving family on the 6 and 11 news. Same can be said for when local LEOs shoot a person-not-black.
I saw another pic with this guy with a TQ. That is barely a TQ-worthy injury; I am not panicking over him losing his life if I did not apply one.

No way, Doc. If TCCC taught me anything, it was MARCH. And that dude needs a TQ, nose hose, needle D, a saline lock, and then to be bundled up like a gas station burrito in a shiny thermal blanket.
No way, Doc. If TCCC taught me anything, it was MARCH. And that dude needs a TQ, nose hose, needle D, a saline lock, and then to be bundled up like a gas station burrito in a shiny thermal blanket.

A skills lab? I am down for that....

A great instructor once said, "everyone needs the practice, but not every patient needs the skills....."
A skills lab? I am down for that....

A great instructor once said, "everyone needs the practice, but not every patient needs the skills....."

That's a good shot of him armed, not so much of the wound actually. He's got a nice 3rd of his AC area munched off due to close range 5.56. Lemme see if I can screenshot the yum yum bit.

Here ya go.

close range 556 vs antifa.jpg
I've said it before but imagine being so morally and ethically bankrupt and brainwashed so as to go out and incite violence on unrelated neighborhoods and businesses as the result of criminal actions by someone you don't know. It's insane. The false narratives around this stuff that are being pushed by the media and some officials just fuels the fire.

I don't if anyone has been on the street as a kid where gangs ruled the land. But this is just like the movies and real life. As @Marauder06 pointed out in another thread. The only way government works is when the government has a monopoly on violence. So we're seeing the power vacuum now be filled by rioters and concerned citizens whom I'm sure will no doubt get a label at III%ers or Proud Boys by the left.
Almost not a week goes by where we have at least one kid of color (usually black; sometimes Hispanic) shot as collateral damage in a drive-by, gang fight, etc. And not a peep is said except by the grieving family on the 6 and 11 news. Same can be said for when local LEOs shoot a person-not-black.
This! The useful idiots and social justice retards, going on about their made up grievances, are usually tone deaf to this sort of thing cause they never lived it. The brain dead masses will bitch and moan over a dead scumbag, while the community and people victimized by these savages are ignored.

I know I sound crazy, but to me this all seems like a set up.